AAH | to express surprise |
AAL | an Indian shrub |
AAS | plural of AA |
ABA | an outer garment worn by Arab women |
ABB | a textile yarn |
ABO | an aboriginal |
ABS | plural of AB |
ABY | to pay as a penalty (also ABYE; pa.t. ABID) |
ACE | (to play) a winning serve in tennis |
ACH | Scots. interj. expressing regret or impatience (also OCH) |
ACT | to do in a specified way |
ADD | to make an addition |
ADO | bustle or fuss |
ADS | plural of AD |
ADZ | Amer. form of adze, a cutting tool |
AFF | off |
AFT | behind; near the stern of a vessel, etc. |
AGA | a Turkish commander |
AGE | to grow old (pr.p. also AGEING) |
AGO | past; since |
AHA | interj. expressing exultation or pleasure |
AHS | plural of AH |
AIA | an Indian nurse-maid |
AID | to help or assist |
AIL | to be indisposed; a trouble |
AIM | to point or direct |
AIN | a Hebrew letter |
AIR | the mixture of gases breathed by people and animals; to make known publicly |
AIS | the plural of AI |
AIT | a small island |
AKE | an old spelling of ache |
ALA | an outgrowth on a fruit |
ALB | a priest's long, white vestment |
ALE | a kind of beer |
ALL | the whole; everything and everybody |
ALP | a mountain |
ALS | plural of AL; obsolete form of ALSO |
ALT | a high tone |
AMA | a maid (also AMAH) |
AMI | a friend (Fr.) |
AMP | short for ampere or amplifier |
AMU | a unit of mass |
ANA | in equal quantities (in recipes) |
AND | the symbol ampersand; something added |
ANE | Scots for one |
ANI | a tropical American bird |
ANN | a payment to a parish minister's widow |
ANT | pa.t. (of ante) ANTED; n. ANTING |
ANY | some; whichever, no matter which |
APE | a monkey; to imitate |
APT | obs. word for to adapt |
ARB | a short form of arbitrageur, a stocks and shares shyster |
ARC | to form an arc (pa.t. ARCED, ARCKED) |
ARD | a primitive plough |
ARE | a unit of metric land measure |
ARF | a barking sound |
ARK | to place in an ark |
ARM | a limb; a weapon; to provide with weapons |
ARS | plural of AR |
ART | the creation of works of beauty; a human skill |
ARY | dial. for any |
ASH | to convert something into ash |
ASK | to request, inquire or invite; dialect word for a newt |
ASP | a venomous snake |
ASS | a long haired animal like a small horse; a stupid person |
ATE | reckless ambition that drives one to ruin |
ATT | a Laotian monetary unit (pl. ATT) |
AUF | an elf's child |
AUK | a type of sea-bird |
AVA | an aromatic plant of the pepper family (also KAVA) |
AVE | a recitation of the prayer to the Virgin Mary |
AVO | a monetary unit of Macao |
AWA | Scots. for away |
AWE | to strike with awe (pr.p. also AWEING) |
AWL | a pointed tool for boring |
AWN | to shelter with an awning |
AXE | a tool for chopping; to chop or cut down |
AYE | ever; yes |
AYS | the plural of AY |
AYU | a small fish |
AZO | containing nitrogen |
BAA | to bleat as a sheep |
BAC | baccalaureate |
BAD | something that is evil |
BAG | a receptacle for containing something |
BAH | interj. expressing disgust or contempt |
BAL | a balmoral shrub |
BAM | to hoax or cheat (n. BAMMER) |
BAN | a prohibition; to forbid or prohibit |
BAP | a large, flat breakfast roll |
BAR | to obstruct or prevent |
BAS | plural of BA |
BAT | a flying mammal; an implement for striking a ball; to strike with a bat |
BAY | to bark or howl |
BED | a place to sleep on; to put a bed |
BEE | an insect that makes honey; the letter 'B' |
BEG | to ask for |
BEL | a measure of noise |
BEN | a mountain |
BET | to wager (pa.t. also BETTED) |
BEY | a Turkish governor |
BEZ | the second tine of a deer's horn |
BIB | to tipple |
BID | an offer; to make an offer |
BIG | Scots. word for build |
BIN | to place into a bin |
BIO | a short form of biography |
BIS | plural of BI; twice |
BIT | to curb or restrain |
BIZ | slang for business |
BOA | a large constricting snake |
BOB | to move quickly up and down |
BOD | a person |
BOG | a marsh; to sink |
BOH | an exclamation used to startle someone |
BOK | a goat or antelope |
BON | good (Fr.) |
BOO | a sound expressing disapproval or contempt; to make such a sound |
BOP | to dance to pop music (n. BOPPER) |
BOR | East Anglian form of address meaning neighbour |
BOS | plural of BO |
BOT | to cadge |
BOW | a bending of neck or body in greeting; to bend or incline downwards |
BOX | to put into a box; to strike with the hand or fists |
BOY | to play (a female part) as a boy |
BRA | short form of brassiere |
BRO | a place for which one feels a strong affinity |
BRR | interj. to indicate cold (also BRRR) |
BUB | colloq. for baby |
BUD | to produce buds |
BUG | to annoy |
BUM | a tramp or sponger |
BUN | a kind of sweet roll or cake |
BUR | to whisper hoarsely (n. BURRER) |
BUS | to travel by bus (pa.t. BUSED) |
BUT | to put forward as an objection |
BUY | to purchase; something purchased |
BYE | a pass to the next round (of a competition, etc.) |
BYS | plural of BY |
CAB | to travel by taxi |
CAD | a dishonourable man |
CAM | to whiten with camstone |
CAN | a container of tin-plate; to store in such a container |
CAP | to put a cap on something |
CAR | a self-propelled wheeled vehicle |
CAT | to vomit |
CAW | to cry as a crow (also KAW) |
CAY | a low islet |
CEE | the letter 'C' |
CEL | a short form of celluloid |
CEP | a kind of edible mushroom |
CHA | tea |
CHE | dial. form of I, used by Shakespeare |
CHI | feminine of chal, a fellow or person (also KHI) |
CID | a chief, captain or hero |
CIG | short for cigarette |
CIS | having certain atoms on the same side of the molecule |
