Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
acclivity | an upward slope. |
aiguille | (Fr.) a needlelike peak of rock. |
ait | a small island in a river. |
alluvial | relating to running water activities or deposits; (noun) soil composed of alluvium. |
alluvion | (Lat.) land gradually gained from the sea by the washing up of sand and earth. |
alluvium | (Lat.) land gradually gained from the sea by the washing up of sand and earth. |
alp | a mountain. |
altiplano | (Spanish) a high plateau in Andes. |
alvar | (Swedish) an area of exposed limestone. |
anaclinal | of valleys, progressing in a direction opposite to the dip of the surrounding rock strata. |
antar | (Shakesp.) a cave. |
anticlinal | of or like an anticline; (noun) an anticlinal fold, axis, crest, or line; a line whence strata dip in opposite directions. |
anticline | a fold that is convex upward, or that had such an attitude at some stage of its development. |
anticlinorium | an arch-shaped group of anticlines and synclines. |
antidune | a sandhill that forms a steep slope against the direction of the prevailing current. |
antre | (Shakesp.) a cave. |
archipelagian | of, relating to, or located in an archipelago. |
archipelagic | of, relating to, or located in an archipelago. |
archipelago | a chain or set of islands grouped together. |
areic | of an area of the earth with little surface drainage. |
arete | (Fr.) a narrow, saw-toothed mountain ridge developed by glacier erosion in adjacent cirques. |
arroyo | (Spanish) a dry desert gully. |
as | in whatever way; (conj.) because, since; (noun) a Norse god a gravel ridge or kame a Roman coin |
ashfall | volcanic ash. |
atoll | a coral island consisting of a reef surrounding a lagoon. |
avalanche | a generic term for any slide of snow, ice, and debris; (verb) to descend as an avalanche. |
backcountry | a remote rural region. |
backveld | (Afrikaans) country remote from towns. |
badland | a barren, hilly area. |
bahada | (Spanish) a broad, sloping depositional deposit caused by the coalescing of alluvial fans. |
bajada | (Spanish) a broad, sloping depositional deposit caused by the coalescing of alluvial fans. |
bankside | the slope of a bank, esp of the bank of a steam. |
barchan | (Turkestan) a crescent-shaped dune. |
barchane | (Turkestan) a crescent-shaped dune. |
barkan | (Turkestan) a crescent-shaped dune. |
barkhan | (Turkestan) a crescent-shaped dune. |
barranca | (Spanish) a ravine caused by heavy rains or a watercourse. |
barranco | (Spanish) a ravine caused by heavy rains or a watercourse. |
barren | devoid of vegetation (noun) a plateau with shrubs but no timber |
bayou | (Am. Ind.) the marshy offshoot of a lake or river. |
beach | the shore of a sea or of a lake, esp when sandy or pebbly (verb) to drive ashore |
beachfront | a strip of land that fronts a beach. |
beachy | having a beach or beaches. |
ben | (Gaelic) a mountain. |
benchland | a former wave-cut shore of a sea or lake. |
benchy | of a hillside, hollowed out in benches. |
berg | (Afrikaans) a hill or mountain in S. Africa. |
bergfall | (Ger.) a fall of mountain rock. |
bergmehl | (Ger.) a powdery deposit of diatom frustules, aka kieselguhr. |
bergschrund | (Ger.) a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall. |
blowout | an irregular depression excavated by wind, usually in previously deposited blown sand. |
bog | a marsh (verb) to sink into a bog |
bogginess | the state of being boggy. |
boggish | boggy. |
boggy | like a bog. |
boghole | a natural hole in the ground with a swampy bottom. |
bogland | marshland. |
bolson | (Spanish) a basin-shaped depression surrounded by mountains, esp in the southern US and Mexico. |
bommie | an outcrop of coral reef. |
boonies | remote, undeveloped country. |
boschveld | (Afrikaans) veld made up largely of woodland. |
bottomland | (US) alluvial deposits. |
bottomset | as in bottomset bed, fine sediment deposited at the foot of a growing delta. No -S. |
bouldery | of a landscape, characterized by boulders. |
brae | (Scots) a steep bank beside a river valley. |
braeheid | (Scots) the summit of a hill or slope. |
brushland | an area covered with brush growth. |
bundu | (Bantu) a remote uncultivated region. |
bushland | land covered by bush. |
bushveld | (Afrikaans) veld made up largely of woodland. |
butte | (Fr.) an isolated hill rising abruptly from the surrounding area, having steep sides and a flat top. |
cajon | (Spanish) a steep canyon. |
caldera | (Spanish) a large, basin-shaped volcanic depression, more or less circular in form. |
callow | unfledged; inexperienced CALLOWLY; (noun) an alluvial flat |
callowly | (Adv.) CALLOW, unfledged, inexperienced. |
campagna | (Ital.) an open level tract of country; esp "Campagna di Roma", the extensive undulating plain which surrounds Rome. |
