Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
contemn | to despise or scorn. |
contempt | the feeling of one who views something as mean, vile, or worthless. |
contemptible | worthy of contempt. |
contemptuous | manifesting contempt. |
contemptuously | (Adv.) CONTEMPTUOUS, manifesting contempt. |
contumelious | haughtily insolent. |
contumeliously | (Adv.) CONTUMELIOUS, haughtily insolent. |
contumely | contemptuous or insulting treatment arising from arrogance. |
daine | (Shakesp.) to deign. |
deign | to lower oneself to do something. |
despicable | worthy of being despised. |
despicableness | the state of being despicable. |
despicably | (Adv.) DESPICABLE, worthy of being despised. |
despisable | despicable; contemptible. |
despiser | one who despises. |
despite | in spite of; (noun) a looking down with contempt; (verb, obs) to treat with contempt. |
disdain | scorn; (verb) to scorn. |
disdainful | full of or expressing disdain. |
disdainfully | (Adv.) DISDAINFUL, full of or expressing disdain. |
disdainfulness | the state of being disdainful. |
fico | (Shakesp.) a fig, a gesture of contempt. |
figo | (Shakesp.) a fig, a gesture of contempt. |
fleerer | one who fleers. |
flout | to treat eg a law with contemptuous disregard. |
floutingly | (Adv.) FLOUTING. |
indignance | (Arch.) indignation, contempt. |
indignify | (Arch.) to treat insultingly. |
lightly | in a light way; (verb) to slight or make light of. |
mesprise | (Spenser) scorn, slighting. |
mesprize | (Spenser) scorn, slighting. |
misesteem | to lack esteem for; to disrespect. |
misprise | to scorn, slight, undervalue; to be mistaken. |
misprize | to scorn, slight, undervalue; to be mistaken. |
narquois | (Fr.) mocking; malicious. |
opprobrious | expressing contemptuous reproach; bringing disgrace. |
opprobriously | (Adv.) OPPROBRIOUS, expressing contemptuous reproach; bringing disgrace. |
opprobrium | something that brings disgrace; infamy, contempt. |
outscorn | (Shakesp.) to face out with scorn. |
phooey | an exclamation of contempt, scorn etc. |
razz | (Sl.) a raspberry; (verb) to blow a raspberry. |
scorn | contempt; (verb) to treat or regard with contempt. |
scorner | one who scorns. |
sdaine | (Obs.) to disdain. |
sdayn | (Obs.) to disdain. |
sdeign | (Obs.) to disdain. |
sdeigne | (Obs.) to disdain. |
sdeignfull | (Obs.) disdainful. |
sdeignfully | (Adv.) SDEIGNFULL, disdainful. |
sdein | (Obs.) to disdain. |
slighting | contemptuous. |
slightingly | (Adv.) SLIGHTING. |
sneerful | given to sneering. |
sneeringly | (Adv.) SNEERING. |
sneery | given to sneering. |
snickery | tending to snicker. |
sniffish | haughty. |
sniffishly | (Adv.) SNIFFISH, haughty. |
sniffishness | the state of being sniffish, haughty. |
snoot | (Coll.) the nose (verb) to regard contemptuously |
snub | a check, a rebuke (verb) to treat with contempt or neglect |
snubbe | (Arch.) a snub. |
snubbiness | the quality of being snubby, inclined to snub or check. |
snubbingly | (Adv.) SNUBBING. |
snubbish | inclined to snub or check. |
snubby | inclined to snub or check. |
spurn | to reject with contempt. |
spurner | one who spurns. |
supercilious | haughtily contemptuous. |
superciliously | (Adv.) SUPERCILIOUS, haughtily contemptuous. |
toploftical | high and mighty; haughty. |
toploftily | (Adv.) TOPLOFTY, high and mighty. |
toploftiness | the state of being toplofty, high and mighty. |
toplofty | high and mighty, haughty. |
tossily | (Adv.) TOSSY, tossing the head, as in scorn or pride. |
tossy | tossing the head, as in scorn or pride. |
vilipend | (Lat.) to treat as of small worth; to contemn, disparage. |
vilipender | one who vilipends, treats with contempt. |