Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
abram | auburn. |
achromic achromous | colourless. |
aeneous aeneus | of a shining bronze colour. |
albescent | becoming white; whiteness. |
albugineous | like the white of an eye or an egg; white-coloured. |
amaranthine | of a dark reddish-purple colour. |
anatta anatto annatta annatto arnatta arnotto | a bright orange colouring matter. |
anil | indigo, the plant or dye. |
archil orchil orchel orchella orseille | a dye obtained from certain lichens; lichens yielding this. |
ashen | of the colour of ash, grey. |
atrament | blacking; ink; black dye. |
atramental atramentous | inky black |
auburn | a golden- or reddish-brown colour, used esp. of a person's hair. |
aureity | the property of being golden in colour or substance. |
azure | sky-blue. |
azurean | azure. |
azurine | azure; (noun) a blue-black azurine dye. |
azurn | azure. |
azury | a bluish colour > AZURIES |
badious | chestnut-coloured. |
bay | of horses, of a certain colour > BAYER, BAYEST. |
beige | a woollen fabric of undyed wool; (adj.) greyish buff with a hint of pink > BEIGER, BEIGEST. |
beigy | somewhat BEIGE > BEIGIER, BEIGIEST. |
bice | a pale blue or green paint. |
bichrome | two-coloured. |
bicolor bicolour | something having two colours. |
bicolored | of two colors. |
bister bistre | a pigment with brownish colour derived from soot. |
bistered bistred | painted with BISTER, a pigment with brownish colour derived from soot. |
black | of the darkest colour > BLACKER, BLACKEST; (verb) to make black. |
blackish | somewhat black. |
blackishly | in a blackish manner. |
blackly | |
blae | dark blue or bluish gray; lead-colored > BLAER, BLAEST. [ON blar, livid]. |
blanco | a white substance used for treating uniform belts etc.; (verb) to treat with this. |
bleuatre | bluish. |
bloncket | grey. |
blond blonde | having blond hair > BLONDER, BLONDEST. |
blondeness blondness | the state of being BLOND. |
bloodred | the colour of blood. |
blue | (verb) to impart a bluish colour to, esp. a metal > BLUED, BLUING/BLUEING. |
blueish bluish | somewhat blue. |
blueishness | the state of being BLUEISH. |
bluely | with a blue color. |
bluey | of a bluish colour > BLUIER, BLUIEST. Also a noun, a swagman's bundle of personal effects. |
brazilein | a dyestuff obtained by the oxidation of BRAZILIN. |
brindle | of a brindled colour. |
brocked brockit | variegated, esp. black and white. |
bromeosin | another name for EOSIN, a red dye stuff. |
bronzy | like bronze > BRONZIER, BRONZIEST. |
brown | > BROWNER, BROWNEST; (verb) to make brown. |
brownish | somewhat brown. |
browny | brown or, somewhat brown > BROWNIER, BROWNIEST. |
brunet brunette | with a somewhat brown or dark complexion or hair. |
buff | of a yellowish-brown colour. |
buffy | of a yellowish-brown colour > BUFFIER, BUFFIEST. |
caerule cerule | blue, cerulean. |
caerulean cerulean ceruleous | sky-blue; dark blue; sea-green. |
caesious cesious | bluish or greyish green. |
canescent | hoary; tending to become white or grey. |
canities | whitening or greying of the hair. [L. canus, grey]. |
carmine | a deep red colour. |
castory | a brown colour; a brown dye derived from beaver pelts. |
celadon | a pale green colour; a kind of pale green glazed pottery. [Fr. Céladon, f. the name of a character in D'Urfé's L'Astrée]. |
cendre | ash-blond (the e has an accent). |
cerise | a colour, deep to vivid purplish-red. |
cerulein | a coal-tar dyestuff, producing fast olive-greens. |
chica chicha chico | an orange-red dye-stuff used by S. American Indians. |
chroma | quality of colour, hue > CHROMAS. |
cinereous | like ashes; ash-colored; grayish. |
citreous | lemon-coloured; lemony. |
citrine | dark greenish-yellow. |
claret | a dark red colour. |
claybank | brownish-yellow; (noun) a horse of this colour. |
cochineal | a dyestuff consisting of the dried bodies of females of the Coccus cacti, an insect native in Mexico, Central America, etc., and found on several species of cactus, esp. Opuntia cochinellifera. |
colorant colourant | a substance used for colouring. |