campo | (Spanish) an area of open grassland in S. America. |
canada | (Spanish) a narrow canyon. |
canyon | (Spanish) a deep gorge or ravine. |
carse | (Scots) alluvial lowland beside a river. |
cave | a hollow in a rock; (verb) to hollow out. |
cavern | a large cave; (verb) to hollow out as in a cavern. |
cay | a small low island of coral, sand etc. |
cenote | (Mayan) a deep natural hole in the ground with a pool at the bottom, esp in the Yucatan peninsula, often used by the Mayas as a place of sacrifice. |
cerrado | an area of wooded savanna in S. America. |
chalkland | land composed of chalk. |
champaign | an expanse of level, open country, a plain. |
chasm | a deep cleft in the earth. |
chasmal | of or like a chasm. |
chasmed | having chasms. |
chasmic | of or like a chasm. |
chasmy | abounding in chasms. |
chersonese | a peninsula. |
chott | (Arabic) a shallow saline lake of northern Africa; the dried bed of such a lake. |
cirque | (Fr.) a bowl-shaped depression on a mountain that is carved out by an Alpine glacier. |
cleeve | (Dial.) a cliff, a hillside. |
cleuch | (Scots) a ravine, a gully. |
cleugh | (Scots) a ravine, a gully. |
cleve | (Dial.) a cliff, a hillside. |
cliff | a high, steep face of rock. |
cliffed | having cliffs. |
clifflike | like a cliff. |
cliffside | the side of a cliff. |
clifftop | the top of a cliff. |
cliffy | having cliffs, craggy. |
clift | a cliff. |
clifted | broken into cliffs. |
clifty | broken into cliffs. |
clint | a block in a limestone pavement. |
clough | a ravine, a gully. |
coastal | pertaining to or located near a seashore. |
coastally | (Adv.) COASTAL, pertaining to a coast. |
coastland | land along the coast. |
coastline | the line or boundary of a coast. |
col | a pass in a mountain range. |
combe | a short deep valley; a hollow in a hillside. |
coneless | of a volcano, not having a cone, like a maar. |
continent | temperate, able to restrain (noun) a vast landmass not broken up by seas |
coomb | a short deep valley; a hollow in a hillside. |
coombe | a short deep valley; a hollow in a hillside. |
corcass | (Irish) in Ireland, a salt-marsh, or land susceptible to flooding by a river. |
cordillera | (Spanish) a mountain ridge or chain. |
cordilleran | relating to a cordillera, a mountain ridge or chain. |
corrie | a round hollow in a hillside. |
coste | (Spenser) a coast. |
coteau | (Fr.) uplands; higher ground of a region. |
coulee | (Fr.) a lava-flow; a rocky ravine. |
couloir | (Fr.) a steep mountainside gorge. |
cove | a small inlet of the sea, a bay; (verb) to form or provide with an architectural cove. |
covelet | a small cove. |
crag | a rough steep rock. |
cragged | full of crags, or steep, broken rocks. |
craggedness | the state of being cragged, full of crags. |
craggily | (Adv.) CRAGGY, rugged, full of crags. |
cragginess | the quality of being craggy. |
craggy | rugged, full of crags. |
craig | (Scots) a crag, in the sense of cliff or neck. |
crater | the bowllike mouth of a volcano; (verb) to make a crater in. |
craterlet | a small crater. |
craterlike | like a crater. |
craterous | pertaining to, or resembling, a crater. |
craton | (Greek) a large, relatively stable section of earth's crust, forming the basis of a continent or ocean. |
cratonic | relating to a craton, a large, relatively stable section of earth's crust. |
creston | (Spanish) an outcrop. |
crevasse | a deep crevice or open fracture in glacier ice; (verb) to make a crevasse in. |
crustal | relating to a crust, esp the earth's. |
cuesta | (Spanish) a geological feature, gentle slope on one side, cliff on the other. |
cutbank | a steep stream bank. |
cwm | (Welsh) a valley. |
dale | a valley. |
dargle | (Scott) a dell. |
debouchure | (Fr.) the mouth of a river or strait. |
declivity | a descending slope. |
deglaciated | showing deglaciation, the melting of ice due to the retreat of a glacier. |
deglaciation | the melting of ice due to the retreat of a glacier. |
dell | a small, retired valley. |
delta | the often triangular-shaped alluvial deposition area at the mouth of a river. |
deltaic | relating to a delta. |
deltic | relating to a delta. |
dene | a sandy tract or dune by the seashore. |
desertic | like a desert, arid and barren. |
diapir | an anticlinal fold in which the overlying rock has been pierced by material from beneath. |
diapiric | of or like diapir, an anticlinal fold in which the overlying rock has been pierced by material from beneath. |
diatreme | a volcanic vent produced by gaseous explosions. |
diluvial | of, relating to, or brought about by a flood. |
diluvian | of, relating to, or brought about by a flood. |
dimble | a deep narrow wooded valley. |
dingle | a deep narrow wooded valley, a dell. |
djebel | (Arabic) a hill, a range of mountains. |