CIT | contemptuous term for one who is not a gentleman |
CLY | to seize or steal |
COB | to strike |
COD | to hoax or make fun of (n. CODDER) |
COG | to furnish with cogs |
COL | a pass in a mountain range |
CON | a trick or swindle; to trick, or persuade by dishonest means |
COO | to make a sound like a dove |
COP | to capture |
COR | a Hebrew measure |
COS | a crisp, long-leaved lettuce |
COT | a small bed for a young child |
COW | to subdue |
COX | (verb) |
COY | to caress |
COZ | short for cousin (also CUZ) |
CRU | a vineyard (Fr.) |
CRY | to utter a sound of pain or grief |
CUB | to produce cubs |
CUD | food chewed again by a ruminating animal |
CUE | to give a cue as a signal (pr.p. CUING, CUEING) |
CUM | with the addition of |
CUP | to form into a cup shape |
CUR | a worthless mongrel dog |
CUT | to make an incision in; to reduce |
CUZ | same as COZ, above (pl. CUZZES) |
CWM | a Welsh word for valley |
DAB | to touch or press gently; an expert |
DAD | to thump |
DAE | a Scots form of do (pa.t. DID, pr.p. DAEING) |
DAG | to cut the dags off sheep |
DAH | same as DA (a Burmese knife) |
DAK | in India, the mail or post |
DAL | a kind of Indian edible pea |
DAM | to restrain water with an embankment or bank |
DAN | a level of efficiency in Japanese combative sports |
DAP | to dip bait gently into the water when fishing (also DIB; n. DAPPER) |
DAS | plural of DA |
DAW | to dawn |
DAY | the time when it is light |
DEB | colloq. form of debutante |
DEE | a substitute for damn |
DEF | excellent, brilliant |
DEI | the plural of DEUS (Latin for god) |
DEL | a mathematical symbol |
DEN | to retire to a den |
DEV | a hindu god (also DEVA) |
DEW | to moisten as with dew |
DEX | a sulfate used as a stimulant |
DEY | formerly, the pasha of Algiers |
DIB | same as DAP, above (n. DIBBER) |
DID | past tense of DO |
DIE | to cut or shape with a die (pr.p. DIEING) |
DIG | to excavate (pa.t. also DIGGED) |
DIM | not bright; to make dim |
DIN | to make a loud noise |
DIP | to immerse briefly; to lower |
DIS | to dismiss, put down |
DIT | named or reputed (Fr.); Scots word meaning to block |
DIV | an evil spirit of Persian mythology |
DOB | to inform on or betray |
DOC | contraction of doctor |
DOD | to cut the hair of |
DOE | the female of a deer, rabbit and some other animals |
DOG | to follow like a dog |
DOH | a musical note |
DOL | a unit of pain intensity |
DOM | a title given to certain monks |
DON | a university lecturer, etc.; to put on (clothes, etc.) |
DOO | Scots word for dove or pigeon |
DOP | obs. word for dip (n. DOPPER) |
DOR | to mock |
DOS | plural of DO, a musical note |
DOT | a very small spot; to make such a spot |
DOW | to be able |
DRY | a prohibitionist (pl. DRYS) |
DSO | same as ZO, DZO, ZHO, DZHO (a Himalayan ox) |
DUB | to add sound effects, etc., to; Scots word for a puddle |
DUD | something or someone ineffectual |
DUE | Shak. word for endue (pr.p. DUING) |
DUG | the teat or udder of a female mammal |
DUI | a plural of duo |
DUN | to press for payment |
DUO | two people considered a pair for a specific reason |
DUP | to undo |
DUX | a leader |
DYE | to stain; a colour produced by dyeing |
DZO | same as ZO, ZHO (a cross between a yak and a cow) |
EAN | to give birth to (Shakespearean) |
EAR | to produce corn ears |
EAS | plural of EA |
EAT | to consume by mouth |
EAU | water (Fr.) |
EBB | to move back from the land (of the tide) |
ECH | Shak. for eke out (also ICH) |
ECU | a European unit of currency |
EDH | a letter used in old English (also ETH) |
EEK | interj. expressing fright |
EEL | a long, smooth, cylindrical fish |
EEN | the plural of EE (Scots. for eye) |
EFF | a euphemism for fuck |
EFS | plural of EF |
EFT | a newt |
EGG | an oval or round body from which young are hatched; to add eggs to (in cooking, etc.) |
EGO | The "I" or self |
EHS | plural or verb form of EH |
EIK | Scots. for eke |
EKE | to add; an addition |
ELD | old word for age or old age |
ELF | Shak. word meaning to entangle hair |
ELK | a kind of large deer |
ELL | a measure of length |
ELM | a tree with serrated leaves |
ELS | plural of EL |
ELT | a young sow |
EME | obs. word for uncle |
EMF | electromotive force |
EMS | plural of EM |
EMU | a flightless, fast-running bird |
END | to finish or close |
ENE | poetic for even |
ENG | a phonetic symbol |
ENS | plural of EN |
EON | same as AEON, an eternity |
ERA | a series of years; an age |
ERE | obs. for plough |
ERF | a South African garden plot (pl. ERVEN) |
ERG | a unit of work |
ERK | a slang word for aircraftsman |
ERN | an old spelling of earn |
ERR | to make a mistake |
ERS | plural of ER; the bitter vetch |
ESS | same as ES (the letter 'S') |
EST | a programme designed to develop human potential (Erhard Seminars Training) |
ETA | a letter of the Greek alphabet |
ETH | same as EDH, above |
EUK | to itch (also EWK, YUKE, YOUK, YUCK) |
EVE | poetic word for EVENING |
EWE | a female sheep |
EWK | same as EUK, above |
EWT | an old form of newt, a tailed amphibious animal |
EYE | to look at carefully (pr.p. EYING, EYEING) |
FAB | marvellous |
FAD | a craze |
FAG | a cigarette; drudgery; to work, or be worked, hard |
FAH | same as FA (a musical note) |
FAN | a instrument used for cooling; to cool, as with a fan |
FAP | fuddled or drunk |
FAR | to remove to a distance |
FAS | plural of FA |
FAT | to make or grow fat |
FAW | a gypsy |
FAX | to send messages via a machine that scans electronically |
FAY | to clean out (also FEY) |
FED | U.S. slang for federal agent |
