Association of British Scrabble Players
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The ABSP Committee

The ABSP committee comprises the volunteers listed below. They come from all over the UK to meet once every two or three months, and keep in constant contact via email.

Click on the names below to find out more about each person.

The position of Treasurer is currently vacant. If you are a member of ABSP and interested in filling this role, please email

Honorary President

Gyles Brandreth

Committee Officers

Ross Mackenzie - Chairman
Laura Finley - Secretary
Situation Vacant - Treasurer (please see note above)

Committee Members

Anand Buddhdev - ABSP Technical Rep and Webmaster
Paul Cartman - Equality Officer
Elie Dangoor - Data Controller/Complaints Officer
Darryl Francis - Dictionary Advisor
Stewart Holden - Promotions Team
Elisabeth Jardine - Magazine Editor
Wayne Kelly - Publications Officer
Philip Nelkon - Mattel Representative
Steve Perry - Tournament Coordinator
Anne Ramsay - Membership Secretary
Allan Simmons - Promotions Team/BMSC
Sarah Wilks - Youth Scrabble Officer

Other ABSP Contributors

John Grayson - Ratings officer
Chris Hawkins - Deputy ratings officer
Steve Perry - Deputy ratings officer