Association of British Scrabble Players

Being Doing Feeling > Actions > Thinking & Knowing

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

acknow (Obs.) to recognize, acknowledge.
advertent attentive, heedful.
advertently (Adv.) ADVERTENT, attentive, heedful.
agnise (Arch.) to acknowledge, confess.
agnize (Arch.) to acknowledge or confess.
agnoiology the science or study of ignorance.
apperceive to perceive an inner meaning.
apprehend to understand.
attuition a mental operation intermediate between sensation and perception.
attuitional relating to attuition.
beknown (Arch.) known.
believe to accept as true or real.
believer one that believes.
believingly (Adv.) BELIEVING.
bethink to call to mind.
brainchild a product of one's creative imagination.
brainfart an idea expressed without much previous thought.
brainstorm a sudden disturbance of the mind; a sudden inspiration; (verb) to conduct a thinking session.
brainwave a sudden good idea.
brood offspring, children, or family (verb) to ponder gloomily
broodily (Adv.) BROODY, tending to brood.
broody tending to brood.
cann to direct the steering of.
cerebrate to engage in intellectual activity.
coconscious aware of the same things, or various things within the same consciousness; (noun) mental processes in a subsidiary stream, apart from the main stream of consciousness.
coconsciousness the state of being coconscious.
cogitable capable of being thought, conceivable.
cogitate to engage in continuous thought.
cogitatingly (Adv.) COGITATING, engaging in continuous thought.
cogitation the act of cogitating.
cogitative having the power of thinking; given to cogitating.
cogitatively (Adv.) COGITATIVE.
cogitativeness the state of being cogitative.
cogitator one who cogitates.
cognisable that can be cognised.
cognisably (Adv.) COGNISABLE, that can be cognised.
cognisance knowledge or notice, judicial or private.
cognisant aware, conscious of.
cognise to become conscious of.
cogniser one who cognises.
cognition the process of knowing, including sensation, perception, etc, distinguished from emotion and conation.
cognitional relating to cognition.
cognitive capable of, or pertaining to, cognition.
cognitively (Adv.) COGNITIVE, capable of, or pertaining to, cognition.
cognitivity the state of being cognitive.
cognizable that can be cognized.
cognizably (Adv.) COGNIZABLE, capable of being known or apprehended.
cognizance knowledge or notice, judicial or private.
cognizant having cognizance or knowledge.
cognize to become conscious of.
cognizer one who cognizes.
cognoscible cognizable, knowable.
comprehend to grasp the meaning of.
con a trick or swindle; (verb) to trick, or persuade by dishonest means (verb, obs.) to know, study
conceit a fanciful idea (verb) to form a conception of
conceitful (Spenser) thoughtful.
conceive to understand.
conceiver one who conceives.
concept a general idea.
conceptualizer one who conceptualizes.
conjectural of the nature of or involving or based on conjecture.
conjecturally (Adv.) CONJECTURAL, of the nature of or involving or based on conjecture.
conjecture to arrive at or deduce by conjecture.
conjecturer one who conjectures.
conne (Spenser) to know.
connotive signifying or suggesting ideas.
connotively (Adv.) CONNOTIVE.
conscient conscious.
consciousness the state of being conscious.
consider to think about.
considerer one who considers.
considering in view of; seeing that.
consideringly with consideration.
contemplant one who contemplates.
contemplate to view or consider with continued attention.
contemplative related to contemplation (noun) a person who practices contemplation
contemplatively (Adv.) CONTEMPLATIVE, related to contemplation.
conversant having knowledge or experience.
deductive of thought or reasoning, concerned with deduction from premises or accepted principles.
deductively (Adv.) DEDUCTIVE, (of thought or reasoning) concerned with deduction from premises or accepted principles.
deem to hold as an opinion.
deliberate intentional (verb) to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully
deliberately (Adv.) DELIBERATE, intentional.
devise to form in the mind.
dianoetic capable of or relating to thought.
disbelief lack of belief.
discursus (Lat.) argumentation; ratiocination; discursive reasoning.
disinformation deliberate leakage of misleading information.
dunno (Coll.) don't know.
elucubrate to work out or express by studious effort; to burn the midnight oil.