FEE | to pay a fee to |
FEH | a pe, or peh (a Hebrew coin) |
FEM | a passive homosexual |
FEN | low marshy land |
FER | for |
FET | obs. for fetch |
FEU | to grant or hold land in feu land tenure |
FEW | not many |
FEY | same as FAY (to clean out) |
FEZ | a red brimless cap of wool or felt |
FIB | a little lie; to tell such a lie |
FID | a conical pin of hard wood |
FIE | an old interj. expressing disapproval |
FIG | to make an insulting gesture at |
FIL | the shaft of a vehicle |
FIN | to equip with fins |
FIR | a kind of conifer |
FIT | healthy, suitable; to make suitable |
FIX | to make firm, to arrange; a difficulty; something fraudulently arranged |
FIZ | (verb) to make a hissing or sputtering sound (also FIZZ) |
FLU | a short form of influenza |
FLY | to a hit a ball high into the air in baseball (pa.t. FLIED) |
FOB | a small watch pocket; obsolete word meaning to pocket |
FOE | an enemy |
FOG | to be affected by fog |
FOH | an interjection expressing disgust or contempt (also PHO) |
FON | to compel |
FOP | to deceive |
FOR | in the place of; in favour of; towards |
FOU | a bushel |
FOX | to act cunningly, to cheat |
FOY | allegiance, loyalty |
FRA | Italian for brother |
FRO | obs. form of from |
FRY | to cook in oil or fat |
FUB | to put off |
FUD | a rabbit or hare's tail |
FUG | a very hot, close atmosphere; to cause a fug in |
FUM | a fabulous Chinese bird (also FUNG) |
FUN | to play, frolic |
FUR | to cover or coat with fur |
GAB | to chatter; idle talk |
GAD | to wander about idly; a miner's chisel |
GAE | Scots word for GO (verb) |
GAG | to silence; something that gags the mouth |
GAL | a girl |
GAM | a school of whales; to join up in a gam |
GAN | a past tense of gin, to begin |
GAP | to make a gap in |
GAR | Scots word meaning to complel; a garfish |
GAS | to poison with gas (pa.t. GASSED; pl. also GASES) |
GAT | a pistol |
GAU | a German political district of the Nazi regime |
GAY | a homosexual |
GED | a food fish |
GEE | of horses, to move on |
GEL | to form a gelatinous substance |
GEM | to adorn with gems |
GEN | general information |
GEO | same as GIO, GOE (a gully or creek) |
GET | to obtain; a stupid person |
GEY | considerable |
GHI | clarified butter (also GHEE) |
GIB | to fasten with a gib, a wedge-shaped piece of metal |
GID | a sheep disease |
GIE | Scots. for give (pr.p. GIEING) |
GIF | arch. form of if |
GIG | to play a gig |
GIN | to process cotton |
GIO | a gully or creek (also GOE, GEO) |
GIP | to swindle (also GYP; n. GIPPER) |
GIS | plural of gi: karate costume |
GIT | a stupid person |
GJU | same as GUE (a type of violin formerly used in Shetland) |
GNU | an African antelope |
GOA | a Tibetan gazelle |
GOB | to spit |
GOD | to deify |
GOE | same as GIO, above |
GON | a geometrical grade |
GOO | a sticky substance |
GOR | interj. used as a mild oath |
GOS | plural of GO |
GOT | past tense of GET |
GOV | short form of governor (also GUV) |
GOX | gaseous oxygen |
GOY | a Gentile |
GUB | a white man |
GUE | same as GU (a violin formerly used in Shetland) |
GUL | a design in oriental carpets |
GUM | to smear or coat with gum |
GUN | a weapon for discharging explosive projectiles; to discharge such projectiles |
GUP | gossip, prattle |
GUR | an unrefined, sweet cane sugar |
GUS | plural of GU |
GUT | the intestine; to take the guts out of (a fish, etc.) |
GUV | same as GUV, above |
GUY | to make fun of |
GYM | a short form of gymnasium |
GYP | same as GIP (to swindle; n. GYPPER) |
HAD | Scots. form of hold (pa.t. HAD) |
HAE | Scots. form of have (pr.p. HAEING) |
HAG | Scots. word for hack or hew |
HAH | a sound of surprise |
HAJ | a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca |
HAM | salted and smoked fish from the leg of a pig; a bad actor; to overact, exaggerate |
HAN | Spens. plural of have |
HAO | a monetary unit of Vietnam (pl. HAO) |
HAP | to happen by chance |
HAS | present tense of HAVE |
HAT | to provide with a hat |
HAW | to make indecisive noises |
HAY | to make hay |
HEH | a Hebrew letter |
HEM | an edge or border; to form a hem on |
HEN | to challenge to a daring act (n. HENNER) |
HEP | a rosehip |
HER | pronoun representing a female person or thing |
HES | plural of HE |
HET | slang word for heterosexual |
HEW | to cut with blows |
HEX | to bring misfortune |
HEY | to dance a hey, a winding country dance |
HIC | interj. representing a hiccup |
HID | past tense of HIDE |
HIE | to hurry along (also HYE; pr.p. HYING, HIEING) |
HIM | pronoun representing a male person or thing |
HIN | a Hebrew liquid measure |
HIP | to carry on the hip |
HIS | of or belonging to a male person or thing |
HIT | to strike; an act of striking |
HMM | same as HM (interj. expressing thoughtful consideration) |
HOA | to stop |
HOB | to furnish with hobnails |
HOC | Latin word for this |
HOD | to bob or jog |
HOE | a tool for loosening the earth; to use a hoe |
HOG | a kind of pig; to use selfishly |
HOH | same as HO (to stop) |
HOI | interj. used to attract attention |
HON | short for honey, as a term of endearment |
HOO | Shak. interj. expressing boisterous emotion |
HOP | to leap on one leg |
HOS | plural of HO |
HOT | very warm; to heat |
HOW | a manner or means |
HOX | (verb) Shak. for hock or hamstring |
HOY | to incite |
HUB | the centre of a wheel |
HUE | a colour or tint |
HUG | to embrace |
HUH | interj. expressing non-understanding |
HUI | a Maori gathering |
HUM | to make a sound like bees |
HUN | a barbarous and destructive person |
HUP | to turn a horse to the right |