colorfast colourfast | having colours that retain their original hue without running or fading. |
colorful colourful | |
colory > COLORIER, COLORIEST | possessing colour |
colourway colorway | one of several combinations of colours in which e.g. a patterned fabric is available. |
coloury | full of colour > COLOURIER, COLOURIEST. |
concolor | of the same color; of uniform color. |
concolorate | having the same colour on both sides. |
copen | a strong light blue colour. [From Copenhagen]. |
coquelicot | brilliant red; poppy red. |
corbeau | a blackish-green colour. |
cramesy cramoisie cramoisy | crimson. |
creamlaid | of paper, cream or white in colour with a laid watermark. |
cremosin cremsin | crimson. |
crimson | a deep red. |
crimsonness | the state of being crimson > CRIMSONNESSES. |
croceate croceous | saffron-coloured. |
crocein crocine | a red or orange azo dye. |
cudbear | a purple or reddish dyestuff obtained from various lichens. [From Dr. Cuthbert Gordon, a Scottish chemist]. |
curcumin curcumine | the saffron-yellow colouring matter of TURMERIC. |
cyan | a colour, greenish-blue. |
cyanin | a plant pigment, blue in cornflower but red in roses because of its reaction with acids. |
cyano | blue or dark blue. No -S hook. |
dayglo | of a luminous green, yellow, pink or orange. No -S hook. |
dealbate | presenting a white appearance; whitened. |
decolor decolour | to deprive of color; to bleach. |
dichroic | having the property of DICHROISM, i.e. having two colours; as, a dichroic crystal. |
discolor discolour | to alter the natural hue or color of; to change to a different color. |
drab | of a dull colour. |
drabbish | somewhat drab in color. |
dubonnet | a red colour. |
dun | greyish brown, mouse-coloured > DUNNER, DUNNEST; (verb) to pursue for a debt. |
dunness | the state of being dun. |
dunnish | inclined to a dun color. |
ecru | (having) the color or appearance of unbleached stuff, as silk, linen, or the like. |
embrown imbrown | to give a brown color to. |
empurple impurple | to color or tinge with purple. |
encolour | to colour or tinge. |
encrimson | to colour crimson. |
engrain | to dye in grain, or of a fast color. |
envermeil | to color with, or as with, vermilion. |
eosin eosine | a red dye stuff. |
eosinic | of or like EOSIN, a red dye-stuff. |
erubescent | growing red; blushing. |
erythroid | of a red color; reddish. |
ethiops | a black substance; -- formerly applied to various preparations of a black or very dark color. |
favel favell | light-brown, chestnut. |
fawny | of a yellowish-brown colour > FAWNIER, FAWNIEST. |
feldgrau | field-grey, the colour of German military uniforms. |
ferruginous | of the colour of rust; impregnated with iron. |
filemot philamot philomot | dead-leaf colour; dull brown. |
flavescent | yellowish or turning yellow. |
flavin flavine | a yellow dye made from the bark of QUERCITRON, an American oak. |
flaxen | made of or resembling flax; (especially of hair) light yellow. |
flushy | reddish > FLUSHIER, FLUSHIEST. |
framboise | raspberry; a shade of pink > raspberry colour. |
fuchsin fuchsine | an aniline dye. |
fulvid fulvous | dull yellow, tawny. |
fusc fuscous | brown, dingy. |
gingerous | sandy, reddish. |
gingery | sandy, reddish > GINGERIER, GINGERIEST. |
glaucous | sea-green; greyish-blue. [Gk. glaukos]. |
glaucously | (adv.) GLAUCOUS, sea-green. |
gold | the colour of gold > GOLDER, GOLDEST. |
golden | having the colour of gold > GOLDENER, GOLDENEST; (verb) to become golden in colour. |
goldenly | |
goldtone | gold-coloured. |
gowd | gold, golden > GOWDER, GOWDEST. |
gray | grey > GRAYER, GRAYEST; (verb) to make grey. |
grayish | somewhat gray. |
grayly | |
grayness | |
green | > GREENER, GREENEST; (verb) to make or become green. |
greenish | somewhat green. |
greenly | |
greenness | |
greenth | the state or quality of being green; verdure. |
greeny | somewhat green in colour > GREENIER, GREENIEST; (noun) a pound note. |
grey | GREYER, GREYEST; (verb) to make grey. |
greyish | |
greyly | |
greyscale | of or relating to a scale consisting of different shades of the colour grey; (noun) a scale consisting of different shades of grey. |
