Association of British Scrabble Players

Being Doing Feeling > Actions > Scatching

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

clapperclaw (Arch.) to claw or scratch.
clat (Scots) something scraped together, a lump; (verb) to scratch, scrape.
claut (Scots) something scraped together, a lump; (verb) to scratch, scrape.
cloye (Shakesp.) perhaps to claw.
rasure the act of scraping.
razure the act of scraping.
rit (Scots) a scratch, a slit; (verb) to score or scratch.
ritt (Scots) a scratch, a slit; (verb) to score or scratch.
scrab (Dial.) to scratch.
scram to scratch with claws or nails.
scramb (Dial.) to scratch with claws or nails.
scrat to scratch.
scratch a thin shallow cut (verb) to make a thin, shallow cut or mark on
scratchily (Adv.) SCRATCHY, causing scratches.
scratching the act of scratching.
scratchingly (Adv.) SCRATCHING.
scratchy causing scratches.
scrattle in West Country dialect, to keep scratching.
scrawb to scrape with or as with claws.
scrawm (Dial.) to scratch.
scrawp (Dial.) to scratch the skin to relieve itching.
scrimp scanty (verb) to scratch and save
scrob to scrape with or as with claws.
skrimp to scratch and save.