Association of British Scrabble Players

Study > 4-letter Words

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

faan (Pt.) FAA, to fall.
faas (3rd.) FAA, to fall.
fabs (Pl.) FAB, fabrication.
face To oppose or meet defiantly > FACES, FACING, FACED.
fact Something known with certainty > FACTS.
fade To lose color or brightness > FADES, FADING, FADED.
fado (Port.) a type of Portugese folk-song or dance > FADOS. [Port. fado, fate].
fads (Pl.) FAD, a craze.
fady Wearing away, fading > FADIER, FADIEST.
faff (Coll.) to mess around > FAFFS, FAFFING, FAFFED.
fags (3rd.) FAG, to work, or be worked, hard.
fahs (Pl.) FAH, a musical note.
faik (Scots) to abate; to excuse > FAIKS, FAIKING, FAIKED.
fail To be unsuccessful in an attempt > FAILS, FAILING, FAILED.
fain Happy; inclined; pleased > FAINER, FAINEST; FAINLY; (verb) (Spenser) to feign > FAINS, FAINING, FAINED. Also FAINE, FAYNE
fair Just; pleasant to look at > FAIRER, FAIREST; FAIRLY; (verb) to make fair > FAIRS, FAIRING, FAIRED.
faix (Dial.) faith!
fake To contrive and present as genuine > FAKES, FAKING, FAKED.
fall To descend under the force of gravity > FALLS, FALLING, FELL, FALLEN.
falx (Lat.) the sickle-shaped fold of the dura mater on the midline of the brain between the cerebral hemispheres > FALCES. [L. falx, sickle].
fame (Verb) to report, make famous > FAMES, FAMING, FAMED.
fand (Obs.) to try or attempt > FANDS, FANDING, FANDED.
fane A temple > FANES.
fang (Shakesp.) to seize in the teeth > FANGS, FANGING, FANGED. Also PHANG.
fank (Scots) a coil, tangle; an enclosure for sheep > FANKS.
fano A liturgical cape worn by the Pope when celebrating a solemn pontifical mass > FANOS. Also FANUM, FANON.
fans (3rd.) FAN, to cool, as with a fan.
fard To paint, as the face or cheeks > FARDS, FARDING, FARDED.
fare To get along > FARES, FARING, FARED.
farl (Scots) the quarter of a round cake of flour or oatmeal > FARLS. Also FARLE, FARTHEL.
farm To manage and cultivate as a farm (a tract of land devoted to agriculture) > FARMS, FARMING, FARMED.
faro A card game > FAROS.
fars (3rd.) FAR, to remove to a distance.
fart To expel gas through the anus -- usually considered vulgar > FARTS, FARTING, FARTED.
fash (Scots) to vex, to annoy, to trouble > FASHES, FASHING, FASHED.
fast Speedy > FASTER, FASTEST; (verb) to go without food > FASTS, FASTING, FASTED.
fate To destine > FATES, FATING, FATED.
fats (3rd.) FAT, to make or grow fat.
faun (In Roman legend) a rural deity represented as a man with a goat's ears, horns, tail, and hind legs > FAUNS.
faur (Scots) far > FAURER, FAUREST.
faut (Scots) to fault > FAUTS, FAUTING, FAUTED.
faux (Fr.) fake, as in faux naif > falsely simple or naive, feigning artlessness.
fava (Ital.) a broad bean > FAVAS.
fave (Sl.) favourite > FAVER, FAVEST.
fawn (Verb) to ingratiate oneself with > FAWNS, FAWNING, FAWNED.
faws (Pl.) FAW, a gypsy.
fays (3rd.) FAY, to clean out a ditch.
feal Faithful; loyal; (verb) to conceal > FEALS, FEALING, FEALED.
fear To be afraid of > FEARS, FEARING, FEARED.
feat (Verb) to fashion, make neat > FEATS, FEATED, FEATING; (adj.) neat, deft > FEATER, FEATEST; FEATLY.
feck (Scots) quantity, number; (verb) to fuck > FECKS, FECKING, FECKED.
feds (Pl.) FED, short for federal agent.