gridelin | a colour, pale purple and red. [Fr. gris-de-lin, flax grey]. |
griesie gryesie gryesy | grey. |
gris grise | grey; (noun) a grey fur. |
griseous | pearl-grey or blue-grey; grizzled. |
grisled | grizzled. 'The grisled north/Discharges such a tempest' (Pericles). N.B. there is no verb GRISLE*. |
grizzle | to make or become grey or grey-haired. |
grizzly | somewhat gray; grizzled > GRIZZLIER, GRIZZLIEST; (noun) a grizzly bear. |
hawkit | streaked, white-faced. Cf. HAWKIE, a cow with a white-striped face. |
hazelly | of the color of the hazelnut; of a light brown. No comp!. |
henna | a tree or shrub; a colour, moderate to strong reddish-brown to strong brown; (verb) to colour with henna. [Arabic hinna]. |
hoar | grey, esp. with age; (verb) to cover with hoar. |
hoarily | |
hoariness | |
hoary | grey > HOARIER, HOARIEST. |
hore | hoar. |
hueless | destitute of color. |
hyacinthine | of a blue or purple colour. |
ianthine | violet-coloured. |
icterine | yellowish or marked with yellow. |
icteritious | jaundiced; yellow. |
inaurate | gilded; golden. |
incarnadine | flesh-colored; red, esp > blood red. [L. carnis, flesh and incarnato, flesh-colored]. |
indigo | a dark blue powder used as a vat dye, orig. obtained from certain plants but now mainly made synthetically > INDIGOS or INDIGOES. |
indigoid | a blue dye. |
indigotic | relating to INDIGO. |
infuscate infuscated | clouded or tinged with brown; obscured; cloudy brown colour. |
isabel isabella isabelline | a dingy yellowish-grey or drab. |
isochroous | of uniform colour. |
jacinthe | an orange colour. |
jettiness | the state of being jetty; blackness. |
jetty | (adj.) like jet, black > JETTIER, JETTIEST; (noun) a structure similar to a GROYNE but built to keep sand out of a harbor entrance; (verb) to project, jut out. |
kermes | a red cochineal-like dye made from dried bodies of certain female insects of Mediterranean; the evergreen oak on which these insects feed. |
khaki | dust-coloured, dull brownish. [Urdu khaki, dusty]. |
lateritious | brick-red in color. |
liard lyard lyart liart | grey; dapple-grey. |
livid | black and blue; of an ashen colour > LIVIDER, LIVIDEST. |
lividity | |
lividness | |
lovat | grey-green; blue-green. |
lutein | a yellow xanthophyll pigment present in the leaves of plants, in egg-yolk, and in the corpus luteum. |
luteolin | a yellow dyestuff obtained from the foliage of the dyer's broom. |
luteolous | yellowish. |
luteous | golden-yellow; muddy. [L. lutum, mud]. |
lutescent | yellowish. |
lycopene | a red pigment. |
madder | a red dye made from brazil wood. |
magenta | reddish-purple. [From its discovery about the time of the battle of Magenta in N. Italy, 1859]. |
mauve | any of a range of dull shades of purple between lilac and maroon > MAUVER, MAUVEST. |
mauvein mauveine mauvin mauvine | a mauve dye |
mazarine | a rich blue or reddish-blue colour. |
melanosity | the state of being MELANOUS, swarthy. |
melanous | swarthy, with a black complexion. |
minium | vermilion; red lead > MINIUMS not MINIA*. |
modena | a dark purple color. [From the N. Italian city of Modena]. |
monochroic | of one colour. |
multihued | with many hues. |
nacarat | a bright orange-red; a fabric so coloured. |
nigrescence | blackness; dark colouring or pigmentation. |
nigricant | of a blackish colour. |
nigrify | to blacken. |
nigrosin nigrosine | a blackish coal-tar colour dye. |
noncolor | something that is not a colour. |
noncolored noncolored | not coloured. |
nongreen | not green. |
nutbrown | having the colour of a nut. |
oaker | ochre. |
ocher ochre | a native pigment composed of fine earth and an iron oxide; (verb) to colour with ochre. |
ocherous ochrous ochraceous ochreous ochroid ochry ochery ochrey ocherish | containing or resembling OCHRE. |
ochroleucous | yellowish white. |
olivaceous | olive-coloured. |
orangey orangy | somewhat ORANGE > ORANGIER, ORANGIEST. |
orangish | somewhat ORANGE. |
orcein | a reddish brown amorphous dyestuff, obtained from ORCIN and forming the essential coloring matter of CUDBEAR and ARCHIL. It is closely related to litmus. |