envisage to form a mental image of.
epistemic (Greek) relating to knowledge or the act of knowing.
epistemically (Adv.) EPISTEMIC, relating to knowledge or act of knowing.
excogitate to discover by thinking out or reasoning.
excogitation the act of excogitating.
excogitative relating to excogitation.
excogitator one who excogitates.
faith belief; (verb, Shakesp.) to believe.
fantasise to visualize in fantasy.
fantasize to visualize in fantasy.
fantasy fancy, imagination; (verb) to imagine.
foreknow to know beforehand.
foreknowable that can be known in advance.
foreknowingly (Adv.) FOREKNOWING.
foreknowledge knowledge in advance of the event.
forethink to think beforehand.
forethinker one who forethinks.
forethought a thinking or planning out in advance.
forethoughtful full of forethought.
forthink to repent; to regret.
gen (Coll.) general information; (verb) to gain information.
gesse (Spenser) to guess.
ghesse (Spenser) to guess.
grok (Coll.) to understand thoroughly and intuitively.
guess a judgement made or opinion formed without sufficient evidence or grounds; (verb) to form an opinion from little or no evidence.
guessable that can be guessed.
guesser one who guesses.
guessingly (Adv.) GUESSING.
guesstimate to estimate without adequate information.
guesswork the process or result of guessing.
guestimate to make an intuitive estimate.
hypothesiser one who hypothesises.
hypothesizer one who hypothesizes.
idea a conception existing in the mind.
ideaed provided with ideas.
idealess destitute of an idea.
ideate to form an idea or conception of.
ideation the power of the mind to form images.
idee (Fr.) an idea.
ignorance lack of knowledge.
imaginal characterized by imagination; imaginative.
imagination the act of imagining.
imagine to form a mental picture of.
imaginer one who imagines.
impart to make known.
imperseverant lacking the power to perceive.
incogitability the quality of being incogitable, unthinkable.
incogitable unthinkable.
incogitancy the state of being incogitant, thoughtless.
incogitant thoughtless; inconsiderate.
incognisant unaware.
info (Short for) information.
inform to supply with information.
informedly (Adv.) INFORMED.
informingly (Adv.) INFORMING.
inopinate (Obs.) not thought of; unexpected.
inscience want of knowledge; ignorance.
inscient (Arch.) having little or no knowledge.
insight a perception of the inner nature of things.
intellect the mind, in reference to its rational powers.
intellection an exercise of the intellect.
intuit to know intuitively.
intuitable that can be intuited.
intuition the power of the mind by which it immediately perceives the truth of things without reasoning or analysis.
intuitional relating to an intuition.
intuitionally (Adv.) INTUITIONAL, relating to an intuition.
intuitive possessing intuition.
inwit (Arch.) inward sense; mind.
jalouse (Scots) to suspect or surmise.
jealouse (Scots) to suspect or surmise.
ken knowledge; (verb) to know.
kenner one who kens, knows.
kithe (Arch.) to make known.
know to have a true understanding of.
knowable able to be known.
knowableness the state of being knowable.
knower one who knows.
knowhow the faculty of knowing what to do.
knowing knowledge (adj.) crafty
knowingly (Adv.) KNOWING.
knowingness the state of being knowing.
knowledgable possessing knowledge.
knowledgably (Adv.) KNOWLEDGABLE, possessing knowledge.
knowledge what is known; (verb, obs.) to acknowledge.
knowledgeable possessing knowledge.
kon (Spenser) to know.
kydst (Spenser) (thou) knows.
kythe (Arch.) to make known.
lowdown the real information about something.
lucubration laborious or intensive study.
meditate to ponder.
meditation a discourse intended to express its author's reflections or to guide others in contemplation.
meditative marked by or conducive to meditation.
meditatively (Adv.) MEDITATIVE, marked by or conducive to meditation.
meditator one who meditates.
memorise to commit to memory.
memoriser one who memorises.
memoriter (Lat.) from memory; by heart.
memorizable able to be memorised.
memorize to commit to memory.
memorizer one who memorizes.
memory the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.
mentalese the picturing of concepts in the mind without words.
mentality mind, a way of thinking.
