
February 2015

10 SILK matches February 28
30th Diaspora February 28
Leicester February 28
SILK match February 26
Hawkwell February 24
Middlesex League February 23
Scottish League Waverley vs Roc February 22
Israeli Open February 20-22
Ilford February 22
Darlington Double February 21-22
4 SILK matches February 20
Scottish League Roc vs Dunedin February 19
Middlesex League February 18
Hawkwell February 17
Isle of Wight day 2 February 15
Nottingham Round Robin February 14-15
Scottish Masters February 14-15
Isle of Wight day 1 February 14
Hawkwell February 10
2 Lincolnshire and Borders League matches February 9
Sheffield February 7-8
Scottish 7 Game February 7
Excess of Essex February 6
Lincolnshire and Borders League match February 6
Hawkwell February 3
8 SILK matches February 1
Chester January 30-February 1

Ten SILK matches were played on February 28th
Results from Marion Keatings.

James Squires 2 : 1 Stu Harkness 
James Squires 2 : 1 Margaret Harkness
Piotr Andronowski 2 : 1 Simon Gillam(Exp) 
Ross Mackenzie 2 : 1 Amy Byrne
Ross Mackenzie 2 : 1 Colin Nicol 

Simon Gillam(Exp) 2 : 1 Margaret Harkness
Simon Gillam(Exp) 2 : 1 Tom Wilson
Stu Harkness 3 : 0 Margaret Harkness
Stu Harkness 3 : 0 Amy Byrne
Tom Wilson 2 : 1 Colin Nicol 

Old Prf New P Wins
183 182 184 3 2 Piotr Andronowski
151 133 150 6 1 Amy Byrne
165 158 164 9 5 Simon Gillam(Exp)
132 136 133 9 2 Margaret Harkness
162 177 163 9 7 Stu Harkness

170 165 169 6 4 Ross Mackenzie
145 140 144 6 2 Colin Nicol
164 164 164 6 4 James Squires
143 155 144 6 3 Tom Wilson

30th Diaspora February 28th results from Sanmi Odelana.
8 rounds.

Pn Old Prf New W Spread
 1 164 191 167 6 +304 Mohamed Kamara
 2 178 182 179 5 +472 Femi Awowade(GM)
 3 176 182 178 5 +393 Calum Edwards(Exp)
 4 176 177 177 5  +65 Rafal Dominiczak

 5 168 180 169 5  +51 Vincent Boyle
 6 192 167 191 4 +102 Austin Shin(GM)
 7 147 168 148 4  -92 Sanmi Odelana
 8 157 164 157 4 -118 Kwaku Sapong

 9 161 138 159 3  -53 Fidelis Olotu
10 148 142 148 3  -84 Victoria Kingham
11 151 143 150 3 -641 Abiodun Adeyemi
12 135 119 134 1 -399 Tolani Ayo-Awojobi
Leicester February 28th results from Mauro Pratesi.       
7 rounds.

Division A 

Pn Old Prf New W Spread       
 1 188 212 189 6 +539 Paul Allan(GM)
 2 186 191 186 5 +416 Lewis Mackay(GM)
 3 199 190 198 5 +362 Paul Gallen(GM)
 4 179 190 180 5 +340 Wayne Kelly(GM)
 5 161 193 163 5 +309 Jack Anscomb

 6 182 174 182 4 +167 Russell Byers(GM)
 7 181 169 180 4 +158 Martin Harrison(GM)
 8 170 177 171 4 +125 Diane Pratesi(Exp)
 9 158 174 159 4 +101 Natalie Zolty
10 157 174 159 4 -222 Ash Coldrick

11 153 157 153 3  +51 Andrew Eames
12 150 167 151 3 -133 Greg Kelly
13 169 160 168 3 -148 Robert Richland(Exp)
14 162 160 163 3 -470 Nuala O'Rourke
15 169 144 168 2  -82 Steve Perry

16 153 139 152 2  -87 Feroza Bartlett
17 158 146 157 2 -231 Donna Stanton
18 160 143 160 2 -313 Rick Blakeway
19 158 145 157 2 -368 Joanne Hiley
20 153 140 152 2 -514 Paul{Tranmere} Thomson
Division B
Pn Old Prf New W Spread       
 1 146 173 148 6 +579 Lorraine Crouch
 2 133 164 135 5 +407 Diane Bromilow
 3 141 154 142 5 +176 Teresa Lyes
 4 140 157 141 5 +102 Kathy Richland
 5 143 144 143 4 +135 James Burley

 6 138 145 139 4 +120 Marjorie Struggles
 7 127 147 129 4 +100 Marlene Skinner
 8 142 143 142 4  +17 Lesley Trotter
 9 147 139 147 4   +5 Mick Healey
10 150 142 149 4  -14 Elizabeth Hull