orchel orchella orchil orseille | a dye obtained from certain lichens. Cf. ARCHIL. |
orpin | a yellow pigment of various degrees of intensity, approaching also to red. |
outred outredden | to surpass in redness. |
overdye | to dye with excess of color; to put one color over (another). |
overred | to smear with red. |
oxblood | a dark reddish-brown colour. |
palish | somewhat pale or wan. |
pallid | pale; wan > PALLIDER, PALLIDEST. |
pallidity | pallidness; paleness. |
pallor | paleness e.g. of the complexion. |
paly | pale in colour > PALIER, PALIEST. |
particolored particoloured | having many colours. |
peachblow | a delicate purplish-pink colour, used as a glaze on porcelain. |
phaeic | dusky. [Gk. phaios, dusky]. |
philamot philomot | dead-leaf colour; dull brown. Cf. FILEMOT. |
pigmental | of or pertaining to pigments; furnished with pigments. |
pink | PINKER, PINKEST; (verb) to prick, wound slightly. |
pinken | to become pink. |
pinkiness | the state of being PINKY. |
pinkish | somewhat pink. |
pinkly | |
pinkness | |
pinky | somewhat pink > PINKIER, PINKIEST; (noun) a little finger. |
pistache | a shade of green. |
pleochroic polychroic | displaying different colours when seen from different directions. |
plumbeous | leaden; lead-coloured. |
polychrome | many-coloured; (noun) a work of art using lots of colours; (verb) to colour in many colours. |
ponceau | a poppy-coloured red dye > PONCEAUS or PONCEAUX. |
porphyrous | purple. |
porporate | clad in purple. |
porraceous | leek-green. |
primrose | pale yellow; (verb) to gather primroses. |
primuline | a yellow coal-tar dye. |
prussian | As in prussian blue, ferric ferrocyanide, a colour pigment, discovered in Berlin. |
puce | brownish-purple; purplish-pink > PUCER, PUCEST. |
purple | > PURPLE, PURPLEST; (verb) to make purple. |
purpleness | the state of being PURPLE. |
purplish | somewhat purple. |
purply | somewhat purple > PURPLIER, PURPLIEST. |
purpureal | purple. |
pyrrhous | reddish; ruddy. |
raddle reddle ruddle | red ochre; (verb) to redden with this. |
red | a primary colour > REDDER, REDDEST; (verb) to tidy up, also REDD. |
redden | to make red |
reddish | |
reddishly | rEDDISH, somewhat red. |
reddy | reddish > REDDIER, REDDIEST. |
redness | |
redye | to dye again. |
regreen | to make green again. |
rosanilin | a reddish-brown derivative of ANILIN used as a dye. |
rose | (verb) to redden. |
rosiness | |
rosy | rose-coloured > ROSIER, ROSIEST; (verb) to redden. |
roucou | a bright orange colouring matter, aka ANNATTO. [Fr. ro(u)cou f. Galibi rucu var. of Tupi urucú]. |
rubefy rubify | to redden. |
rubescent | growing red; blushing. |
rubicund | inclining to redness; ruddy; red. |
rubiginose rubiginous | rust-coloured. |
rubineous | ruby-red. |
rubious | ruby red; rusty. |
ruby | red like a ruby > RUBIER, RUBIEST; (verb) to redden. |
rud | redness of complexion; (verb) to redden > RUDDED, RUDDING. |
ruddily | |
ruddiness | |
ruddy | reddish > RUDDIER, RUDDIEST; to redden. |
rufescence | the state of being RUFESCENT, inclined to redness. |
rufescent | inclining to redness. |
rufous | reddish or brownish-red > RUFOUSES. |
russet | reddish brown; (verb) to make or become russet in colour. |
russety | of a russet color > RUSSETIER, RUSSETIEST. |
sable | black > SABLER, SABLEST. |
saffrony | having a color somewhat like saffron; yellowish. |
safranin safranine | the yellow colouring matter in saffron; a coal tar derivative which dyes yellowish red. |
sallow | of an unhealthy pale or yellowish colour > SALLOWER, SALLOWEST; (verb) to make sallow. |
sallowish | somewhat sallow. |
sallowy | somewhat sallow > SALLOWIER, SALLOWIEST. |
sallowly | |
sapphired | coloured with sapphire blue. |
saxe | as in saxe blue, a light bluish-grey colour. |
scarlet | (verb) to redden > SCARLETED, SCARLETING. |
sepia | a brown pigment, obtained from the ink of the cuttlefish. |
sepic | of or pertaining to SEPIA; done in sepia; as, a sepic drawing. |
sienna | a fine pigment made from ferruginous ochreous earth, browny-yellow when raw, reddish-brown when burnt. [From the town of Siena]. |