doab | (Urdu) a tongue or tract of land included between two rivers; as, the doab between the Ganges and the Jumna. |
dolina | (Russian) a typically funnel-shaped basin in a karstic region. |
doline | (Russian) a typically funnel-shaped basin in a karstic region. |
donga | (Zulu) a gully made by soil erosion. |
downland | a rolling treeless upland. |
downwarp | a broad surface depression. |
droke | (Canadian) a valley with steeply sloping sides. |
drumlin | a long hill formed by glacial retreat. |
dryland | an arid region. |
dune | a hill of sand. |
duneland | an area of dunes. |
dunelike | like a dune. |
earthfall | a landslide. |
ejecta | material ejected esp from a volcano. |
embayment | a bay; a recess in a coastline forming a bay. |
embog | to bog down. |
englacial | embedded in, carried in or running through a glacier. |
englacially | (Adv.) ENGLACIAL, embedded in, carried in or running through a glacier. |
eremic | of or belonging to deserts. |
erupt | to break out or through, eg of a volcano. |
eruption | the action of a volcano. |
escar | a long narrow ridge of gravel deposited by a glacial stream. |
escarp | a scarp or sudden slope; (verb) to make into a scarp. |
eskar | a long narrow ridge of gravel deposited by a glacial stream. |
esker | a long narrow ridge of gravel deposited by a glacial stream. |
eugeosynclinal | of or like a eugeosyncline. |
eugeosyncline | a narrow rapidly subsiding geosyncline usually with volcanic materials mingled with clastic sediments. |
everglade | a swampy grassland, esp in southern Florida. |
eyot | a small island in a river. |
faultline | a surface along which faults have occurred, or are likely to occur. |
fellfield | a tundra area of frost-shattered stony debris with fine interstitial particles which supports sparse vegetation, usually algae, lichens, and mosses. |
fen | wet land with alkaline, neutral, or only slightly acid peaty soil. |
fenland | marshy ground. |
fennish | abounding in fens; fenny. |
fiord | (Norwegian) a coastal valley which was sculpted by glacial action. |
firn | (Ger.) granular ice formed by the recrystallization of snow, aka neve. |
firth | a fjord, inlet. |
fjeld | (Norwegian) a high, barren Scandinavian plateau. |
fjord | (Norwegian) a coastal valley which was sculpted by glacial action. |
fjordic | of or like a fjord. |
flatland | land lacking significant variation in elevation. |
floodplain | an area bordering a stream over which water spreads when the stream tops its channel banks. |
flybelt | a belt of country infested by tsetse fly. |
foothill | a minor elevation below a higher mountain or range. |
foreland | a headland. |
foreshore | that part of the shore that lies between the low and high tide marks. |
fumarole | a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue. |
fumarolic | of or like a fumarole, a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue. |
fumerole | a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue. |
fynbos | (Afrikaans) in S. Africa, an area of low shrubs. |
garigue | (Fr.) an uncultivated open scrubland of the Mediterranean region. |
garrigue | (Fr.) an uncultivated open scrubland of the Mediterranean region. |
gasfield | a region in which natural gas occurs. |
geanticlinal | of or like a geanticline, a large upward fold. |
geanticline | a large upward fold. |
geest | alluvial matter on the surface of land, not of recent origin. |
geo | a gully or creek. |
geosynclinal | of or like a geosyncline. |
geosyncline | a downwarping of the Earth's crust. |
geyser | (Icelandic) a type of thermal spring which ejects water intermittently with considerable force; (verb) to eject jets of water and steam. |
ghat | (Hindi) in India, a mountain pass; a landing stage; a place for cremation. |
ghaut | (Hindi) in India, a mountain pass; a landing stage; a place for cremation. |
ghilgai | (Aborig.) a saucer-shaped depression forming a natural reservoir. |
ghyll | a narrow ravine. |
gilgai | (Aborig.) a saucer-shaped depression forming a natural reservoir. |
gio | a gully or creek. |
glacial | very cold (noun) a glacial period |
glacialist | a person who studies the geological effect of ice. |
glacially | (Adv.) GLACIAL, very cold. |
glaciation | the formation, advance and retreat of glaciers and the results of these activities. |
glacier | a huge mass of ice. |
glaciered | having a glacier or glaciers. |
glen | a narrow valley with a stream, often with trees. |
glenlike | like a glen. |
goe | a gully or creek. |
goyle | (Dial.) a ravine. |
graben | (Ger.) a rift valley. |
grassland | a habitat dominated by grass. |
grike | (ON) a crevice in a limestone pavement. |
grot | a grotto. |
grotto | a cavern. |
grottoed | having a grotto. |
grough | a deep gully in a peat moor area. |
gryke | (ON) a crevice in a limestone pavement. |
gumlands | in Australia, infertile land from which the original kauri gum has been removed or burnt. |