feeb (US) a weak ineffectual person, a wimp > FEEBS.
feed To give food to > FEEDS, FEEDING, FED.
feel To perceive through the sense of touch > FEELS, FEELING, FELT.
feen (Irish) an informal word for a man > FEENS.
feer (Scots) to draw the first furrow in ploughing > FEERS, FEERING, FEERED.
fees (3rd.) FEE, to pay a fee to.
feet (3rd.) FOOT, to walk.
fegs (Scots) a mild oath.
fehm (Ger.) a mediaeval German court > FEHME. Also VEHM.
fehs (Pl.) FEH, a Hebrew letter.
feis (Irish) an ancient Irish assembly for the proclamation of laws etc > FEISEANNA.
fell (Verb) to cause to fall > FELLS, FELLING, FELLED; (adj.) inhumanly cruel > FELLER, FELLEST.
felt A soft fabric formed without weaving, filaments pressed together using the natural tendency of the fibres of wool and certain kinds of hair to interlace and cling together; (verb) to cover with felt > FELTS, FELTING, FELTED.
feme A legal term for a woman, as in feme covert, married woman, feme sole, unmarried woman or widow > FEMES.
fems (Pl.) FEM, a passive homosexual.
fend To ward off > FENDS, FENDING, FENDED.
feni (Hindi) an alcoholic spirit produced in Goa from coconuts or cashew nuts > FENIS. Also FENNY.
fens (Pl.) FEN, wet land with alkaline, neutral, or only slightly acid peaty soil.
fent A slit or crack > FENTS.
feod A fief or land held on condition of service > FEODS. Also FEUD.
fere Able, sound > FERER, FEREST; (noun) a companion or mate > FERES. Also FEARE, FIERE, PHEERE, PHEER.
ferm (Spenser) a farm, lodging > FERMS.
fern A flowerless vascular plant > FERNS.
fess A band over the middle of an escutcheon; (verb) (Scots) to fetch > FESSES, FESSING, FESSED.
fest A festival, a special occasion; chiefly in combination, as SONGFEST, GABFEST > FESTS.
feta (Mod. Gr.) a white sheep or goat cheese popular in Greece > FETAS. Also FETTA.
fete (Fr.) a festival; a lavish often outdoor entertainment; (verb) to honour with a celebration > FETES, FETING, FETED.
fets (3rd.) FET, to fetch.
fett (Obs.) to fetch > FETTS, FETTING, FETTED. Also FET, FESS.
feud To engage in a feud (a bitter, continuous hostility) > FEUDS, FEUDING, FEUDED.
feus (Pl.) FEU, a Scottish form of land tenure.
fews (Pl.) FEW, a small number.
feys (3rd.) FEY, to clean out.
fiar (Scots) in law, the owner of a property in fee simple > FIARS. Also FEUAR.
fiat (Lat.) a formal authorization for a proposed arrangement; (verb) to sanction > FIATS, FIATING, FIATED.
fibs (3rd.) FIB, to tell a small lie.
fice A small dog > FICES. Also FYCE, FEIST.
fico (Ital.) a contemptibly worthless trifle, a fig > FICOS or FICOES. [Ital, denoting an obscene gesture]. Also FIGO.
fido A coin having a minting error (from freaks + irregulars + defects + oddities) > FIDOS.
fids (Pl.) FID, a conical pin of hard wood.
fief An estate held of a superior on condition of military service; a FEE; a FEUD > FIEFS.
fier (Comp.) FIE, fey; (noun) a companion > FIERS.
fife A high-pitched flute; (verb) to play a fife > FIFES, FIFING, FIFED.
fifi A kind of hook > FIFIS.
figo (Ital.) a fig, or gesture of contempt > FIGOS. Also FICO.
figs (3rd.) FIG, to adorn, dress up.
fike (Scots) to fidget restlessly > FIKES, FIKING, FIKED. Also FYKE.
fiky (Scots) fidgety > FIKIER, FIKIEST. Also FIKISH.
fila (Pl.) FILUM, a threadlike anatomical structure.
file To arrange in order for future reference > FILES, FILING, FILED.