mentation thought, cogitation.
meseemed (Arch.) it seemed to me.
meseemeth (Arch.) it seems to me.
meseems (Arch.) it seems to me.
metacognition thinking about one's own mental processes.
methink (Arch.) I think.
methinketh (Obs.) I think.
methinks (Arch.) I think.
mind intellect; that which thinks, knows, feels, and wills; (verb) to heed.
mindful heedful.
mindfully (Adv.) MINDFUL, heedful.
mindfulness the state of being mindful.
mindscape the range of a person's thoughts and imagination, regarded as a panorama.
mindset the ideas and attitudes with which a person approaches a situation, esp when these are seen as being difficult to alter.
misconster (Obs.) to misconstrue.
misken not to know.
misknowledge erroneous knowledge.
misthink to think wrongly.
misthought a wrong thought.
mnemonic relating to memory (noun) a device to assist the memory
mnemonical assisting in memory.
mnemonically (Adv.) MNEMONICAL, assisting in memory.
moniment (Obs.) something to preserve memory; a reminder; a monument.
multiscience knowledge of many things.
muse to ponder.
museful meditative; thoughtfully silent.
musefully (Adv.) MUSEFUL, meditative.
muser one who muses.
musingly (Adv.) MUSING, reflective.
nescience lack of knowledge or awareness; the doctrine that nothing is truly knowable.
nescient lacking or disclaiming knowledge; (noun) one who lacks knowledge.
noematical of or pertaining to the understanding.
noematically (Adv.) NOEMATICAL, of or pertaining to the understanding.
noesis (Greek) intellectual activity; purely intellectual perception.
noetic of or relating to the mind or intellect.
nonthinking not thinking; (noun) an act of not thinking or choosing not to think, an absence of thought.
notion a concept in the mind of the various marks or qualities of an object.
notional of the nature of a notion.
notionally (Adv.) NOTIONAL, of the nature of a notion.
omniscience the state of being omniscient.
omniscient knowing everything.
omnisciently (Adv.) OMNISCIENT, knowing everything.
opinable capable of being thought.
opine to hold or state as an opinion.
opinion a conclusion or judgment one holds to be true.
outthink to surpass in thinking.
overthink to think to excess.
pensee (Fr.) a thought.
pensive engaged in deep thought.
pensively (Adv.) PENSIVE, thoughtful.
pensiveness the state of being pensive.
percept that which is perceived.
perpend to weigh in the mind; to consider carefully.
phantasy fancy, imagination; (verb) to imagine.
ponder to consider something deeply and thoroughly.
ponderate to consider; to ponder.
ponderer one who ponders.
ponderingly (Adv.) PONDERING.
precognise to know beforehand.
precognize to know beforehand.
precognosce to take a precognition of.
preconceit (Obs.) a preconceived notion; (verb) to preconceive; to form a preconceit or preconception.
preconceive to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience.
prescience knowledge of events before they take place.
prescient having foresight or knowledge of what will happen.
presciently (Adv.) PRESCIENT, having foresight or knowledge of what will happen.
prescious prescient.
ratiocinate to reason or argue logically.
ratiocination the process of exact thinking, reasoning.
ratiocinative relating to ratiocination, the process of exact thinking.
ratiocinator one who ratiocinates, reasons or argues logically.
ratiocinatory relating to ratiocination, the process of exact thinking.
realise to understand.
reasoner one who reasons.
recognise to identify as known or experienced before.
recognize to identify as known or experienced before.
reconsider to consider again esp with a view to changing or reversing.
remember to bring to mind again.
remindful tending to remind.
reremind to remind again.
rethink to think again.
rethinker one who rethinks.
rethinking the act of thinking again.
retrocognition extrasensory knowledge of past events.
rote using mechanical memory, repetition or performance without regard to the meaning > ROTELY; (verb) to fix by rote.
ruminator one who ruminates.
sabe to know, to understand.
savey commonsense; (verb) to know, to understand.
savvey (Coll.) commonsense; (verb) to know, to understand.
savvily (Adv.) SAVVY, shrewd.
savvy shrewd, knowing (noun) commonsense; (verb) to know, to understand
scienced (Arch.) versed, learned.
