Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Implements > Ropes and Straps

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

babiche a thong or lace made of rawhide > BABICHES.
backseat a rope supporting the mizzenmast > BACKSEATS.
becket a loop of rope having a knot at one end and an eye at the other > BECKETS.
bellyband a saddle-girth > BELLYBANDS.
bobstay a rope used on ships to steady the bowsprit > BOBSTAYS.
boltrope a strong rope stitched to the edges of a sail > BOLTROPES.
bowyang a strap tied round the trouser legs by outdoor labourers > BOWYANGS.
browband the bridle-strap that goes over a horse's forehead > BROWBANDS.
buntline a rope attached to the middle of a square sail to haul it up to the yard > BUNTLINES.
cabestro a lasso > CABESTROS.
cable a heavy rope; (verb) to fasten with a cable > CABLES, CABLING, CABLED.
cablet a little cable less than ten inches in circumference > CABLETS.
cabresta a lasso > CABRESTAS.
cabresto a lasso > CABRESTOS.
catfall a rope used in hoisting the anchor to the cathead > CATFALLS.
cavesson a noseband for a horse > CAVESSONS.
chock a metal casting with curved arms for passing ropes for mooring ship; (verb) to fasten or secure with or as if with a block or wedge > CHOCKS, CHOCKING, CHOCKED.
clew a corner of a sail with a hole to attach ropes; (verb) to attach a rope to the corner of a sail > CLEWS, CLEWING, CLEWED.
cordage ropes in the rigging of a ship > CORDAGES.
cordelle a rope esp on a ship; (verb) to tow a boat with a cordelle > CORDELLES, CORDELLING, CORDELLED.
corder a person who or thing which fastens with a cord or forms a cord > CORDERS.
cordlike like a cord.
crouper a strap buckled to the back of a saddle and looped under the horse's tail, to prevent the saddle from slipping forward > CROUPERS.
crupper a strap on a saddle that passes beneath a horse's tail > CRUPPERS.
curpel the crupper > CURPELS.
downhaul a rope for holding down or hauling down a sail or spar > DOWNHAULS.
dragrope a rope used for dragging > DRAGROPES.
eyehole a circular opening to receive a hook etc > EYEHOLES.
eyehook a hook or ring on the end of a rope or chain > EYEHOOKS.
flemish to flemish down, i.e. to stow a rope in a Flemish coil > FLEMISHES, FLEMISHING, FLEMISHED.
foefie as in foefie slide, a rope, fixed at an incline, along which a person suspended on a pulley may traverse a space, esp across a river.
footrope the rope rigged below a yard, upon which men stand when reefing or furling > FOOTROPES.
foresheet a rope used for trimming the foresail; the space near bow of open boat > FORESHEETS.
frap to draw tight (as with ropes or cables) > FRAPS, FRAPPING, FRAPPED.
gantline a rope used in single-block hoist > GANTLINES.
girthline a gantline, a rope used in single-block hoist > GIRTHLINES.
girtline a gantline, a rope used in single-block hoist > GIRTLINES.
gromet a ring formed by twisting on itself a single strand of an unlaid rope; also, a metallic eyelet in or for a sail or a mailbag > GROMETS.
grommet a metallic eyelet in or for a sail or a mailbag; (verb) to fit with grommets > GROMMETS, GROMMETING, GROMMETED.
grummet a metallic eyelet in or for a sail or a mailbag; (verb) to fit with grummets > GRUMMETS, GRUMMETING, GRUMMETED.
guyline a line used as a guide > GUYLINES.
hackamore a halter consisting of a long leather or rope strap and headstall, used for leading a pack animal > HACKAMORES.
halliard a rope or tackle for hoisting and lowering sails > HALLIARDS.
halser a large rope for mooring or towing a ship > HALSERS.
halter a rope for holding and leading an animal; (verb) to put a halter on > HALTERS, HALTERING, HALTERED.
halyard a rope or tackle for hoisting and lowering sails > HALYARDS.
harpin a short rope under the tops at the lower end of the futtock shrouds > HARPINS.
haulyard a rope or tackle for hoisting and lowering sails > HAULYARDS.
hawser a large rope for mooring or towing a ship > HAWSERS.
hayband a rope of twisted hay > HAYBANDS.
headfast a mooring rope at the bows of a ship > HEADFASTS.
honda part of a lariat > HONDAS.
houseline tarred marline, a line of two loosely twisted strands > HOUSELINES.
inhaul a rope or line for hauling in something > INHAULS.
inhauler a rope used to draw in the jib boom, or flying jib boom > INHAULERS.
knittle a string that draws together a purse or bag > KNITTLES.
knot a closed loop > KNOTTY; (verb) to tie in a knot > KNOTS, KNOTTING, KNOTTED.
laniard a rope or line for fastening something in a ship > LANIARDS.
lanyard a rope or line for fastening something in a ship > LANYARDS.
lariat a lassoo; (verb) to lassoo > LARIATS, LARIATING, LARIATED.
lasher a rope for binding one thing to another > LASHERS.
lasso a long rope, esp of untanned hide, with a noose at one end now used chiefly in the western US for catching cattle and wild horses > LASSOS or LASSOES; (verb) to use a lasso > LASSOES, LASSOING, LASSOED.