HUT | to settle in a hut |
HYE | same as HIE, above (pr.p. HYEING) |
HYP | to offend |
ICE | frozen water; to cool with ice |
ICH | same as ECH, above |
ICK | interj. used to express disgust |
ICY | covered with ice; frosty |
IDE | a type of fish |
IDS | plural of ID |
IFF | 'if and only if' as used in logic |
IFS | plural of IF |
ILK | a type or kind |
ILL | unwell; harm, misfortune |
IMP | to engraft (a hawk) with new feathers |
INK | a coloured liquid used in writing; to colour with ink |
INN | to put up at an inn |
INS | plural of IN |
ION | an electrically charged particle |
IOS | plural of IO |
IRE | to anger |
IRK | to annoy or weary |
ISH | legal word meaning issue or expiry |
ISM | any distinctive theory or fad |
ISO | short for isolated replay, a TV and film facility |
ITA | the miriti palm |
ITS | of or belonging to something |
IVY | a climbing evergreen plant |
JAB | to poke or stab |
JAG | a sharp projection; to pierce |
JAK | an East Indian tree |
JAM | a conserve made with fruit and sugar; to block up |
JAP | (verb) short form of japan, to apply a black lacquer to |
JAR | a wide-mouthed container; to put in jars |
JAW | to chatter at length |
JAY | a bird of the crow family |
JEE | (verb) of horses, to urge on (also GEE) |
JET | a stream of liquid; a jetplane |
JEU | a game (pl. JEUX) |
JEW | (verb) to cheat or get the better of |
JIB | to show objection |
JIG | a lively dance; to dance a jig; to jump up and down |
JIN | a supernatural being in Muslim mythology |
JIZ | a wig (also GIZZ; pl. JIZZES) |
JOB | to work at jobs |
JOE | same as JO (a Scottish sweetheart) |
JOG | to run at a slow, steady pace |
JOR | the second movement of a raga |
JOT | a little bit; to note down |
JOW | (verb) to toll a bell |
JOY | obs. for rejoice |
JUD | a mass of coal |
JUG | to stew in a closed pottery jar |
JUN | a coin of North Korea |
JUS | a Latin word for a law or legal right |
JUT | to project |
KAB | an ancient Hebrew unit of measure |
KAE | to serve (pr.p. KAEING) |
KAF | a Hebrew letter (also KAPH) |
KAI | in New Zealand, a meal |
KAM | awry, twisted, distorted |
KAS | plural of KA |
KAT | same as QAT, KHAT (an East African shrub) |
KAW | same as CAW, above |
KAY | the letter 'K' |
KEA | a large New Zealand parrot |
KEB | to give birth to a stillborn lamb |
KED | a wingless fly that infests sheep |
KEF | a drug that produces a dreamy repose (also KIF) |
KEG | a small cask |
KEN | to know (n. KENNER) |
KEP | to catch |
KET | Scots word for carrion, rotting flesh |
KEX | a dry stalk |
KEY | an instrument for locking; to enter (data) into a computer. |
KHI | same as CHI, Greek letter |
KID | a young goat; a child; to hoax or deceive |
KIF | same as KEF, above |
KIN | one's relations |
KIP | a nap; to have a nap or sleep |
KIR | a wine and blackcurrant drink |
KIT | to outfit, provide with equipment |
KOA | a Hawaiian acacia |
KOB | an African waterbuck |
KOI | a large Japanese carp (pl. KOI) |
KON | Spens. for know (pa.t. KOND) |
KOP | a South African word for hill |
KOR | a Hebrew unit of measure |
KOS | an Indian measure of distance (also COSS) |
KOW | a bunch of twigs |
KUE | the letter Q |
KYE | same as KY (cows, cattle) |
KYU | a novice grade in judo |
LAB | a short form of laboratory |
LAC | a dark-red resin |
LAD | a boy or youth |
LAG | a delay; insulating material; to fall behind; to cover (e.g. pipes) with insulating material |
LAH | same as LA (a musical note) |
LAM | to beat (n. LAMMER) |
LAP | a circuit of a race track; to scoop up with the tongue |
LAR | the god relating to a house |
LAS | plural of LA |
LAT | short form of latrine |
LAV | short form of lavatory |
LAW | obs. word for to take to court |
LAX | a kind of salmon |
LAY | to deposit as a wager (pa.t. also LAYED) |
LEA | a meadow or pasture |
LED | past tense of lead |
LEE | Scots. for tell a lie |
LEG | a limb for walking and standing; to walk briskly |
LEI | a garland or wreath |
LEK | to gather and display cocks at a lek |
LEP | dial. for leap |
LES | same as LEZ (short form of lesbian) |
LET | to hinder (pa.t. LETTED) |
LEU | a unit of Romanian currency (pl. LEU) |
LEV | a unit of Bulgarian currency (also LEW; pl. LEVA) |
LEW | same as LEV, above |
LEX | a Latin word for law |
LEY | same as LEA (a meadow) |
LEZ | same as LES (a short form of lesbian) |
LIB | to geld |
LID | to provide with a lid |
LIE | a false statement; to tell a lie; to be in a horizontal position |
LIG | to lie about, idle (n. LIGGER) |
LIN | to cease |
LIP | to touch with the lips |
LIS | a fleur-de-lis |
LIT | the litas (monetary unit of Lithuania) |
LOB | a ball hit (in tennis) or thrown (in cricket) in a specific way; to hit or throw a ball in this way |
LOD | a statistic relating to the odds of an event |
LOG | to enter into a record |
LOO | to subject to a forfeit at loo, a card game |
LOP | to cut off unnecessary parts |
LOR | colloq. for lord, interj. expressing surprise |
LOS | praise |
LOT | to allot |
LOW | to make the noise of cattle |
LOX | (verb) to supply with lox, liquid oxygen |
LOY | a long, narrow spade |
LUD | an old form of lord |
LUG | to pull or drag with difficulty; dialect word for EAR |
LUM | a chimney (Scots) |
LUR | a Bronze Age trumpet |
LUV | love, as a term of endearment |
LUX | a unit of illumination |
LUZ | a supposedly indestructible bone (pl. LUZZES) |
LYE | a short branch of a railway |
LYM | Shak. for lyam, or leash |
MAA | to bleat as a goat |
MAC | a short form of mackintosh |
MAD | to drive mad |
MAE | more |