filk A type of popular music that parodies folk songs > FILKS.
fill To put as much as can be held into > FILLS, FILLING, FILLED.
film To make a motion picture > FILMS, FILMING, FILMED.
filo (Greek) very thin pastry dough > FILOS. [Gk. phyllon, leaf]. Also FILLO, PHYLLO.
fils (Pl.) FIL, the shaft of a vehicle.
find To come upon after a search > FINDS, FINDING, FOUND.
fine Of excellent quality > FINER, FINEST; FINELY; (verb) to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) > FINES, FINING, FINED.
fini (Fr.) finished; ruined.
fink A strike-breaker; an informer; (verb) to inform on > FINKS, FINKING, FINKED.
fino (Spanish) a type of light-coloured dry sherry; a glass or drink of such sherry > FINOS.
fins (3rd.) FIN, to equip with fins.
fiqh> Islamic jurisprudence, an extension of shariat law > ERHUS.
fire To project by discharging from a gun > FIRES, FIRING, FIRED.
firk (Dial.) to drive or rouse; to speed along > FIRKS, FIRKING, FIRKED.
firm Unyielding to pressure > FIRMER, FIRMEST; FIRMLY; (verb) to make firm > FIRMS, FIRMING, FIRMED.
firn (Ger.) granular ice formed by the recrystallization of snow > FIRNS. [Ger. firn, of last year]. Aka NEVE.
firs (Pl.) FIR, the name of several conifers.
fisc The state treasury; the public revenue > FISCS. Also FISK.
fish To catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) > FISHES, FISHING, FISHED.
fisk 1. the state treasury; the public revenue. Also FISC. 2. (verb) to frisk, to gad about > FISKS, FISKING, FISKED.
fist (Verb) to strike or grip with the fist > FISTS, FISTING, FISTED.
fits (3rd.) FIT, to make suitable.
fitt A division of a poem > FITTS. Also FIT, FITTE, FYTTE.
five A number > FIVES.
fixt (Obs.) (Pt.) FIX, to make firm, fasten.
fizz To effervesce > FIZZES, FIZZING, FIZZED. Also FIZ.
flab Excess body fat > FLABS.
flag (Verb) to grow weary > FLAGS, FLAGGING, FLAGGED.
flak Anti-aircraft fire; strong criticism; hostile reaction > FLAKS. [An acronym of German Fliegerabwehrkanone (anti-aircraft gun), from Flieger (aircraft, literally flyer) + Abwehr (defense) + Kanone (gun).]
flam 1. a custard. Also FLAN, FLAUNE, FLAWN, FLAM.
flan A custard > FLAN or FLANES. Also FLAUNE, FLAWN, FLAM, FLAMM.
flap To wave up and down > FLAPS, FLAPPING, FLAPPED.
flat Smooth, level > FLATTER, FLATTEST; FLATLY; (verb) to flatten > FLATS, FLATTING, FLATTED.
flaw (Verb) to make defective > FLAWS, FLAWING, FLAWED.
flax The fibres of the plant Linum, which are woven to make linen cloth; the plant itself > FLAXES.
flay To strip off the skin from > FLAYS, FLAYING, FLAYED.
flea Any of an order of wingless, very agile, parasitic, bloodsucking insects > FLEAS.
fled (Pt.) FLEE, to run away.
flee To run away > FLEES, FLEEING, FLED.
fleg (Scots) to frighten > FLEGS, FLEGGING, FLEGGED. Also FLEY.
flew (Noun) the pendulous upper lip of a bloodhound or similar dog > FLEWS.
fley (Scots) to frighten > FLEYS, FLEYING, FLEYED. Also FLEG.
flic (Fr.) (sl.) policeman > FLICS.
flim (Dial.) a five-pound note > FLIMS.
flip Flippant > FLIPPER, FLIPPEST; (verb) to throw with a brisk motion > FLIPS, FLIPPING, FLIPPED.
flir An electronic heat sensor able to detect and display on a T.V-like screen a distant scene despite darkness, smoke etc used esp in military aircraft (Forward Looking Infrared Radar) > FLIRS.