guyot | a flat-topped underwater mountain of volcanic origin. |
hagg | (Scots) broken ground in a moss or bog, a place from which peat has been dug. |
hamada | (Arabic) a desert plateau of bedrock. |
hammada | (Arabic) a desert plateau of bedrock. |
haugh | (Scots) a low-lying meadow by the side of a river. |
headland | a cape; a promontory. |
headwall | a steep rockface at the end of a cirque. |
heath | an evergreen shrub. |
heathland | barren open country, esp covered with ericaceous and other low shrubs. |
heathless | without heath. |
heathlike | like a heath. |
heathy | covered with heath; of the nature of heath. |
heuch | (Scots) a crag, a steep-sided valley. |
heugh | (Scots) a crag, a steep-sided valley. |
highland | an elevated region. |
highveld | a high altitude grassland region of E. S. Africa. |
hill | a high mass of land, smaller than a mountain (verb) to rise into a mound |
hillcrest | the top of a hill. |
hilliness | the state of being hilly. |
hilling | tobogganing down a slope of ice. |
hillock | a small hill. |
hillocked | having hillocks. |
hillocky | full of hillocks. |
hillside | the side of a hill. |
hillslope | the slope of a hill. |
hilltop | the top of a hill. |
hilly | like a hill. |
hogback | an eroded, steeply tilted ridge of resistant rocks with equal slopes on the sides. |
hogh | (Spenser) a hoe, promontory. |
holm | a river island. |
hommock | (Arch.) a ridge in an ice field. |
hornito | (Spanish) a low volcanic mound. |
horst | (Ger.) a mass of the earth's crust that lies between two faults and is higher than the surrounding land. |
horste | (Ger.) a mass of the earth's crust that lies between two faults and is higher than the surrounding land. |
how | in what manner; (noun) a low hill. |
hummock | a pile or ridge of ice (verb) to make hummocks on |
icecap | a small ice sheet. |
icecapped | having an icecap, a small ice sheet. |
icefall | a steep part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall. |
icefield | an expanse of ice eg on a glacier. |
impolder | (Dutch) to make a polder of. |
inselberg | (Ger.) an isolated mountain or hill rising abruptly from its surrounding, aka monadnock. |
interfluve | an area between two rivers that flow in the same direction. |
interfluvial | between two rivers flowing in same direction. |
intervale | a low level tract of land, esp along a river. |
island | a mass of land (not a continent) surrounded with water; (verb) to set or dot with or as with islands. |
islet | a small island. |
isleted | having islets. |
isthmic | of or like an isthmus. |
isthmoid | of or like an isthmus. |
isthmus | (Lat.) a narrow neck of land joining two land masses. |
jebel | (Arabic) a hill, a range of mountains. |
jungle | land covered with dense tropical vegetation. |
jungled | abounding in jungle. |
junglelike | like a jungle. |
jungly | of or relating to jungles. |
kaim | (Scots) a comb; a ridge or mound of sand and gravel deposited on or near a glacier. |
kame | (Scots) a comb; a ridge or mound of sand and gravel deposited on or near a glacier. |
karoo | (Hottentot) a high inland pastoral tableland. |
karroo | (Hottentot) a high inland pastoral tableland. |
karst | (Ger.) a landscape composed of limestone features including sinkholes, caves, and underground streams. |
karstic | of or like karst, a landscape composed of limestone features including sinkholes, caves, and underground streams. |
karstification | the process of becoming karstified. |
karstify | to make into karst, a landscape composed of limestone features including sinkholes, caves, and underground streams. |
khor | (Arabic) a dry watercourse; a ravine. |
khud | (Hindi) in India, a pit, hollow, ravine. |
kipp | (Scots) anything beaked; a pointed hill. |
kloof | (Afrikaans) a deep ravine in S. Africa. |
knickpoint | a break of slope in a river profile, esp where a new curve of erosion arising from rejuvenation intersects an earlier curve. |
knoll | a small hill (verb) an obsolete form of knell |
knolly | like a knoll. |
knowe | a small hill, a knoll. |
kop | (S. Afr.) a hill. |
kopje | (Afrikaans) a low hill. |
koppie | (Afrikaans) a low hill. |
kyle | (Gaelic) a narrow strait. |
lahar | (Javanese) a mudflow composed chiefly of pyroclastic material on the flanks of a volcano. |
laich | (Scots) a piece of low-lying ground; a hollow. |
laigh | (Scots) low (noun) a piece of low-lying ground; a hollow |
lakefront | the front of a lake. |
lakeland | scenery with lakes. |
lande | (Fr.) a heathy plain or sandy tract, esp in S.W. France. |
landform | a geological feature. |
landmass | a large continuous area of land, as opposed to seas or islands. |
landscape | the appearance of the area of land which the eye can view at once; (verb) to create a landscape. |