MAG | to tease or chatter |
MAK | same as make |
MAL | pain, sickness (Fr.) |
MAM | dial. for mother |
MAN | an adult human male; to provide with a (human) operator |
MAP | a diagram of the surface of the earth, etc.; to make a map of |
MAR | to spoil or damage |
MAS | plural of MA |
MAT | to entangle |
MAW | to mow |
MAX | obs. for gin, the drink |
MAY | to gather may blossom |
MED | medical |
MEG | a halfpenny |
MEL | honey |
MEM | a Hebrew letter |
MEN | plural of MAN |
MES | plural of ME |
MET | a short form of meteorology |
MEU | the spignel plant |
MEW | (of a cat) to make a high pitched cry |
MHO | a unit of electrical inductance |
MIB | a type of playing marble (also MIG) |
MID | short for midshipman; the middle |
MIG | same as MIB, above |
MIL | a unit of wire measurement |
MIM | prim and proper |
MIR | a Muslim ruler |
MIS | plural of MI |
MIX | to mingle; a mixture |
MIZ | short form of miserable, misery (pl. MIZZES) |
MNA | a Greek unit of weight or money (also MINA) |
MOA | a gigantic extinct bird |
MOB | a disorderly crowd; to form into a mob |
MOC | a moccasin |
MOD | a Highland Gaelic festival |
MOE | a wry face |
MOG | to move away |
MOI | French form of me, facetiously used in English |
MOL | a mole |
MOM | Amer. colloq. for mother |
MON | a Japanese family badge or crest |
MOO | (of cattle) to low; a cow's low |
MOP | a sponge, etc., on a stick; to clean with a mop |
MOR | a layer of humus |
MOS | plural of MO |
MOT | a word (Fr.) |
MOU | a mouth (Scots) |
MOW | to cut the grass on; a pile of hay |
MOY | a coin or a measure |
MOZ | a type of curse |
MUD | to bury or hide in mud |
MUG | a cup with vertical sides; to attack from behind |
MUM | to act in a mime |
MUN | dial. for man |
MUS | plural of MU |
MUT | alternative spelling of MUTT |
MUX | (verb) to spoil, botch |
NAB | to seize; a hilltop |
NAE | Scots. form of no, certainly not |
NAG | a small horse; to worry or annoy constantly |
NAH | colloq. for no |
NAM | distraint (also NAAM) |
NAN | slightly leavened bread (also NAAN) |
NAP | to take a short sleep |
NAS | form of obsolete NE HAS, has not and NE WAS, was not |
NAT | colloq. form of nationalism |
NAW | colloq. for no |
NAY | a denial |
NEB | to put a bill on |
NED | a young hooligan |
NEE | (of a woman) born |
NEF | a church nave |
NEK | a col, a pass in a mountain range (S. Afr.) |
NEP | dial. for catmint, a plant attractive to cats |
NET | an open material, formed into meshes; to catch (fish) in a net |
NEW | obs. for to renew |
NIB | to provide with a nib |
NID | a pheasant's nest or brood |
NIE | same as NYE (an old spelling of nigh ; pr.p. NYING) |
NIL | nothing |
NIM | to take or steal |
NIP | a small quantity of spirits; to pinch |
NIS | a brownie or goblin in Scandinavian folklore (pl. NISSES) |
NIT | a young louse; a fool |
NIX | (verb) to veto or cancel |
NOB | a person of high social rank |
NOD | to move the head forward in assent or greeting |
NOG | to fix with a nog, a wooden peg |
NOH | a traditional style of Japanese drama |
NOM | name (Fr.) |
NON | Latin word for not |
NOO | now |
NOR | and not; neither |
NOS | plural of NO |
NOT | word expressing denial, negation or refusal |
NOW | the present time |
NOX | nitrogen oxide |
NOY | Spens. for annoy |
NTH | implying a large number |
NUB | to hang |
NUN | a female member of a religious order |
NUR | a knot on a tree (also KNUR) |
NUS | plural of NU |
NUT | an edible seed in a hard shell; to look for and gather nuts |
NYE | obs. spelling of nigh (also NIE; pr.p. NYING) |
NYS | Spens. for "not is" or "is not" |
OAF | a lout; an idiot |
OAK | a kind of tree; its wood |
OAR | to row a boat |
OAT | a kind of grass, the seeds of which are used as food |
OBA | in West Africa, a chief or ruler |
OBE | a form of sorcery of African origin |
OBI | to bewitch (pr.p. OBIING) |
OBO | a vessel for carrying oil and bulk ore |
OBS | plural of OB |
OCA | a South American wood-sorrel |
OCH | same as ACH, above |
ODA | a room in a harem |
ODD | strange; unpaired, left over; in golf, an additional or allowed stroke |
ODE | an elaborate lyric addressed to someone or something |
ODS | plural of OD |
OES | plural of OE |
OFF | to go off |
OFT | poetic for often |
OHM | a unit of electrical resistance |
OHO | an expression of triumph or surprise |
OHS | present tense verb form of OH |
OIK | an inferior person |
OIL | a greasy, flammable liquid; to smear or lubricate with oil |
OKA | a Turkish unit of weight |
OKE | also a Turkish unit of weight... |
OLD | an individual of a specified age |
OLE | a shout of approval |
OLM | a blind salamander |
OMS | plural of OM |
ONE | single; undivided; only; an individual thing or person; the number or figure 1 |
ONS | plural of ON |
OOF | slang word for money |
OOH | to express pleasure or surprise with 'ooh' |
OOM | uncle (S. Afr.) |
OON | Scots for oven |
OOP | to bind with thread, join (also OUP) |
OOR | Scots. for our |
OOS | plural of OO |
OOT | an out |
OPE | poetic for open |
OPS | plural of OP |
OPT | to decide or choose |
ORA | the plural of OS (a bone) |
ORB | to form into an orb |
ORC | a killer whale (also ORCA) |
ORD | a point of a weapon |
ORE | a solid mineral aggregate |
ORF | a viral infection of sheep |
ORS | plural of OR |
ORT | a leftover from a meal |
OSE | an esker, a narrow ridge of gravel and sand |
OUD | a stringed instrument of Northern Africa |
OUK | Scots for week |
OUP | same as OOP, above |
OUR | of or belonging to us |
OUT | to put or throw out |
OVA | the plural of ovum, an egg |