11 138 147 139 4  -37 Ginny Dixon
12 143 131 142 3  -15 Peter Winnick
13 143 125 142 3  -87 Steve Balment
14 129 127 128 3 -155 Angela Burke
15 126 131 126 3 -353 Margaret Pritchett

16 132 112 130 2  -38 Ivy Dixon-Baird
17 125 113 124 2  -52 Medina Brown
18 126 116 125 2 -284 Paul Steadman
19 129 116 128 2 -357 Trevor Warwick
20 125  96 122 1 -249 Fred Rankin
Division C       

Pn Old Prf New W Spread       
 1 113 151 122 6 +464 John Matthews
 2 123 136 124 5 +286 Barbara Lukey
 3 124 136 125 5 +217 Lois McLeod
 4 115 138 117 5 +158 David Garland
 5 119 122 119 4 +232 Geoff Cooper

 6 105 124 106 4  +86 Paul Cartman
 7 108 124 109 4  -70 Maisie Culpin
 8 119 117 119 4  -89 Ted Anscomb
 9 119 119 118 4  -94 Jim Lyes
10 117 122 120 4 -106 Alison Lowe

11 116 106 115 3 +105 Esther Kasket
12 118 106 118 3  +77 Linda Barratt
13 116 107 115 3 -106 Liz Barber
14 123 107 122 3 -197 Denise Saxton
15 115 113 116 3 -225 Michael Thomas

16 111  95 110 2  -43 Eileen Foster
17 110  94 109 2 -113 Sara Hardy
18 110  95 102 2 -141 Nigel Gardner
19 109  91 108 2 -208 Vivienne Stokes
20 106  94 106 2 -233 Adrian Noller

Division D
10 point rule adjustment.  
After the first calculation, Glen Smith's 14-game start rating of 84
was reset to 72 and the division was recalculated.   
Pn Old Prf New W Spread       
 1 101 123 102 6 +219 Rosemary Wood
 2  91  99  94 5 +487 Darryl Hentley
 3  95 112  95 5 +279 Christine Cartman
 4  98 108  98 5 +103 Stephen Robinson
 5  94  90  94 4 +424 Cathy Poacher

 6 100  87  99 4 +362 Lena Cook
 7  83  89  84 4 +113 Chris Bluett
 8  79  93  81 4 +104 Barbara{Lincoln} Green
 9 100  87  99 4  +90 Rosemary Jordan
10  79  95  80 4  +60 Janet Watson

11  88  85  87 4   -3 Hazel Packham
12  70  74  71 3   +1 Liz Grahame-Wright
13  81  80  81 3  -76 Christine Silvester
14 102  77 100 3 -118 Malcolm Davis
15  50  70  57 3 -122 Julie Preston

16  60  67  60 2 -332 Bill Croft
17  72  51  72 2 -340 Glen Smith
18  63  58  62 2 -499 Liz Coltman
19  66  56  65 2 -581 Michael Slow
20  73  50  72 1 -171 Ann Gregson

SILK match February 26th result from Marion Keatings.

Old Prf New Wins
183 188 183 2 Piotr Andronowski        
171 166 170 1 Ross Mackenzie 

Hawkwell club rated league games February 24th results from Phil Kelly.

Old Prf New P W Spread
132 168 133 4 3 +296 Noel Barnes
131 157 131 3 2  -46 Derek Bower
136 148 137 4 2  -73 Ann Golding

149 110 147 4 1  -91 Phil Kelly
156 136 155 4 2  -35 Cecil Muscat
141 129 140 3 1  -51 Kevin Synnott

Middlesex League February 23rd results from Steve Perry.
3 rounds (round robin).

Old Prf New W Spread
170 176 170 2  +31 Diane Pratesi(Exp)
178 173 178 2  +18 Femi Awowade(GM)
153 148 153 1 +104 Karl Kwiatkowski
147 150 147 1 -153 Rachelle Whiteoak

Scottish League round 1 match February 22nd result from Marion Keatings.

Waverley 6 wins

Old Prf New Wins
160 191 161 3 Wilma Warwick
159 158 159 2 Alan Sinclair
126 125 126 1 Kenneth Ross

Roc 3 wins

Old Prf New Wins
150 165 151 2 Amy Byrne
145 132 145 1 Colin Nicol
129  98 127 0 Sylvia Swaney

The Seventh Israeli Open (Mikki Nicholson Memorial) Tournament
February 20th-22nd results from Evan Cohen. 22 rounds.

