The ABSP Committee is issuing the following statement in line with current UK Government guidance to the public, which is updated frequently. Please be aware that the information in this statement is correct as of 1800UTC on 22 August 2021 but will be revised or amended in the future should circumstances or Government advice change. The latest version of this statement is on the ABSP website.
Since official COVID-19 restrictions ended in July, we have been allowing small indoor rated events of up to 6 players, or potentially more on a case by case basis. As life is slowly returning to normal, this restriction will no longer apply, with the first larger indoor invitational events likely to take place in the coming weeks.
We are now also sanctioning any other events, though we recommend that organisers check venue policy regarding cancellation and any venue specific COVID-19 rules before booking. It may also be beneficial to gauge interest from prospective participants. Please contact Ratings Officer, Mike Whiteoak with any future plans for tournaments as usual.
Whilst the ABSP are not requiring any specific COVID-19 safety measures at clubs or tournaments, any restrictions that are put in place, either by the venue or the organisers, must be clearly stated on the entry form and/or made clear to members or invitees. Responsibility for determining eligibility criteria and enforcing restrictions will lie solely with the organiser, although we will be happy to offer any advice where possible and may also ask a few more basic questions during the approval process, largely just for our information.
Everyone can, and must, make their own decision whether the time is right for them to get back to live play and we recommend players look at their own individual circumstances and consider what precautions may be necessary. We ask members to make the right choice for them, but also respect other people's choices. We encourage all players to assess their own risk levels, as they would other aspects of their daily lives. Any players with underlying health conditions or in a high risk category are advised to be extra cautious. If you choose to play any form of rated Scrabble, it will be at your own risk.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation with this and please stay safe and well in these challenging times.
Last updated: 22 August 2021