flit To move lightly and swiftly > FLITS, FLITTING, FLITTED.
flix (Noun) fur, beaver-down; (verb) an old form of FLUX > FLIXES, FLIXING, FLIXED.
flob to spit or gob > FLOBS, FLOBBING, FLOBBING.
floc To aggregate into FLOCCULES > FLOCS, FLOCCING, FLOCCED.
floe A large mass of floating ice > FLOES.
flog To beat with a whip or rod > FLOGS, FLOGGING, FLOGGED.
flop To fall heavily and noisily > FLOPS, FLOPPING, FLOPPED.
flor A yeasty growth which is allowed to form on the surface of sherry wines and which gives them a nutty taste > FLORS.
flow To move steadily and smoothly along > FLOWS, FLOWING, FLOWED.
flox as in flox silk, the same as floss silk.
flub To bungle, botch > FLUBS, FLUBBING, FLUBBED.
flue A shaft, tube, or pipe, esp. as used in a chimney, to carry off smoke, gas, etc > FLUES, FLUED.
flus (Pl.) FLU, influenza.
flux (Verb) to flow, to fuse > FLUXES, FLUXING, FLUXED. Also FLIX.
foal (Verb) to give birth to a foal > FOALS, FOALING, FOALED.
foam To form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) > FOAMS, FOAMING, FOAMED.
fobs (3rd.) FOB, to cheat, to trick.
foci (Pl.) FOCUS, a point at which rays or waves (of light, heat, sound, etc.
foen (Spenser) pl. of FOE. Also FONE.
foes (Pl.) FOE, an enemy.
fogs (3rd.) FOG, to be affected by fog.
fogy A very conservative person > FOGIES. Also FOGEY, FOGIE.
fohn (Ger.) a hot dry wind that blows down Alpine valleys > FOHNS. Also FOEHN.
foid An agreed term for FELDSPATHOID, any mineral of a group related to FELDSPAR > FOIDS.
foil A light slender flexible sword tipped by a button and usually having a bell-shaped guard; (verb) to frustrate > FOILS, FOILING, FOILED.
foin To thrust with a sword or spear > FOINS, FOINING, FOINED. Also FOYNE.
fold To lay one part over another part of > FOLDS, FOLDING, FOLDED.
folk A people or tribe > FOLKS.
fond Kindly disposed > FONDER, FONDEST; FONDLY; (verb) to dote > FONDS, FONDING, FONDED.
fone (Spenser) pl. of FOE. Also FOEN.
fons (Pl.) FON, a fool.
font A receptacle for baptismal water > FONTS.
food A substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth > FOODS.
fool To deceive > FOOLS, FOOLING, FOOLED.
foos (Pl.) FOO, a name for a temporary computer variable or file.
foot The terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves > FEET; (verb) to walk > FOOTS, FOOTING, FOOTED.
fops (3rd.) FOP, to deceive.
fora (Pl.) FORUM, a marketplace; a place for discussion.
forb (Greek) any herb that does not resemble grass > FORBS. [Gk. phorbe, fodder, forage].
ford (Verb) to cross water by wading > FORDS, FORDING, FORDED.
fore At an earlier time or period; (noun) the front > FORES.
fork To work with a fork (a pronged implement) > FORKS, FORKING, FORKED.
form To produce > FORMS, FORMING, FORMED.
fort A small fortress; (verb) to fortify > FORTS, FORTING, FORTED.
foss A ditch or moat > FOSSES. Also FOSSE.
foud (ON) a bailiff or magistrate in Orkney or Shetland > FOUDS. [ON fogeti]. Cf. FOUDRIE.
foul Dirty, repulsive > FOULER, FOULEST; FOULLY; (verb) to make dirty > FOULS, FOULING, FOULED.
four A number > FOURS.
fous (Pl.) FOU, bushel.
fowl (Verb) to hunt birds > FOWLS, FOWLING, FOWLED.
foxy LIke a fox, crafty > FOXIER, FOXIEST; FOXILY.
foys (Pl.) FOY, loyalty, allegiance.
fozy (Scots) spongy, lacking firmness > FOZIER, FOZIEST.