Pn Old Prf New WW Spread 
 1 176 171 175 16 +1205 Graham Haigh 
 2 165 168 166 16 +1165 Paloma Raychbart 
 3 160 163 160 15 +1324 Omri Rosenkrantz 
 4 157 156 158 14  +752 Raz Naot 

 5 157 151 155 14  +736 Charles Micallef 
 6 118 139 123 14  +575 Nancy Alroy 
 7  91 109  95 14   +63 Christine Cartman (21 rated games)
 8 133 126 132 13  +300 Jake Berliner 

 9  99 118 102 13  +205 Brigitte Brath 
10 106 116 108 13  -403 Hilda Ben-Nun 
11 101 105 102 12 +1118 Linda Marguy 
12 154 135 149 12  +591 Naomi Landau 

13 132 119 130 12  +434 Maureen Hoch 
14 120 113 118 12  +235 Ami Tzubery 
15 120 125 121 12   -18 Gila Blits 
16 unr 107 107 12   -61 Fifi Lefebvre 

17 107 113 109 12  -112 Raquelle Azran (21 rated games)
18 130 126 129 12  -206 Pamela Morris 
19  80  87  83 11½  -22 Sharon Peress (21 rated games)
20  99 106 101 11  +321 Charles Silverstone (21 rated games)

21 112 103 110 11  +253 Phyllis Decastro 
22  82  99  86 11    +8 Karen Adler 
23  93 104  96 11  -161 Mona Nobil 
24 110 111 110 11  -217 Maxine Tsvaigrach (21 rated games)

25=103 103 104 11  -238 Juliet Collins (21 rated games)
25= 96  92  95 11  -238 Avril Shaw (21 rated games)
27  50  74  59 11  -513 Gail Morris (21 rated games)
28 unr  83  83 11  -642 Barbara Kliner (21 rated games)

29 111  85 105 10  +379 Paul Cartman (21 rated games)
30 101  87  96 10   +96 Miriam Erez (21 rated games)
31  79  60  75 10   +43 Kay Faust (21 rated games)
32  85  86  85 10   -86 Adriana Spira (21 rated games)

33  68  75  72 10  -510 Jack Hoch (21 rated games)
34  81  69  78 10  -565 Estelle Matthews (21 rated games)
35  52  66  56 9½  -236 Miryam Blum (21 rated games)
36 unr  58  58  9    -7 Allan Bernstein (21 rated games)

37  74  68  71  9  -398 Janis Harris (21 rated games)
38  55  62  56  9  -426 Marion Loewenstein (21 rated games)
39 unr  50  50  7 -1068 Tony Bongo (21 rated games)
40 unr  50  50  6 -1090 Angela Levine (21 rated games)
41  50  50  50  4 -1486 Gila Shapiro (21 rated games) 

Ilford February 22nd results from Jeanette Paul.
8 rounds.

Open Division

Each of the 8 players shown with 7 rated games received a tournament win
and 75 points spread for the bye. Thus the sum of spreads is +600.

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1 202 206 202 7 +472 Brett Smitheram(GM) 
 2 161 201 164 7 +310 Mike Whiteoak 
 3 183 181 183 6 +329 Rik Kennedy(Exp) 
 4 166 191 168 6 +271 Vincent Boyle 
 5 184 194 185 6 +267 Suresh Chinnaiyah 

 6 163 166 164 5 +409 Andrei Russell-Gebbett 
 7 178 166 176 5 +403 Calum Edwards(Exp) 
 8 150 176 152 5 +388 Ruth MacInerney 
 9 151 178 153 5 +285 Feroza Bartlett 
10 176 166 176 5 +271 Rafal Dominiczak 

11 153 170 157 5 +219 Asanka Amarasinghe 
12 165 172 166 5 +143 Bob Violett(Exp) 
13 161 170 161 5  -10 David Holmes 
14 169 170 170 5  -48 Craig Solomons 
15 141 171 143 5 -217 James Burley 

16 147 154 147 4 +262 Rachelle Whiteoak (7 rated games)
17 152 162 153 4 +155 Kate Sweetlove 
18 165 153 164 4  +69 Barry Grossman(Exp) 
19 169 164 169 4  +49 Steve Perry 
20 161 152 161 4  -43 Sandie Simonis(Exp) 

21 148 160 150 4  -82 David Shenkin 
22 165 152 164 4  -86 Mohamed Kamara 
23 170 161 170 4 -115 Diane Pratesi(Exp) 
24 143 152 143 4 -230 Rachel Bingham 
25 149 142 149 3  +81 Phil Kelly 

26 151 136 150 3    0 Peter Thomas (7 rated games)
27 136 129 135 3   -2 Len Edwards (7 rated games)
28 169 137 166 3 -113 Chris Keeley 
29 157 142 156 3 -152 Cecil Muscat 
30 133 136 134 3 -186 Anlaug Frydenlund 

31 137 126 136 3 -222 George Gruner(Exp) (7 rated games)
32 149 139 148 3 -265 Victoria Kingham (7 rated games)
33 134 132 135 2½ -378 Tolani Ayo-Awojobi 
34 146 135 146 2 -300 Evelyn Wallace 
35 156 115 153 2 -320 Andrew Eames (7 rated games)

36 136 117 135 2 -646 Ayaz Kazi (7 rated games)
37 121 108 120 1½ -368 Reeyaaz Goolamhossen (7 rated games)
Division B

