The ABSP committee comprises the volunteers listed below. Click on the names below to find out more about each person. The main committee meets every three or four months, either face to face or via online video conference, as well as keeping in constant contact via email.

Honorary President

Gyles Brandreth


Wayne Kelly - Chairman / ABSP events organiser / Deputy Ratings Officer / WESPA Rep
(position vacant) - Secretary
Ross Mackenzie - Treasurer

Committee Members

Anand Buddhdev - Technical Officer
Natalie Zolty - Social Media Officer
Stewart Houten - Ratings Officer / Tournament Coordinator
Jack Moran - Media, Content and Promotions Officer
Nuala O'Rourke - Membership Secretary
Chris Harrison - Communications and Complaints Officer
Stewart Brodie - Webmaster

Non-committee Roles

Kay Möller - OnBoard Editor and Layout
Rachel Eames - OnBoard Layout
Rachel Bingham - Database
Brett Smitheram - Media Liaison
Chris Hawkins - Titles Registrar


  1. The committee is looking (January 2023) for someone to take the role of secretary. If you are a member of ABSP and interested in filling this role, or feel you have any other skills to offer and want more information, please email
  2. The role of Club Coordinator is also vacant (May 2019) - please apply as above.

Updated 23/01/2023