landskip | (Arch.) landscape; (verb) to landscape. |
landslidden | (PaP.) LANDSLIDE, to win a landslide victory. |
landslide | a fall of land or rock from a hillside or cliff; (verb) to win a landslide victory. |
landslip | the fall of a mass of earth. |
lantskip | (Milton) landscape. |
lapillus | (Lat.) a small stone ejected by volcanic eruption. |
laund | (Shakesp.) a glade, a grassy place. |
lauwine | (Ger.) an avalanche. |
lava | magma that has been extruded out on to the earth's surface. |
lavaform | like lava. |
laval | of lava. |
lavalike | like lava. |
lawine | (Ger.) an avalanche. |
liman | the deposit of slime at the mouth of a river. |
litoral | pertaining to or on the seashore. |
littoral | pertaining to or on the seashore; (noun) a shore region. |
llano | (Spanish) an extensive plain with or without vegetation. |
logan | a rocking-stone. |
lowland | an area of land lying lower than the adjacent country. |
lowveld | (Afrikaans) the lower altitude areas of the eastern Transvaal. |
maar | (Ger.) a volcanic crater without a cone, usually filled by a lake. |
machair | (Gaelic) a low-lying sandy beach, esp in the Hebrides. |
magma | molten or partially molten rock material. |
magmatic | of or like magma, molten or partially molten rock material. |
mamelon | (Fr.) a rounded hill or protuberance. |
maremma | (Ital.) seaside marshland; an Italian sheepdog. |
marish | (Obs.) a marsh. |
marsh | a tract of low, wet land. |
marshed | having a marsh. |
marshiness | the state of being marshy. |
marshland | low poorly drained land that is sometimes flooded and often lies at the edge of lakes, streams, etc. |
marshlike | like a marsh. |
marshy | like marsh. |
maskeg | (Am. Ind.) a swamp, bog or marsh. |
massif | (Fr.) a large mountain-mass; a compact group of mountain heights. |
meadowland | land that is or is used for meadow. |
merse | (Scots) a low flat marshland. |
mesa | (Spanish) a flat-topped land formation with steep sides, bigger than a butte but smaller than a plateau. |
meseta | (Spanish) a plateau, esp that of central Spain. |
mofette | (Fr.) a volcanic opening in the earth emitting carbon dioxide. |
moffette | (Fr.) a volcanic opening in the earth emitting carbon dioxide. |
molasse | soft sediment produced by the erosion of mountain ranges in the final stage of mountain building. |
monadnock | a mountain or rocky mass that has resisted erosion and stands isolated in an essentially level area, aka inselberg. |
montane | mountainous; mountain-dwelling; (noun) the lowest vegetation belt of a mountain. |
monticle | a little hill. |
monticule | (Fr.) a secondary volcanic cone. |
monticulus | a little hill. |
moorish | having the characteristics of a moor or heath. |
moorland | a tract of marshy land. |
moory | of or pertaining to moors. |
morainal | of or pertaining to a moraine. |
moraine | (Fr.) a landform made largely of glacial till. |
morainic | of or pertaining to a moraine. |
morass | a very wet or muddy area of ground. |
morassy | like a morass, marshy > MORASSIER, MORASSIEST. |
morro | (Spanish) a rounded hill or headland. |
mossland | wet, peaty land. |
motu | (Maori) a small reef island in the Pacific. |
moulin | (Fr.) a nearly vertical, cylindrical shaft or cavity worn in a glacier, carved by melted surface water falling through a crack in the ice. |
mountain | a large, natural elevation of the earth's surface. |
mountained | having mountains. |
mountainous | having mountains. |
mountainously | (Adv.) MOUNTAINOUS, having mountains. |
mountainousness | the state of being mountainous. |
mountainside | the side of a mountain. |
mountaintop | the summit of a mountain. |
mountainy | mountainous. |
moutonnee | (Fr.) of a rock, rounded by the action of a glacier. |
moya | volcanic mud. |
mudbank | a sloping area of mud alongside a body of water. |
mudflat | a level tract alternately covered and left bare by the tide. |
mudhole | a place that stays damp and muddy. |
muir | (Scots) a moor. |
muskeg | (Am. Ind.) a swamp, bog or marsh. |
nala | (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse. |
nalla | (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse. |
nallah | (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse. |
naze | a headland or cape. |
nek | (S. Afr.) a col, a pass in a mountain range. |
ness | a headland. |
neve | (Fr.) old compressed snow, aka firn. |
nickpoint | a break of slope in a river profile, esp where a new curve of erosion arising from rejuvenation intersects an earlier curve. |
nondesert | not related to or living in a desert. |
nonvolcanic | not volcanic. |
noup | (Obs.) in the Shetlands, a crag, a steep headland. |
nulla | (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse. |
nullah | (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse. |
nunatak | (Inuit) a point of rock appearing above the surface of land ice. |