OWE | to be in debt for |
OWL | to behave like an owl |
OWN | to possess; belonging to oneself |
OWT | dial. for anything |
OXO | containing oxygen (also OXY) |
OXY | same as OXO, above |
OYE | same as OE, OY (a grandchild) |
OYS | plural of OY |
PAC | a shoe patterned after a moccasin |
PAD | to cover or fill with soft material |
PAH | same as PA (a Maori port or settlement) |
PAL | to associate as a pal |
PAM | the knave of clubs |
PAN | a broad, shallow container; to wash earth for gold |
PAP | to feed soft pap food to infants |
PAR | to score a standard number of strokes in golf |
PAS | French word for STEP; plural of PA |
PAT | a gentle stroke with the palm of the hand; to stroke gently |
PAW | to scrape with a paw |
PAX | a kiss of peace |
PAY | to remunerate (pa.t. also PAYED) |
PEA | a vegetable, the rounded seed of a climbing plant |
PEC | colloq. shortening of pectoral muscle |
PED | a shortening of pedestrian |
PEE | the letter P; to urinate |
PEG | a pin or fixture; to fasten with a peg |
PEH | same as PE (a Hebrew letter) |
PEN | an implement for writing; to write down on paper |
PEP | vigour or spirit; to put pep into |
PER | for each; by |
PES | plural of PE |
PET | a tame animal; a favourite; to treat as a pet |
PEW | a bench in a church |
PHI | a letter of the Greek alphabet |
PHO | same as FOH, above |
PHS | plural of PH |
PHT | interj. of mild anger |
PIA | a tropical plant |
PIC | colloq. for picture |
PIE | same as PYE, to reduce to confusion (pr.p. PIEING or PIING) |
PIG | a farm animal bred for food; slang word meaning to eat greedily |
PIN | a piece of wood or metal used for fastening; to fasten with a pin |
PIP | a small hard seed in a fruit; to offend or disgust |
PIR | a Muslim title of honour, given to a holy man |
PIS | the plural of PI |
PIT | to put in a pit |
PIU | more (Italian) |
PIX | a box in which coins are kept for testing |
PLY | a fold; to bend or fold |
POA | a meadow-grass plant |
POD | to shell peas |
POH | interj. expressing contempt |
POI | a Hawaiian dish of fermented taro |
POL | a politician |
POM | colloq. for Pomeranian dog |
POO | to defecate |
POP | a mild explosive sound; to make a pop |
POS | adj. positive |
POT | a utensil used for cooking or storing; to cook or put in a pot |
POW | head (Scots) |
POX | to infect with pox |
POZ | an old form of positive |
PRE | before |
PRO | a short form of professional, or prostitute |
PRY | (in plural form, PRYS) an old form of price |
PSI | a letter of the Greek alphabet |
PST | interj. used to attract attention (also PSST) |
PUB | a public house |
PUD | colloq. for pudding |
PUG | to fill in with clay or mortar |
PUH | Shak. for pooh, interj. expressing disgust |
PUL | a coin of Afghanistan |
PUN | to make a pun (play on words) |
PUP | to give birth to puppies |
PUR | obs. spelling of purr |
PUS | thick yellowish bodily fluid |
PUT | to place; to throw |
PUY | a small volcanic cone |
PYA | a copper coin of Burma |
PYE | to reduce to confusion (also PIE; pr.p. PYEING) |
PYX | (verb) to test |
QAT | an East African shrub (also KAT) |
QIS | plural of QI |
QUA | in the capacity of |
RAD | to fear |
RAG | a worn scrap of cloth; to tease or ridicule |
RAH | to express joy with the sound of 'rah' |
RAI | a modern North African form of popular music |
RAJ | sovereignty |
RAM | a male sheep; to push or cram down hard |
RAN | past tense of RUN |
RAP | a sharp blow; to strike sharply |
RAS | an Ethiopian prince |
RAT | to hunt rats |
RAW | a sore or irritated spot |
RAX | (verb) to stretch |
RAY | to emit rays |
REB | a Confederate soldier |
REC | a recreation ground |
RED | to put in order (also REDD) |
REE | an enclosure for sheep (Scots) |
REF | a short form of referee |
REG | a regulation |
REH | an accumulation of salts on soil |
REI | a Portugeuse coin |
REM | a unit of radiation dosage |
REN | an old spelling of run |
REP | to work as a representative |
RES | a short form of reservation |
RET | to soak |
REV | a revolution in an internal combustion engine; to increase the speed of revolution |
REW | Spens. spelling of row |
REX | an animal with a single layer of hair; king (pl. REGES) |
REZ | a short form of reservation (pl. REZZES) |
RHO | a letter of the Greek alphabet |
RHY | Spens. spelling of rye |
RIA | a drowned valley |
RIB | a bone curving forward from the backbone; to tease |
RID | to free or clear |
RIF | to dismiss from employment |
RIG | to fit with sails; to equip or clothe |
RIM | to provide with a rim |
RIN | Scots. form of run |
RIP | to tear open or apart |
RIT | to score or scratch (also RITT) |
RIZ | US past tense of rise |
ROB | to steal; a fruit syrup |
ROC | an enormous bird of Arabian legend (also ROK, RUC) |
ROD | to push a rod through |
ROE | a mass of fish eggs (adj. ROED) |
ROK | same as ROC, above |
ROM | a gypsy man |
ROO | a short form of kangaroo |
ROT | to decay; decay or corruption |
ROW | a line or rank; a noisy squabble; to quarrel; to propel through water with oars |
RUB | to apply friction; an impediment or difficulty |
RUC | same as ROC, above |
RUD | to redden |
RUE | to regret (pr.p. RUING, RUEING) |
RUG | a heavy floor-mat; Scots word meaning to pull roughly |
RUM | a spirit distilled from sugar-cane; odd, drole |
RUN | to move quickly; to organise and/or control |
RUT | to make a furrow with a wheel |
RYA | a type of Scandinavian rug |
RYE | a cereal grass; its grain |
SAB | to sob; a saboteur |
SAC | in biology, a bag-like structure |
SAD | unhappy, sorrowful |