latigo a strap for tightening a cinch > LATIGOES or LATIGOS.
lazo a lasso; (verb) to lasso > LAZOS or LAZOES, LAZOING, LAZOED.
longe a rope used in training horses; (verb) to train or cause to go with a longe > LONGES, LONGING, LONGED.
mainsheet a rope by which a mainsail is trimmed and secured > MAINSHEETS.
manrope a rope used as a handrail on a ship > MANROPES.
marline a line of two loosely twisted strands > MARLINES.
martingal a strap from the reins to the girth of a horse preventing it from carrying its head too high > MARTINGALS.
martingale a strap from the reins to the girth of a horse preventing it from carrying its head too high > MARTINGALES.
metump a tumpline, a strap placed across a man's forehead to assist him in carrying a pack on his back > METUMPS.
musrol the noseband of a bridle > MUSROLS.
nipper a person who or thing which nips; (verb) to seize two ropes together > NIPPERS, NIPPERING, NIPPERED.
noose a loop with running knot which draws tighter the more it is pulled; (verb) to secure with a type of loop > NOOSES, NOOSING, NOOSED.
noseband a strap passing round the nose of a horse, suspended by its own headpiece fitted under the bridle > NOSEBANDS.
nosebanded wearing a noseband.
oakum old ropes untwisted for caulking the seams of ships > OAKUMS.
outhaul a rope used to haul a sail taut along a spar > OUTHAULS.
outhauler a rope used to haul a sail taut along a spar > OUTHAULERS.
parbuckle a sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object; (verb) to raise or lower (a cask, gun, etc) with a parbuckle > PARBUCKLES, PARBUCKLING, PARBUCKLED.
parral a band by which a yard is fastened to a mast > PARRALS.
parrel a band by which a yard is fastened to a mast > PARRELS.
prolonge a rope for a gun-carriage > PROLONGES.
puddening a pad of rope used as a fender on a boat > PUDDENINGS.
reata a lariat > REATAS.
reefpoint any of several short pieces of rope attached to a sail to secure it.
reeve a bailiff or steward; (verb) to pass (a rope) through a ring; to fasten by reeving > REEVES, REEVING, REEVED or ROVE, ROVEN.
riata a lariat > RIATAS.
riem a rawhide thong > RIEMS.
riempie a long riem about the width of a shoelace, used as string > RIEMPIES.
ripcord a cord that is pulled on to open a parachute > RIPCORDS.
rope a thick line of twisted fibers > ROPEY, ROPY; (verb) to bind with a rope > ROPES, ROPING, ROPED.
ropelike resembling a rope.
selvagee an untwisted skein of rope yarn marled together to form a strop > SELVAGEES.
sennit plaited straw or rope > SENNITS.
sinnet plaited straw or rope > SINNETS.
skein a length of yarn wound in a loose coil; (verb) to wind into a long loose coil > SKEINS, SKEINING, SKEINED.
spunyarn a line or rope made of one or more yarns twisted (not laid) into a cord > SPUNYARNS.
sternfast a rope or chain for making fast a ship's stern to a wharf > STERNFASTS.
sugan a straw rope > SUGANS.
surcingle a girth or strap for holding saddle to animal's back; (verb) to fasten with a surcingle > SURCINGLES, SURCINGLING, SURCINGLED.
swift rapid > SWIFTER, SWIFTEST, SWIFTLY; (noun) a swallow-like bird; (verb) to tighten with a rope > SWIFTS, SWIFTING, SWIFTED.
swifter a rope used to tighten or keep a thing in place > SWIFTERS.
thong a narrow strip of leather used for binding > THONGY; (verb) to flog with a whip > THONGS, THONGING, THONGED.
thoroughbrace any of several leather straps supporting the body of a carriage and serving as springs > THOROUGHBRACES, THOROUGHBRACED.
thoroughbraced fitted with a thoroughbrace.
throatlash a strap used to fasten a horse's bridle > THROATLASHES.
throatlatch a strap used to fasten a horse's bridle > THROATLATCHES.
timenoguy a rope stretched from place to place on a ship; a makeshift > TIMENOGUYS.
towrope a rope for towing > TOWROPES.
triatic a rope joining adjacent mastheads > TRIATICS.
trice to haul in and lash secure a sail with a small rope > TRICES, TRICING, TRICED.
tumpline a strap placed across a man's forehead to assist him in carrying a pack on his back > TUMPLINES.
unreeve to withdraw a rope from an opening > UNREEVES, UNREEVING, UNREEVED or UNROVE, UNROVEN.
unroven (Pt.) UNREEVE, to withdraw a rope from an opening.
vitta a leather strap on a soldier's suit of armour > VITTAE.
wang a leather thong > WANGS.
wanty a surcingle, or strap of leather, used for binding a load upon the back of a beast > WANTIES.
widdie a rope, esp one made of osiers; a hangman's noose > WIDDIES.
widdy a rope, esp one made of osiers; a hangman's noose > WIDDIES.
withe a tough, flexible branch or twig, esp one used for binding; (verb) to bind with a withe > WITHES, WITHING, WITHED.
woold to wind a rope or chain around > WOOLDS, WOOLDING, WOOLDED.
woolder a stick used to tighten the rope in woolding > WOOLDERS.
wuddy a loop at the end of a rope > WUDDIES.