oasis | a fertile spot in a desert. |
orological | of or pertaining to orology. |
ose | an esker, a narrow ridge of gravel and sand. |
outback | the remote, uncultivated, and usually uninhabited inland districts of Australia; any remote or sparsely populated region. |
outcrop | any place where bedrock is visible on the surface of the Earth; (verb) to form an outcrop. |
outwash | a bed of sand and gravel laid down by glacial melt water. |
overfold | a fold tilted over so that the dip on both sides of the axis is in the same direction; (verb) of folded strata, to be pushed beyond the vertical, so as to form an overfold. |
overwash | material carried by glacier streams over a frontal moraine. |
oxbow | a pronounced meander or horseshoe-shaped loop in a river. |
padi | (Malay) a rice field. |
pahoehoe | (Hawaiian) a hardened lava with a smooth or ropy surface. |
pakahi | (Maori) acid land unfit for cultivation. |
pakihi | (Maori) acid land unfit for cultivation. |
pali | (Hawaiian) a cliff in Hawaii. |
palsa | (Finnish) a landform of subarctic regions. |
paludal | of marshes. |
paludic | of marshes. |
paludinal | of marshes. |
paludine | of marshes. |
paludinous | of marshes. |
paludose | marshy; living in marshes. |
paludous | marshy; living in marshes. |
palustral | of marshes, inhabiting marshes. |
palustrian | of marshes, inhabiting marshes. |
palustrine | of marshes, inhabiting marshes. |
pampa | (Quechua) a vast treeless plain in S. America. |
pampas | (Quechua) a vast treeless plain in S. America. |
paramo | (Spanish) a bare windswept elevated plain in S. America. |
peak | the pointed end or highest point of anything (verb) to reach a maximum |
peakish | of or relating to a peak. |
peatary | a region, bog or moor covered with peat. |
peatery | a region, bog or moor covered with peat. |
peatland | an area of land consisting of peat bogs. |
peneplain | a low gently, rolling landscape produced by long-continued erosion. |
peneplanation | the state of being a peneplain. |
peneplane | a low gently, rolling landscape produced by long-continued erosion. |
peninsula | a strip of land jutting out into water, a near-island. |
peninsular | relating to a peninsula. |
peninsulate | to form into a peninsula. |
periglacial | bordering a glacier. |
petary | a region, bog or moor covered with peat. |
phrygana | (Mod. Gr.) an uncultivated open scrubland of the Mediterranean region, aka garigue. |
picacho | (Spanish) an isolated peak of a hill. |
piedmont | an area of land formed or lying at the foot of a mountain or mountain range. |
pindan | (Aborig.) a desert region of Western Australia. |
pineland | land on which pine trees grow. |
pingo | (Inuit) a cone-shaped mound with an ice core. |
plateau | (Fr.) a flat highland (verb) to level out |
platteland | (Afrikaans) rural districts. |
playa | (Spanish) a basin which becomes a shallow lake after heavy rain, and dries out again. |
pocosen | (Am. Ind.) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern U.S. |
pocosin | (Am. Ind.) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern U.S. |
pocoson | (Am. Ind.) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern U.S. |
poechore | a semiarid region. |
polder | (Dutch) an area of low-lying land reclaimed from a body of water (esp in the Netherlands); (verb) to reclaim low-lying land. |
polje | (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake. |
poort | (Afrikaans) a mountain pass. |
pothole | a hole or basin cut into bedrock of a stream by the abrasive action of pebbles and sand swirled by turbulent stream flow; (verb) to explore (limestone potholes). |
prairie | an extensive tract of treeless grassland, esp in N. America. |
prairied | having prairies. |
precepit | (Shakesp.) a precipice. |
precipice | a high vertical or nearly vertical cliff or rock face. |
precipiced | having precipices. |
promontory | a high point of land or rock projecting into a body of water. |
puy | a small volcanic cone. |
pyroclast | ash and other debris ejected by a volcano. |
quag | a quagmire. |
quagginess | the state of being quaggy. |
quaggy | boggy, like a quagmire. |
quagmire | a bog (verb) to be sunk or stuck in a quagmire |
quagmiry | like a quagmire. |
quicksand | a loose watery sand which swallows up anyone who walks on it. |
rambla | (Spanish) a dry ravine; a broad avenue esp in Barcelona. |
ravine | a narrow, steep-sided valley. |
reedbed | a stand of reeds. |
reefy | full of reefs or rocks. |
renosterveld | an area of high altitude in S. Africa, having fertile ground. |
ria | a drowned valley. |
ridgeline | a line marking or following a ridge. |
ridgetop | the summit of a ridge. |
rillmark | a marking produced by water running down a bank or beach. |
rimaye | (Fr.) a bergschrund, a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall. |