Pn Old Prf New W Spread         
 1 128 162 131 6 +283 Derek Bower 
 2 136 148 137 5 +413 Sue Ball 
 3 140 145 141 5 +241 Stephen Wintle 
 4 144 147 145 5 +179 Nick Jenkins 
 5 132 146 134 5  +48 Heather Laird 

 6 146 148 146 5  +45 Nick Lynch
 7 141 132 141 4  +55 Kevin Synnott
 8 132 134 132 4  -67 Janet Adams
 9 123 136 125 4  -68 Phyllis Fernandez
10 135 134 134 4  -97 Karen Game

11 131 127 131 3 -280 Anne Convery
12 134 110 132 2  -67 Noel Barnes
13 129 111 128 2 -264 Alan Abela
14 138 109 136 2 -421 Ann Golding
Division C

Pn Old Prf New W Spread       
 1 112 152 116 8 +478 Angele Andrews
 2 117 118 117 5 +335 Priscilla Munday
 3 109 118 110 5 +197 Bobbie Penn
 4 116 110 116 5  +76 Esther Kasket
 5 107 113 108 5  +44 Ron Bucknell

 6  87 107 8 8 4  +23 Sandra Richards
 7 103 104 103 4  -75 Dan Smith
 8 105 102 105 4 -140 Sheila{Rmfrd} Anderson
 9  94 104  95 4 -165 Viv Bishop
10 103  91 102 3  -21 Malcolm Davis

11  90  92  91 3 -171 Jennie Munday
12  95  79  94 2  -68 Baldip Kaur
13 105  75 103 2 -190 Jeanette Paul
14 101  78 100 2 -323 Sandra Weston
Division D

Pn Old Prf New W Spread
 1  81 112  83 7 +611 Kim Buckle
 2  79 101  81 6 +368 Jackie Reid
 3  83  88  84 5 +403 Alison Stilwell
 4  81  88  82 5 +371 Renee Gilbert
 5  81  86  82 5 +231 Claire Violett

 6  82  75  82 4 +112 John Francis
 7  64  62  64 3  +39 Eileen Hunter
 8  84  57  82 3 -218 Keith Woodruff
 9  51  50  51 2 -408 Stella Burley
10  50  50  50 0 -1509 David Wood

Darlington Double February 21st-22nd results from Craig Beevers.

Ratings data. Everyone played 18 games.

Old Prf New 
127 128 127 Peter Ashurst
119 118 119 Viv Beckmann
124 109 121 Samantha Beckwith

153 159 154 Adrienne Berger
112 129 114 Syd Berger
unr  59  59 Angie Brodie

120 120 119 Geoff Cooper
134 115 131 Laura Finley
153 148 152 Kim Hands

138 132 137 Nicky Huitson
104 110 105 Rose Kingdom
170 169 171 Jackie McLeod(Exp)

137 144 138 Len Moir
143 149 144 Richard Moody
152 159 153 Colin Northmore

157 153 157 Neil Rowley
164 164 163 Martin Thompson
 99 104 100 Sue Thompson

Session 1. 9 rounds

Division A

PnW Spread
1 7  -63 Adrienne Berger 
2 6 +565 Jackie McLeod(Exp) 
3 6 +444 Martin Thompson 
4 6 +255 Neil Rowley
5 5 +105 Colin Northmore 
6 4  +35 Kim Hands 
7 4  -26 Richard Moody
8 4 -201 Len Moir

9 3 -486 Nicky Huitson 
100 -628 Laura Finley 

Division B

PnW Spread     
1 7 +559 Peter Ashurst 
2 7 +124 Syd Berger 

3 5  -72 Viv Beckmann 
4 5 -235 Sue Thompson 
5 4 +406 Geoff Cooper 

6 4 +122 Rose Kingdom 
7 4  +72 Samantha Beckwith 
8 0 -976 Angie Brodie 

The bottom two in A were relegated to B
and replaced by the top two in B.

Session 2. 9 rounds.

Division A

PnW Spread    
1 7 +597 Jackie McLeod(Exp) 
2 6 +339 Colin Northmore 
3 6 +251 Martin Thompson 
4 5 +190 Kim Hands 
5 5  +45 Richard Moody 

6 4 +160 Neil Rowley 
7 4 -138 Len Moir 
8 4 -183 Adrienne Berger 
9 2 -466 Peter Ashurst 
102 -795 Syd Berger 

Division B

PnW Spread   
1 7 +350 Geoff Cooper 
2 6 +440 Nicky Huitson 
3 6 +176 Laura Finley 
4 5 +245 Samantha Beckwith 

5 5 +114 Viv Beckmann 
6 4 -104 Rose Kingdom 
7 2 -292 Sue Thompson 
8 1 -929 Angie Brodie 

Four SILK matches were played on February 20th.
Results from Marion Keatings.