frab (Dial.) to worry > FRABS, FRABBING, FRABBED.
frae (Scots) from. Also THRAE.
frag To blow up an unpopular officer with a grenade (short for FRAGMENT) > FRAGS, FRAGGING, FRAGGED.
frap To draw tight (as with ropes or cables) > FRAPS, FRAPPING, FRAPPED.
fras (Pl.) FRA, brother.
frat A college fraternity > FRATS.
frau (Ger.) woman, housewife > FRAUS.
fray To wear off by rubbing > FRAYS, FRAYING, FRAYED.
free Unconfined > FREER, FREEST; FREELY; (verb) to set free > FREES, FREEING, FREED.
frib A piece of wool taken from a fleece > FRIBS.
frig (Sl.) to have sex > FRIGS, FRIGGING, FRIGGED.
fris (Hungarian) the quick dance movement of a Hungarian CSARDAS. Also FRISKA.
frit 1. Mixed materials for making glass; (verb) to fuse into a vitreous substance > FRITS, FRITTING, FRITTED. Also FRITT.
friz To fry with a sizzling noise > FRIZZES, FRIZZING, FRIZZED. Also FRIZZ.
froe A cleaving tool with its blade at right angles to its handle > FROES. Also FROW.
frog Any insectivorous anuran amphibian of the family Ranidae; (verb) to hunt frogs > FROGS, FROGGING, FROGGED.
from Starting at.
fros (Pl.) FRO, a hairstyle.
frow (Dutch) a woman, goodwife > FROWS. Also VROW, VROUW, VROU.
frug A vigorous dance performed to pop music, popularized in the 1960s; (verb) to perform this dance > FRUGS, FRUGGING, FRUGGED.
fubs (3rd.) FUB, to put off.
fuci (Pl.) FUCUS, a genus of seaweed.
fuck To copulate -- usually considered obscene > FUCKS, FUCKING, FUCKED.
fuds (Pl.) FUD, a rabbit's or hare's tail.
fuel (Verb) to supply with fuel > FUELS, FUELING or FUELLING, FUELED or FUELLED.
fuff To spit like a cat > FUFFS, FUFFING, FUFFED.
fugs (3rd.) FUG, to cause a fug in.
fugu (Japanese) a toxin-containing fish > FUGUS.
fuji (Japanese) a silk fabric > FUJIS.
full Having no spare room > FULLER, FULLEST; FULLY; (verb) to shrink and thicken cloth > FULLS, FULLING, FULLED.
fume To give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) > FUMES, FUMING, FUMED.
fums (Pl.) FUM, a fabulous Chinese bird.
fumy Producing fumes > FUMIER, FUMIEST.
fund To provide money for > FUNDS, FUNDING, FUNDED.
fung (Chinese) a fabulous bird > FUNGS. Also FUM.
funk To be afraid > FUNKS, FUNKING, FUNKED.
funs (3rd.) FUN, to tease.
furl To roll up > FURLS, FURLING, FURLED.
furr (Scots) a furrow > FURRS.
furs (3rd.) FUR, to cover or coat with fur.
fury Violent anger > FURIES.
fusc Of a brownish-gray color; dusky. No comp. Also FUSCOUS.
fuse To equip with a fuse (a detonating device) > FUSES, FUSING, FUSED.
fusk to obtain data from (a website) by using a fusker > FUSKS, FUSKING, FUSKED.
fuss To be overly concerned with small details > FUSSES, FUSSING, FUSSED.
fust A strong, musty smell; mustiness; (verb) to smell mouldy > FUSTS, FUSTING, FUSTED.
futz (Yiddish) to spend time aimlessly > FUTZES, FUTZING, FUTZED.
fuze To fuse > FUZES, FUZING, FUZED.
fuzz (Verb) to become fuzzy > FUZZES, FUZZING, FUZZED.
fyce A small dog > FYCES. Also FICE, FEIST.
fyke (Scots) to fidget restlessly > FYKES, FYKING, FYKED. Also FIKE.
fyle (Spenser) a file > FYLES.
fyrd (OE) a local militia in Anglo-Saxon times > FYRDS.