scienter deliberately, knowingly.
sciolous knowing superficially or imperfectly.
scrutable discoverable by scrutiny, inquiry, or critical examination.
secern to discriminate or distinguish.
sensibilia (Lat.) whatever may be perceived by the senses.
sepad to suppose, uphold.
sovenance (Arch.) remembrance; memory.
speculate to make conjectures or guesses.
studiedly (Adv.) STUDIED, in a deliberate manner.
study a room devoted to study; (verb) to apply the mind to the acquisition of knowledge.
subidea an inferior idea.
suppose to assume to be true.
supposedly (Adv.) SUPPOSED.
supposer one who supposes.
supposition something that is supposed.
suppositiously (Adv.) SUPPOSITIOUS, conjectural; hypothetical.
surmisal the act of surmising.
surmise a conjecture; (verb) to infer with little evidence.
surmiser one who surmises.
telepath one who claims to be able to read other minds; (verb) to read minds.
telepathic related to telepathy.
telepathically (Adv.) TELEPATHIC.
telepathy mind-reading.
tenet (Lat.) a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true.
theoric (Shakesp.) theory, speculation.
theorique (Shakesp.) theory, speculation.
think to formulate in the mind (noun) a spell of thinking, a thought.
thinkable capable of being thought.
thinkableness the state of being thinkable.
thinkably (Adv.) THINKABLE, capable of being thought.
thinker one that thinks.
thinking an opinion or judgment.
thinkingly (Adv.) THINKING.
thinkingness the state of being thinking.
thoughtcast a mode of thought.
thoughted having thoughts.
thoughten (Shakesp.) firm in belief, assured.
thoughtful absorbed in thought.
thoughtfully (Adv.) THOUGHTFUL, absorbed in thought.
thoughtfulness the state of being thoughtful.
thoughtless insufficiently alert.
thoughtlessly (Adv.) THOUGHTLESS, insufficiently alert.
thoughtlessness the state of being thoughtless.
thoughtway a way of thinking that is characteristic of a particular group or culture.
trow a kind of small barge; a troll; (verb, arch.) to believe.
unacquaint to deprive (a person) of awareness or acquaintance.
unbeknown unknown; (adv.) without the knowledge of, unobserved by.
unbeknownst unknown; (adv.) without the knowledge of, unobserved by.
unbelief lack of belief.
understand to grasp the meaning of.
understandable capable of being understood.
understandably (Adv.) UNDERSTANDABLE, capable of being understood.
understander one who understands.
unforeknown not foreknown.
uninforming not informing.
unkenned unknown, strange.
unknowable that cannot be known (noun) something that cannot be known
unknowableness the state of being unknowable.
unknowably (Adv.) UNKNOWABLE, that cannot be known.
unknowing ignorant, unaware (noun) a state of not knowing
unknowingly (Adv.) UNKNOWING.
unknowingness the state of being unknowing.
unknownness the state of being unknown.
unthink to take back something thought.
unthinkable that cannot be thought.
unthinkableness the state of being unthinkable.
unthinkably (Adv.) UNTHINKABLE, that cannot be thought.
unthinkingly (Adv.) UNTHINKING.
unweeting (Arch.) unwitting.
unweetingly (Adv.) UNWEETING, unwitting.
unwist (Arch.) not known; unknown.
visualiser one who visualises.
visualization the formation of mental visual images.
visualizer one who visualizes.
volve (Obs.) to turn over and over; to ponder.
wate (Scots) 3rd pers. of wit, to know.
ween (Arch.) to think; to imagine.
weet wet (verb, arch.) to know
weete (Obs.) to know.
weeten (Spenser) to know.
weetingly (Adv.) WEETING, knowing.
weetless (Obs.) unknowing.
wis a sham archaic word for to know.
wist (Arch.) to know.
wit intelligence; humour (verb) to know
wittingly (Adv.) WITTING, knowing.
wonder to have a feeling of curiosity or doubt.
wonderer one who wonders.
wonderingly (Adv.) WONDERING.
wost (Arch.) 2nd pers. sing. of wit, to know.
wot (Arch.) to know.
wottest (Arch.) (2nd pers. sing.) WIT, to know.