Neil Scott(GM) 3:0 Phil Jones
Niyi Adebayo 3:0 Nigel Sibbett
Neil Scott(GM) 2:1 Nigel Sibbett
Niyi Adebayo 3:0 Phil Jones

Old Prf New P:Wins
166 182 172 6:6 Niyi Adebayo
 82  72  81 6:0 Phil Jones
185 178 184 6:5 Neil Scott(GM)
137 138 137 6:1 Nigel Sibbett

Scottish League round 1 match February 19th result from Marion Keatings.

Roc 0 wins

Old Prf New Wins
151 116 150 0 Amy Byrne
146 116 145 0 Colin Nicol
129 115 129 0 Sylvia Swaney

Dunedin 9 wins

Old Prf New Wins
170 192 171 3 Ross Mackenzie
164 192 165 3 Simon Gillam(Exp)
163 192 164 3 James Squires

Middlesex League February 18th results from Steve Perry.
3 rounds (round robin).

Old Prf New W Spread
160 207 161 3 +191 Sandie Simonis(Exp)
164 173 164 2  +20 Philip Nelkon(GM)
167 138 166 1  -81 Vincent Boyle
141 114 141 0 -130 James Burley

Hawkwell club rated league games February 17th results from Phil Kelly.
4 rounds.

Old Prf New W Spread
139 189 141 4 +263 Kevin Synnott
149 159 149 3  +34 Phil Kelly
139 114 138 1  -43 Ann Golding
129  94 128 0 -254 Derek Bower

Isle of Wight Day 2 February 15th results from Noel Turner.
9 rounds.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1 160 184 162 7  +54 Graham Harding
 2 168 172 169 6 +487 Steve Perry
 3 176 172 176 6 +303 Penny Downer(Exp)
 4 166 161 165 5 +268 Noel Turner(Exp)
 5 179 161 177 5  +70 Gary Oliver(GM)

 6 154 151 154 4  -28 Chris Finlay
 7 149 152 150 4 -147 Janet Phillips
 8 150 141 149 3 -136 Timothy Lawrence
 9 140 142 141 3 -310 David Reading
10 123 128 124 2 -561 Theresa Ellis
Division B

PnOld Prf New W Spread        
1 154 163 155 7 +505 Helen Harding
2 130 147 131 6  -10 Maureen Reynolds
3 153 141 151 5 +183 Elisabeth Jardine
4 153 134 151 5 -161 Frankie Mairey

5 116 131 117 4 +269 Sheila Jolliffe
6 130 129 130 4  +71 Kim Phipps
7 112 112 112 3 -458 Philip Turner
8 110 101 109 2 -399 Kenneth Lovell
Division C
10 point rule adjustment

After the first calculation, Tricia Walker's 16-game rating of 107
was reset to 96 and the division was recalculated
PnOld Prf New W Spread        
1 131 138 131 7 +822 Margaret Staunton
2 102 136 105 6  -14 Janet Milford
3 110 122 111 5 +347 Ian Caws
4 120 118 120 5 -112 Carol Bartlett

5 117 121 117 5 -220 Wendy Tiley
6 142 106 139 4  +54 Wanda De_Poitiers
7  97  97  97 3  +89 Joyce Caruth
8  96  77  96 1 -966 Tricia Walker
Division D

PnOld Prf New W Spread        
1 106 119 108 6 +341 Nicola Staunton (8 rated games)
2  90 124  93 6  +25 Gerry Gleeson (8 rated games)
3  91 114  93 5   -9 Stanley Wilkinson 
4 100  99 100 4   -1 Jill Warren 

5 113  86 111 3  +76 Evelyn Wansbrough (8 rated games)
6 102  82 101 3  -35 Hannah Corbett (8 rated games)
7  74  54  71 1 -397 Ruth Turner (8 rated games)
Also played 
Old Prf New 
 79  70  78 Peter Young (4 rated games)

Nottingham Round Robin February 14th-15th results from John Harrison.

Ratings data.
14 rated games except for the five players shown with fewer.

Old Prf New
113 113 114 Jacquie Aldous   
138 133 138 Philip Aldous   
124 123 123 Stany Arnold   
152 134 149 Anne Ashmore   
176 153 172 John Ashmore   

144 139 143 Steve Balment (13 rated games) 
134 116 132 Rowan Callaghan (12 rated games) 
142 157 144 Moira Conway   
121 112 120 Geoff Cooper   
 96  90  96 Florence Davies   

127 155 130 Tony Davis   
135 121 132 Ivy Dixon-Baird (13 rated games)  
 77  62  74 Mavis Ernest   
100 101 100 Peter Ernest   
 81  92  83 Ruby Flood   

137 144 139 Ann Golding (13 rated games) 
118 124 120 Juliet Green   
116 135 119 Val Hoskings   
118 105 116 Esther Kasket   
148 149 149 Victoria Kingham   