SAE | so |
SAG | to bend or hang down |
SAI | the capuchin monkey |
SAL | a large North Indian tree |
SAM | together |
SAN | a Japanese form of address |
SAP | a liquid circulating through plants; to drain |
SAR | Scots. form of savour (pa.t. SARED) |
SAT | past tense of SIT |
SAU | same as XU (a Vietnamese coin; pl. SAU) |
SAW | a cutting tool with a toothed blade; to use a saw; past tense of SEE |
SAX | a short form of saxophone; a slate chopper |
SAY | to utter in words, speak; something said or stated |
SAZ | a stringed instrument of North Africa |
SEA | a great expanse of water |
SEC | a secant |
SED | Milt. spelling of said |
SEE | to perceive by the eye; an area under the authority of a bishop |
SEG | a stud in the sole of a shoe |
SEI | a whale, a kind of rorqual |
SEL | Scots form of self |
SEN | a Japanese monetary unit |
SER | a unit of weight in India |
SET | to put or place in position; a group; a complete series |
SEW | to work on with a needle and thread |
SEX | to identify the sex of |
SEY | a part of a carcase of beef |
SEZ | slang spelling of says |
SHA | same as SH, SHH (interj. requesting silence) |
SHE | pronoun used in referring to female person or thing |
SHH | see SHA, above |
SHY | embarrassed, bashful; to jump aside, recoil |
SIB | a blood relation |
SIC | to incite a dog to attack |
SIM | short for Simeonite, an evangelical |
SIN | moral offence; to commit sin |
SIP | to drink in small mouthfuls; a quantity sipped |
SIR | to address as "sir" |
SIS | a contraction of sister |
SIT | to rest on the buttocks; a spell of sitting |
SIX | the next whole number after five |
SKA | Jamaican music similar to reggae |
SKI | a narrow strip attached to a boot for gliding over snow; to move on skis |
SKY | to hit towards the sky (pa.t. also SKYED) |
SLY | cunning, wily; surreptitious |
SMA | Scots. word for small |
SNY | side channel of a river |
SOB | to cry uncontrollably, taking intermittent breaths |
SOC | the right of holding a local court |
SOD | to cover with sods of turf |
SOG | to soak |
SOH | a musical note (also SOL) |
SOL | same as SOH, above |
SON | a male offspring |
SOP | to soak |
SOS | plural of SO, a musical note |
SOT | to act as a sot, a habitual drunkard |
SOU | an old small French coin |
SOV | short form of sovereign, a gold coin |
SOW | a female pig; to scatter seed on the ground |
SOX | slang spelling of socks |
SOY | dark, salty sauce made from fermented beans |
SPA | a resort with a mineral spring; to stay at a spa |
SPY | a secret agent employed to watch; to watch secretly |
SRI | sir, used as a Hindu title of respect |
STY | to keep in a sty (pa.t. STIED, STYED) |
SUB | to subscribe, substitute etc. |
SUD | a rare singular form of SUDS, froth of soapy water |
SUE | to prosecute at law (pr.p. SUING) |
SUI | Latin word meaning of himself, itself |
SUK | same as SUQ, SOUK (a market place) |
SUM | the total, whole amount; to add, make up the total of |
SUN | the star that is the source of light; to expose to the sun's rays |
SUP | to take liquid into the mouth |
SUQ | a marketplace (also SUK, SOUK) |
SUR | on, above (Fr.) |
SUS | to arrest for suspicious behaviour (pl. also SUSES) |
SWY | an Australian two-up game |
SYE | to strain (pr.p. SYEING) |
SYN | since |
TAB | to name or designate |
TAD | a small amount |
TAE | Scots. form of toe (pr.p. TAEING) |
TAG | a tab or label; to put a tag on |
TAI | a Japanese sea bream |
TAJ | a crown |
TAK | Scots form of take |
TAM | a cap with a broad, circular flat top |
TAN | brown colour of the skin after exposure to the sun's rays; to become brown in the sun |
TAO | a path of virtuous conduct in Japanese philosophy |
TAP | a gentle knock or its sound; to knock gently |
TAR | a black bituminous substance; to coat with tar |
TAS | plural of TA |
TAT | to touch up |
TAU | a letter of the Greek alphabet |
TAV | a Hebrew letter |
TAW | to prepare skins for white leather |
TAX | a contribution levied towards a country's revenue; to impose a tax on |
TAY | dial. for tea |
TEA | to take tea |
TED | to spread out grass for drying |
TEE | to place a golf ball on a tee |
TEF | an Ethiopian cereal grass |
TEG | a sheep in its second year |
TEL | in Arab countries, a hill or mound |
TEN | the next whole number after nine |
TES | plural of TE |
TET | a Hebrew letter (also TETH) |
TEW | to hustle |
THE | the definite article |
THO | Spens. for those |
THY | of thee |
TIC | an involuntary twitching of muscles |
TID | Scots word meaning mood |
TIE | to fasten (pr.p. also TIEING) |
TIG | to touch |
TIL | sesame |
TIN | to coat with tin |
TIP | a gratuity; a helpful piece of advice; to give a tip |
TIS | plural of TI |
TIT | to tug |
TOC | telecommunications code for the letter 'T' |
TOD | to yield a tod, an old wool weight (also TODDE) |
TOE | a digit on the end of a foot; to kick or touch with the toes |
TOG | to dress |
TOM | a male cat; to behave like an Uncle Tom |
TON | a unit of weight |
TOO | also; excess |
TOP | the highest point, part or level; to cover the top; to surpass |
TOR | a hill |
TOT | a small child or drink; to add or total |
TOW | to pull along (behind); an act of towing; prepared fibres of flax or hemp |
TOY | an object for playing with; to play idly with |
TRY | to attempt; to make an effort |
TSK | to utter such an exclamation of annoyance |
TUB | to bathe in a tub |
TUG | to pull forcibly |
TUI | a New Zealand bird |
TUM | colloq. word for stomach |
TUN | to put in a tun, a large task |
TUP | of a ram, to copulate |