rimland | an outlying land. |
riva | (ON) in Shetland, a cleft in rock. |
rivage | (Fr.) a shore, bank. |
riverbank | the bank of a river. |
riverside | the area at the side of a river. |
riviera | (Ital.) a warm coastal district. |
rockslide | a fall of rocks down a hillside. |
rognon | (Fr.) an isolated rock outcrop on a glacier. |
sabkha | (Arabic) a broad, salt-encrusted coastal plain above the level of normal tides. |
sabkhah | (Arabic) a broad, salt-encrusted coastal plain above the level of normal tides. |
sabkhat | (Arabic) a broad, salt-encrusted coastal plain above the level of normal tides. |
salina | (Spanish) a salt lagoon. |
salse | (Fr.) a mud volcano. |
sandbank | a large mass of sand. |
sandbar | a sandbank, esp one formed at the mouth of a river or harbour. |
sandhill | a hill of sand. |
sandspit | a small point of land created by sand dunes. |
sault | a waterfall or rapid in some rivers; as, the Sault Ste. Marie. |
savanna | (Spanish) tropical grassland. |
savannah | (Spanish) tropical grassland. |
scabland | an area of bare, usually volcanic rock in the NW US that has been deeply channelled by glacial meltwater. |
scaw | a low cape or headland. |
scoria | (Lat.) dross or slag from metal-smelting; a slag-like mass of lava. |
scrubland | land covered by scrub. |
seabank | a bank beside the sea. |
seabeach | a beach lying along the sea. |
seaboard | the line where land and sea meet, the coastline. |
seacoast | the shore or border of the land adjacent to the sea or ocean. |
seamount | a volcanic mountain on the seafloor; if flat-topped, it is a guyot. |
seashore | land bordering on the sea. |
seaside | the seashore. |
seastrand | the seashore. |
sedgeland | land where sedge grows. |
seif | (Arabic) a long sand-dune lying parallel to the direction of the wind that forms it. |
seismism | seismic phenomena collectively. |
semicirque | a semicircular hollow or opening among trees or hills. |
semidesert | a half desert. |
serac | (Fr.) a large mass of ice broken off a glacier and remaining behind in a crevasse. |
shore | the seaward edge of coast between low tide and effective wave action; (verb) to prop up. |
shoreline | the line separating land and water, that fluctuates as water rises and falls. |
shott | (Arabic) a shallow saline lake of northern Africa; the dried bed of such a lake. |
shrubland | land covered by shrubs. |
sidehill | the side or slope of a hill. |
sierra | (Spanish) a ridge of mountain and craggy rocks, with a serrated or irregular outline. |
sierran | relating to a mountain range. |
sinkhole | a depression in ground surface caused by collapse into a cave below. |
sinky | yielding underfoot. |
skaw | a low cape or headland. |
skerry | (ON) a small rocky island. |
slade | a little valley or dell. |
sleech | slimy mud; a mudflat. |
slickenside | a polished and smoothly striated rock surface that results from friction along a fault plane. |
slickensided | in the form of a slickenside. |
slieve | (Irish) a mountain. |
slobland | a mudflat, reclaimed alluvial land. |
slough | a quagmire (verb) to cast off |
sloughy | full of sloughs, miry. |
slumpy | marshy. |
snowbelt | a region that receives an appreciable amount of snow each year. |
snowland | land permanently under snow. |
snowscape | a landscape under snow. |
soakaway | a depression or pit into which water percolates. |
soffioni | (Ital.) volcanic steam-holes. |
solfatara | (Ital.) a volcanic vent emitting only gases. |
solfataric | relating to a solfatara, a volcanic vent emitting only gases. |
sourveld | in S. Africa, a type of grazing characterised by long coarse grass. |
sowback | an eroded, steeply tilted ridge of resistant rocks with equal slopes on the sides. |
spewiness | the state of being spewy, boggy. |
spewy | boggy. |
steppe | (Russian) one of the vast plains in SE Europe and in Asia. |
stoss | the side of a hill facing upstream. |
strandflat | in Norway, a gently sloping coastal platform extending seaward. |
strandline | the shoreline. |
strata | (Lat.) a layer, a stratum. |
strath | (Scots) a valley of considerable size, through which a river runs. |
stratovolcano | a composite volcano, composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material, along with abundant dikes and sills. |
strond | (Spenser) a strand, a beach. |
subcontinent | a large landmass smaller than a continent. |
succussive | characterized by a shaking motion, esp an up and down movement. |
superterranean | above or on surface of earth. |
swail | a marshy hollow or depression. |
swale | a marshy hollow or depression (verb) to scorch, singe |
swaly | marshy. |
swamp | a tract of wet spongy land (verb) to inundate |
swampiness | the state of being swampy. |
swampish | like a swamp. |
swampland | swamp country. |
swampy | like a swamp. |