124 112 123 Barbara Lukey   
147 171 150 Ruth MacInerney   
106 124 108 Mel Maltz   
104 110 105 Philippa Morris   
106 104 106 Adrian Noller   

152 148 152 Alison Sadler   
146 164 148 David Shenkin   
128 116 127 Marlene Skinner   
133 113 129 Sylvia Swaney   
130 153 137 Stephen Troop (13 rated games) 

Day 1.
7 rounds

Division A

PnW Spread
1 6 +266 David Shenkin 
2 5 +110 Victoria Kingham 
3 5  +58 Ruth MacInerney 

4 4  -26 Alison Sadler 
5 3 +475 John Ashmore 
6 2  -40 Moira Conway 

7 2 -370 Steve Balment 
8 1 -473 Anne Ashmore 

Division B

PnW Spread  
1 7 +548 Tony Davis 
2 4 +245 Philip Aldous 

3 4 +140 Ivy Dixon-Baird 
4 4  +85 Ann Golding 
5 3  +98 Stephen Troop 
6 2 -182 Rowan Callaghan 

7 2 -331 Marlene Skinner 
8 2 -603 Sylvia Swaney 

Division C

Pn W Spread
1  5 +430 Stany Arnold
2  5 +267 Jacquie Aldous

3  5 +144 Juliet Green
4  4 +322 Esther Kasket
5  4 +207 Philippa Morris
6  4  +62 Barbara Lukey

7  4   -3 Val Hoskings
8  4  -35 Geoff Cooper
9  4  -87 Mel Maltz
10 3  +44 Adrian Noller

11 3 -184 Florence Davies
12 2   -3 Peter Ernest
13 1 -569 Ruby Flood
14 1 -595 Mavis Ernest

The bottom placed 2 players in A&B were relegated to B&C 
and replaced by the top 2 in B&C

Day 2.
7 rounds

Division A

PnW Spread      
1 6 +339 Moira Conway 
2 5 +308 John Ashmore 
3 5 +185 Ruth MacInerney 
4 3 +217 David Shenkin
5 3  -13 Alison Sadler 
6 2 -263 Philip Aldous 
7 2 -313 Victoria Kingham 
8 2 -460 Tony Davis 
Division B

PnW Spread   
1 7 +566 Stephen Troop 
2 5 +560 Anne Ashmore 
3 5 +167 Steve Balment 
4 4 +213 Ann Golding 

5 2 -221 Rowan Callaghan 
6 2 -300 Stany Arnold 
7 2 -412 Ivy Dixon-Baird 
8 1 -573 Jacquie Aldous 

Division C

Pn W Spread
1  7 +432 Val Hoskings
2  5  +48 Mel Maltz
3  4 +253 Juliet Green
4  4 +249 Barbara Lukey
5  4 +170 Marlene Skinner

6  4  +51 Peter Ernest
7  4  +38 Sylvia Swaney
8  4 -372 Ruby Flood
9  3 +183 Geoff Cooper
10 3  +38 Philippa Morris

11 3  +33 Esther Kasket
12 3  +24 Adrian Noller
13 1 -448 Florence Davies
14 0 -699 Mavis Ernest

Scottish Masters February 14th-15th results from Neil Scott.
14 rounds. 11 round RR then 3 rounds king of the hill.

Pn Old Prf New WW Spread 
 1 182 194 183 11 +811 Piotr Andronowski
 2 186 191 185 10 +585 Helen Gipson(GM)
 3 182 182 182 9½ +212 Allan Simmons(GM)
 4 159 185 162  9 +659 Chris Cummins

 5 185 182 185  9 +273 Neil Scott(GM)
 6 161 172 162 7½ +212 Stu Harkness
 7 162 167 163  7  +71 James Squires
 8 166 152 164  5  +49 Simon Gillam(Exp)

 9 154 150 154  5 -283 Christine McKenzie
10 174 144 170  4 -479 Ross Mackenzie
11 142 144 142  4 -883 Kate Surtees
12 146 137 145  3 -1227 Marion Keatings

Isle of Wight Day 1 February 14th results from Noel Turner.
9 rounds.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1 175 188 176 7 +342 Penny Downer(Exp)
 2 180 176 179 6 +401 Gary Oliver(GM)
 3 168 177 168 6  -66 Steve Perry
 4 149 168 150 5 +219 Timothy Lawrence
 5 166 167 166 5 +162 Noel Turner(Exp)
 6 159 167 160 5  -29 Graham Harding
 7 154 157 154 4 +125 Chris Finlay

 8 155 146 154 3  -94 Helen Harding
 9 153 146 153 3 -404 Frankie Mairey
10 156 123 153 1 -656 Elisabeth Jardine
Division B

PnOld Prf New W Spread 
1 148 171 149 8 +388 Janet Phillips
2 138 151 140 6 +458 David Reading
3 122 140 123 5   +7 Theresa Ellis