TUT | to say 'tut' |
TUX | short for tuxedo, a dinner jacket |
TWA | Scots. form of two |
TWO | the next whole number after one |
TWP | Welsh word for dim-witted or stupid |
TYE | to wash in a tye trough (pr.p. TYEING) |
TYG | an old drinking-cup with two or more handles |
UDO | a Japanese species of aralia |
UDS | old interj. meaning "God Save" |
UEY | a U-turn |
UFO | an unidentified flying object |
UGH | an old representation of a cough or grunt |
UGS | present tense of UG |
UKE | a ukulele |
ULE | a Central American rubber tree |
ULU | an Eskimo knife |
UMM | same as UM (interj. expressing doubt or hesitation) |
UMP | to umpire |
UNI | colloq. for university |
UNS | plural of UN |
UPO | upon |
UPS | plural and present tense of UP |
URB | an urban area |
URD | an Indian bean |
URE | an extinct wild ox |
URN | to place in an urn |
USE | to put to some purpose |
UTA | any of a genus of large lizards |
UTE | a short form of utility, a small truck |
UTS | plural of UT |
UTU | a Maori settlement of a debt |
UVA | a grape or grape-like berry |
VAC | a vacation; to clean with a vacuum cleaner (pa.t. VACKED) |
VAE | in Orkney or Shetland, a bay or creek (also VOE) |
VAN | to go or send in a van |
VAR | a unit of reactive power |
VAS | a duct carrying liquid |
VAT | to put or treat in a vat |
VAU | an obsolete letter in the Greek alphabet |
VAV | a Hebrew letter |
VAW | a Hebrew letter (also VAV) |
VEE | the letter 'V' |
VEG | short for vegeatable |
VET | to examine closely |
VEX | to distress or annoy; Scots word meaning grief |
VIA | a Latin word for road |
VID | short form of video |
VIE | to contend in rivalry; obsolete word meaning a bid |
VIG | a vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet |
VIM | energy, vigour |
VIN | wine (Fr.) |
VIS | Latin word for force |
VLY | low-lying wet ground, a swamp |
VOE | same as VAE, above |
VOL | in heraldry, two wings displayed and conjoined |
VOR | to warn |
VOW | a solemn promise; to make a vow or vows |
VOX | a voice (pl. VOCES) |
VUG | a cavity in a rock |
VUM | to vow |
WAB | a web |
WAD | to form into a wad |
WAE | Scots for woe |
WAG | to move from side to side; a habitual joker |
WAN | to make or become wan |
WAP | to throw or pull quickly |
WAR | a state of conflict; to make war |
WAS | past tense of BE |
WAT | a Thai Buddhist temple or monastery |
WAW | Spens. for wave |
WAX | a fatty substance; to treat with wax; to grow larger |
WAY | Spens. for to journey |
WEB | a fine structure spun by a spider; to envelop with a web |
WED | to marry; a pledge, security |
WEE | small; a short distance; to urinate |
WEM | old word for wame, the womb or belly |
WEN | a sebaceous cyst |
WET | to make wet (pa.t. also WETTED) |
WEX | (verb) obs. form of wax |
WEY | a measure for dry goods |
WHA | Scots. form of who |
WHO | pronoun used in referring to a person or people |
WHY | the reason or cause of something (pl. WHYS) |
WIG | to scold; to provide with a wig |
WIN | to winnow (pa.t. WINNED) |
WIS | sham archaic word meaning to know |
WIT | arch. for to know |
WIZ | a very skilful person |
WOE | misery |
WOG | offensive word for a nonwhite foreigner |
WOK | a pan used in Chinese cookery |
WON | to dwell; the monetary unit of Korea (pl. WONS) |
WOO | to court; to seek the support of |
WOP | to thump (also WHOP, WHAP) |
WOS | plural of WO, woe |
WOT | another form of wit, to know |
WOW | to impress |
WOX | obs. past tense of wax |
WRY | to give a twist to (pa.t. WRIED) |
WUD | Scots. form of wood |
WUS | a Welsh term used for addressing a companion |
WYE | the letter 'Y' |
WYN | a rune, having the value of modern English 'w' |
XIS | plural of XI |
YAH | a variant of yea, an affirmative vote |
YAK | to talk persistently |
YAM | a sweet potato |
YAP | to bark sharply or constantly; a yelp |
YAR | nimble (also YARE) |
YAW | to deviate from a course |
YAY | an affirmative vote (also YEA) |
YEA | same as yay, above |
YEH | colloq. form of yes (also YEAH) |
YEN | to desire or yearn |
YEP | a variant of yes (also YUP) |
YES | to give an affirmative reply to (pl. also YESES; pa.t. YESSED) |
YET | in addition, besides; nevertheless |
YEW | a type of evergreen tree |
YEX | (verb) to hiccup or belch (also YESK) |
YGO | Spens. past tense of go |
YID | an offensive term for a Jew |
YIN | one of two opposing principles of Chinese philosophy |
YIP | to give a short, sudden cry |
YOB | a lout |
YOD | a Hebrew letter |
YOK | to laugh (also YUK) |
YOM | a Jewish day (pl. YOMIM) |
YON | yonder |
YOS | plural of YO |
YOU | pronoun referring to the person being addressed |
YOW | to yowl, howl |
YUG | one of the four hindu ages of the world (also YUGA) |
YUK | same as YOK, above |
YUM | interj. to express satisfaction |
YUP | same as YEP, above |
YUS | plural of YU |
ZAG | (verb) to change direction on a zig-zag course (also ZIG) |
ZAP | to destroy; vitality or force |
ZAX | a variant of SAX (a chopper for trimming slate; also ZEX) |
ZEA | part of a cereal, once used as a diuretic |
ZED | the letter 'Z' |
ZEE | American form of zed |
ZEK | an inmate of a labour camp in the former USSR |
ZEL | an oriental cymbal |
ZEX | same as ZAX, above |
ZHO | see DZO, above |
ZIG | (verb) same as ZAG, above |
ZIN | zinfandel |
ZIP | energy, vitality; to full of or act with energy |
ZIT | a pimple |
ZIZ | to take a nap |
ZOA | a plural of zoon, a unified individual creature |
ZOO | a garden or park where animals are kept |
ZOS | plural of ZO |
ZUZ | an ancient Palestinian coin (pl. ZUZZES) |