Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Arts & Crafts > Ballet

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

arabesk a movement in dancing; a curve.
arabesque a movement in dancing; a curve.
ballabile (Ital.) a part of a ballet danced by the whole corps de ballet.
ballerina (Ital.) a female ballet-dancer.
balletic graceful like a dancer.
balletically (Adv.) BALLETIC, graceful like a dancer.
balletomane a devotee of ballet.
ballon (Fr.) in dancing, a bounciness of step.
ballonne (Fr.) a ballet jump.
battement (Fr.) a movement in ballet, in which one leg is extended to the rear, side and front.
batterie (Fr.) a ballet movement.
battu (Fr.) pertaining to a type of ballet movement.
brise (Fr.) a movement in dancing.
bunhead a female ballet dancer.
cabriole a kind of leap in ballet.
chaine (Fr.) in ballet, a series of small fast turns used to cross a stage.
chasse (Fr.) a movement in dancing, as across or to the right or left; (verb) to make such a movement.
coupee (Fr.) a salute to one's partner in dancing.
danseur (Fr.) a professional dancer.
danseuse (Fr.) a professional female dancer.
developpe (Fr.) a ballet position.
echappe (Fr.) a kind of leap in ballet.
entrechat (Fr.) a ballet leap in which the dancer repeatedly crosses the legs.
figurant (Ital.) a ballet-dancer, one of those who form a background for the solo dancer.
figurante (Ital.) a ballet-dancer, one of those who form a background for the solo dancer.
fondu (Fr.) a ballet movement in which the dancer lowers the body by bending the leg.
fouette (Fr.) a ballet-step in which the foot makes a whiplike movement.
jete a movement in dancing.
labanotation a method of writing down the movements, etc., of ballet diagrammatically.
pirouette (Fr.) a twirling motion; (verb) to make a pirouette.
plastique (Fr.) graceful poise and movements in dancing.
plie (Fr.) a movement in ballet.
pointe (Fr.) the extreme tip of the toe; the position of standing on it.
poussette (Fr.) a movement, or part of a figure, in the contradance; (verb) to make such a movement.
regisseur (Fr.) a ballet director.
releve (Fr.) a raising on to the toe in ballet.
tendu a stretched position in ballet.