4 130 140 130 5  -35 Kim Phipps
5 131 127 130 4  +76 Maureen Reynolds

6 131 128 131 4 -231 Margaret Staunton
7 121 110 120 2  -68 Carol Bartlett
8 146 101 142 2 -595 Wanda De_Poitiers
Division C

PnOld Prf New W Spread 
1 108 151 112 8 +243 Philip Turner
2 109 118 110 5 +248 Kenneth Lovell
3 115 115 116 5 +157 Sheila Jolliffe

4 118 115 117 5  -61 Wendy Tiley
5 111 105 110 4  +59 Ian Caws

6 113 104 113 4  +47 Evelyn Wansbrough
7 108  93 106 3 -200 Nicola Staunton
8 103  84 102 2 -493 Hannah Corbett
Division D

PnOld Prf New W Spread        
1 101 121 102 7 +334 Janet Milford
2 103 110 107 6 +245 Tricia Walker
3  95 111  97 6 +171 Joyce Caruth

4  91  87  90 4 +239 Gerry Gleeson
5 101  86 100 4 +202 Jill Warren
6  78  85  79 4 -117 Peter Young
7  91  87  91 4 -258 Stanley Wilkinson
8  78  52  74 1 -816 Ruth Turner

The bottom 3 placed players in A-C were relegated to B-D
and replaced by the top 3 in B-D for the Day 2 tournament.

Hawkwell club rated league games February 10th results from Phil Kelly.
4 rounds.

Old Prf New W Spread
138 163 139 3 +155 Kevin Synnott
149 133 149 2 +110 Phil Kelly
128 143 129 2  +21 Derek Bower
137 113 137 1 -286 Ann Golding

Lincolnshire and Borders League matches February 9th results from Gerard Fox.

Old Prf New Wins
145 155 145 4 Heather Burnet    
 84  74  83 0 Chris Bluett 

Old Prf New Wins
122 119 121 2 Geoff Cooper       
119 122 119 2 Jim Lyes 

Sheffield February 7th-8th results from Craig Beevers.
14 rounds - 7 rounds each day with promotion for the top 2 in B&C and relegation 
for the bottom 2 in A&B after round 7.

Ratings data

Old Prf New
143 153 144 Steve Balment
118 110 116 Liz Barber
 98 106  99 Remie Bellamy
152 152 153 Adrienne Berger

113 104 112 Syd Berger
124 113 122 Geoff Cooper
 97  92  97 Paula Docherty
101  98 102 Marjorie Gillott

151 141 150 Chris Harrison
180 171 179 Wayne Kelly(GM)
103 108 104 Rose Kingdom
121 149 124 Barbara Lukey

154 152 153 Jayne Mackenzie
137 141 137 Len Moir
102 116 102 Linda Moir
152 159 152 Colin Northmore

135 116 133 Damian O'Malley
136 129 135 Jill Parker
unr  76  76 Doreen Portlock
147 141 146 David Shenkin

126 145 128 Marlene Skinner
157 166 158 Donna Stanton
131 119 129 Sarah Stokes
139 136 138 Marjorie Struggles


Division A

PnW Spread
1 5 +221 Donna Stanton 
2 5 +132 Colin Northmore 
3 4 +241 Wayne Kelly(GM) 
4 4  +28 Adrienne Berger 
5 3  -65 Steve Balment 
6 3 -193 Jayne Mackenzie 

7 2  -14 David Shenkin 
8 2 -350 Chris Harrison 
Division B

PnW Spread   
1 6 +343 Barbara Lukey 
2 5 +368 Len Moir 

3 4 +127 Marjorie Struggles 
4 4  -73 Marlene Skinner 
5 3½ +92 Geoff Cooper 
6 3 -373 Jill Parker 

7 2½ -58 Damian O'Malley 
8 0 -426 Sarah Stokes 
Division C

PnW Spread   
1 5 +332 Linda Moir 
2 4 +238 Rose Kingdom 

3 4 +142 Liz Barber 
4 4  +69 Remie Bellamy 
5 4  +31 Marjorie Gillott 
6 3  -91 Paula Docherty 
7 2 -287 Doreen Portlock 
8 2 -434 Syd Berger 

Division A

PnW Spread   
1 6 +483 Wayne Kelly(GM) 
2 4 +305 Jayne Mackenzie 
3 4 +139 Steve Balment 
4 4 +100 Donna Stanton 

5 3  +28 Colin Northmore 
6 3 -219 Adrienne Berger 
7 2 -132 Len Moir 
8 2 -704 Barbara Lukey 
Division B

PnW Spread       
1 5 +459 Chris Harrison 
2 5 +440 David Shenkin 
3 5 +340 Marlene Skinner 
4 4    0 Marjorie Struggles 

5 4  -18 Jill Parker 
6 2 -225 Rose Kingdom 
7 2 -573 Linda Moir 
8 1 -423 Geoff Cooper 
Division C