silvery | like silver > SILVERIER, SILVERIEST. |
smalt | a deep-blue pigment. |
smaragdine | emerald green. |
soare sore | sorrel, reddish brown. |
solferino | a moderate purplish-red (after the town of Solferino) > SOLFERINOS. |
sorel sorell sorrel | (of) a reddish-brown or light chestnut colour. |
spadiceous | chestnut-coloured. |
subfusc subfusk subfuscous | duskish; moderately dark; brownish; tawny. |
swart | black, dusky. |
swarthily | sWARTHY, dark-complexioned, blackish. |
swarthy | black > SWARTHIER, SWARTHIEST. |
swartness | the quality or state of being SWART. |
swarty | swarthy; tawny > SWARTIER, SWARTIEST |
tan | of a brown colour > TANNER, TANNEST; (verb) TANS, TANNING, TANNED. |
tannish | somewhat tan. |
taupe | a brownish-gray to dark yellowish-brown colour. |
tawnily | |
tawniness | the quality or state of being tawny. |
tawny | yellowish-brown > TAWNIER, TAWNIEST |
thionin thionine | a violet dye. |
tinct | to stain, dye. |
tinctorial | of or relating to dyeing; giving colour. |
tincture | a colouring matter, a dye, a pigment; spec. one used as a cosmetic; (verb) to colour with a tincture. |
tinter | a person or thing that tints. |
tintiness | the state of being tinted. |
tintless | without tint. |
tinty | unevenly tinted > TINTIER, TINTIEST. |
titian | red-gold or reddish-brown; (noun) this colour. |
tricolour tricolor | having three colours; (noun) a flag of three colours; esp. the French national flag of blue, white, and red vertical stripes. |
tropeolin | a type of dye. |
trypan | as in trypan dye, a blue dye obtained from tolidine. |
turacin | a red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of TURACOU; whence the name. |
ultramarine | beyond the sea; (of) greenish- blue color or pigment. |
umber | brownish red; (verb) to colour brownish red. |
umbery | of or pertaining to umber; like umber; as, umbery gold > UMBERIER, UMBERIEST. |
uncolored | not colored. |
undertint | a tint underlying another tint. |
ungreen | not green > UNGREENER, UNGREENEST. |
unicolor unicolour | having one colour |
unicolored | having one colour |
unpigmented | not pigmented. |
unwhite | not white. |
varicolored | of different colours. |
verdancy | the quality of being verdant. |
verdant | green, esp. of growth. |
verdure | greenness; health and vigour. |
verdured | clad with VERDURE, greenness. |
vermeil | bright red; scarlet; vermilion; (verb) to make crimson > VERMEILED/VERMEILLED. Cf. VERMIL, VERMEILLE. |
vermeille | bright red; scarlet; vermilion; (verb) to make crimson. Cf. VERMIL, VERMEIL. |
vermell | = VERMEIL, bright red. |
vermil | bright red; scarlet; vermilion; (verb) to make crimson > VERMILLED/VERMILLING. Cf. VERMEIL, VERMEILLE. |
vermilion | bright red; (verb) to make vermilion. |
vermillion | bright red. |
vermily | vermilion. Cf. VERMIL, VERMELL. |
versicolor versicolour | of variable or various colours. Also VERSICOLOR. |
vinaceous | of the colour of wine, dark-red. Used esp. for the unique dark-red coloring of some birds, like the vinaceous amazon or vinaceous rosefinch. |
virent | green; not withered. |
virescent | becoming or slightly green. |
virid | bright green. |
viridian | chrome green. |
viridity | greenness; freshness. |
wan | of a pale colour > WANNER, WANNEST; (verb) to make wan > WANS, WANNING, WANNED. |
wanness | the quality or state of being wan. |
wannish | somewhat wan; of a pale hue. |
wheaten | the golden colour of ripe wheat. |
white | WHITER, WHITEST; (verb) to make white. |
whitely | |
whiteness | |
whitish | somewhat white. |
whity | whiteish > WHITIER, WHITIEST; (noun) a white person. Also WHITEY. |
willowish | of the colour of willow leaves. |
woaded | colored or stained with woad. |
woald | a yellow pigment. |
woodtone | a colour matching that of wood > WOODTONES. |
xanthein | a soluble yellow colouring matter present in flowers. |
xanthic | yellow; yellowish. |
xanthous | yellow- or red-haired; yellow-skinned. |
yellow | YELLOWER, YELLOWEST; (verb) to make yellow |
yellowish | |
yellowly | |
yellowy | somewhat yellow > YELLOWIER, YELLOWIEST. |
zaffar zaffer zaffir zaffre | a blue ceramic colouring. |