sweetveld | in S. Africa, a type of grazing characterised by sweet grass. |
swire | a hollow between two hills. |
syntexis | (Greek) the alteration of magma by the melting or assimilation of another rock. |
syrtis | (Milton) a patch or area of quicksand. |
tableland | a plateau. |
taiga | (Russian) subarctic Siberian evergreen forest. |
talweg | (Ger.) a line following the lowest point of a valley; the middle of a navigable waterway used as boundary line. |
tel | in Arab lands, a hill or ancient mound formed from the accumulated debris from earlier mud or wattle habitations. |
tephra | (Greek) ash and debris ejected by a volcano. |
terrain | (Fr.) ground, a tract, regarded as a field of view or of operations. |
thalweg | (Ger.) a line following the lowest point of a valley; the middle of a navigable waterway used as boundary line. |
thwaite | (ON) a piece of reclaimed wasteland. |
tideland | (US) land which is submerged at high tide. |
timberland | (US) land covered with trees used for timber. |
tombolo | (Ital.) a bar of sand or gravel connecting one island with another. |
tomo | (Maori) a shaft formed by the action of water on volcanic or limestone rock. |
tor | a hill, a rocky height. |
treeline | the line marking the altitude above which trees will not grow. |
tremblor | an earth tremor. |
tumpy | hummocky. |
tumulose | full of small hills or mounds; hilly. |
tumulosity | the state of being tumulose, full of small hills or mounds. |
tumulous | full of small hills or mounds; hilly. |
tundra | (Lapp) a vast treeless zone lying between the ice cap and the timber line of N. America and Eurasia and having a permanently frozen subsoil. |
undercliff | a subordinate cliff on a shore, consisting of material that has fallen from the higher cliff above. |
unerupted | of a volcano, that has not erupted. |
updoming | the upward deformation of a rock mass into a dome shape. |
upland | the higher land of a region. |
uplandish | (Obs.) rustic, rural. |
upwrap | in geology, an anticline. |
urman | (Russian) swampy pine forest. |
vae | in Orkney or Shetland, a bay or creek. |
vale | a broad valley. |
valley | a depression of the earth's surface. |
valleyed | having valleys. |
varve | a seasonal layer of sediment deposited in still water, used in establishing Ice Age chronology. |
varved | stratified in varves, seasonal layers of sediment deposited in still water, used in establishing Ice Age chronology. |
vega | (Spanish) a low fertile plain; a tobacco field. |
veld | (Afrikaans) open grassland. |
veldt | (Afrikaans) open grassland. |
versant | the general slope of a mountain. |
vesicular | having vesicles eg of a rock. |
vesicularly | (Adv.) VESICULAR, having vesicles. |
vlei | (Afrikaans) low-lying ground where a shallow lake forms in the wet season. |
vly | (Afrikaans) low-lying ground where a shallow lake forms in the wet season. |
voe | in Orkney or Shetland, a bay or creek. |
volcanian | relating to a volcanic eruption, esp one that discharges gases and ash but little or no lava. |
volcanic | of or like a volcano (noun) a volcanic rock |
volcanically | (Adv.) VOLCANIC, of or like a volcano. |
volcanicity | the state of being volcanic. |
volcanise | to subject to the action of volcanic heat. |
volcanism | volcanic power or action. |
volcanist | one versed in the history and phenomena of volcanoes. |
volcanize | to subject to the action of volcanic heat. |
volcano | (Ital.) a centre of eruption of subterranean matter. |
volcanologic | relating to volcanology. |
volcanological | relating to volcanology. |
volcanologist | one who studies volcanology. |
volcanology | the study of volcanoes. |
vulcanian | relating to a volcanic eruption, esp one that discharges gases and ash but little or no lava. |
vulcanic | of or like a volcano. |
vulcanicity | the state of being vulcanic. |
vulcanism | volcanic power or action. |
vulcanist | one versed in the history and phenomena of volcanoes. |
vulcanological | relating to vulcanology. |
vulcanologist | one who studies vulcanology. |
vulcanology | the study of volcanoes. |
wadi | (Arabic) the dry bed of a torrent; a river valley. |
wady | (Arabic) the dry bed of a torrent; a river valley. |
wagmoire | (Spenser) a quagmire. |
washaway | an erosion of the earth's surface due to running water. |
washland | an area periodically flooded by a river. |
wasteland | a desolate, barren area. |
waterside | the edge of a sea, lake, etc, a shore. |
wayboard | a thin geological seam separating larger strata. |
wetland | land containing much soil moisture. |
wilderness | a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings. |
wildland | land completely uncultivated. |
wold | an open tract of country. |
woodland | land covered with trees. |
yardang | (Turkish) a ridge formed by wind erosion parallel to prevailing winds. |