PnW Spread       
1 7 +530 Sarah Stokes 
2 5 +462 Syd Berger 
3 4  +36 Liz Barber 
4 4  -56 Damian O'Malley 

5 3    0 Remie Bellamy 
6 2 -204 Paula Docherty 
7 2 -253 Marjorie Gillott 
8 1 -515 Doreen Portlock

Scottish 7 Game (Edinburgh) February 7th results from Ross Mackenzie.
7 rounds.
Division A

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1 184 196 185 6 +533 Neil Scott(GM)
 2 187 179 186 5 +567 Helen Gipson(GM)
 3 157 181 159 5 +346 Alan Sinclair
 4 148 187 151 5 +274 Amy Byrne
 5 160 177 162 5 +199 James Squires

 6 146 164 147 4 +211 Anne Steward
 7 184 161 182 4  +45 Piotr Andronowski
 8 162 157 161 4  +40 Stu Harkness
 9 170 167 170 4  +39 Anand Buddhdev
10 146 172 148 4  +22 Celine McCart

11 165 172 166 4  -25 Simon Gillam(Exp)
12 160 158 159 4 -118 Chris Cummins
13 146 158 147 3 -142 Jim Wilkie
14 151 139 150 2  +14 Alan Georgeson
15 150 142 149 2 -232 Sandra Hoffland

16 162 126 160 2 -266 Wilma Warwick
17 146 137 146 2 -338 Colin Nicol
18 152 135 151 2 -368 Raymond Tate
19 143 135 139 2 -415 Ali Lloyd
20 147 121 146 1 -386 Marion Keatings      

Division B

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1 130 145 131 5 +468 Yvonne Holland
 2 130 149 132 5 +378 Margaret Harkness
 3 110 144 112 5 +316 Gordon Winter
 4 142 147 143 5 +276 Tom Wilson

 5 133 152 134 5 +243 Alec Robertson
 6 133 134 133 4  +80 Sylvia Swaney
 7 127 135 127 4  -78 Moya Dewar
 8 109 133 112 4 -192 Fiona Shoesmith

 9 128 107 126 3  +37 Kenneth Ross
10 134 117 133 3   +6 Rhoda Gray
11 108 115 109 3  -44 Maria Marczak
12 137 114 134 3  -83 Rowan Callaghan

13 120 102 119 2   +4 Caroline Foy
14 103  98 103 2 -324 Nora Bain
15 113  97 112 2 -363 John McCart
16 119  87 117 1 -724 Helgemarie Farrow

Division C

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1  98 127 102 6 +414 Kriss Foster
 2  90 113  95 5 +469 Paul Dobson
 3 103 114 104 5 +296 Sandy MacLeod
 4  78 105  79 5 +145 Frances Mayes

 5  95  94  96 4 +111 John Fyfe
 6  84  83  83 4  +62 Alison Peters
 7  96  95  96 4  +60 Sybil Berrecloth
 8 101  92 101 4   +3 Ian Whyte

 9  82  90  83 4  -42 Maria Raffaelli
10  57  76  59 4 -172 Zandra Begg
11  99  78  98 3  +38 Jennifer Payne
12  96  75  95 3  -55 Margaret Leonard-McGhee

13  53  54  53 2  -70 Maureen O'Donnell
14  53  53  53 2 -197 Ian Campbell
15 unr  50  50 1 -670 Peter Baines
16  69  50  67 0 -392 Margaret Smith

Excess of Essex February 6th results from Phil Kelly.
7 rounds.

Old Prf New W Spread  
148 166 149 4½ +279 Phil Kelly
138 156 138 3½ -132 Kevin Synnott
158 146 157 3 -22 Cecil Muscat
167 142 165 3 -125 Bob Violett(Exp)

Lincolnshire and Borders League match February 6th result from Ash Coldrick.

Old Prf New Wins 
157 167 157 4 Ash Coldrick
 84  74  84 0 Chris Bluett

Hawkwell club rated league games February 3rd results from Phil Kelly.
4 rounds.

Old Prf New W Spread  
137 165 138 3 +292 Kevin Synnott
136 136 137 2  -58 Ann Golding
148 135 148 2 -184 Phil Kelly
129 114 128 1  -50 Derek Bower

Eight SILK matches were played on February 1st.
Results from Marion Keatings.

Amy Byrne 2:1 Marion Keatings
Chris Cummins 2:1 Amy Byrne
Chris Cummins 3:0 Margaret Harkness
Simon Gillam 3:0 Marion Keatings

Stu Harkness 2:1 Chris Cummins
Colin Nicol 2:1 Stu Harkness
Colin Nicol 2:1 Margaret Harkness
Colin Nicol 2:1 Simon Gillam(Exp)

Old Prf New P Wins
147 154 148 6 3 Amy Byrne
160 163 160 9 6 Chris Cummins
166 163 165 6 4 Simon Gillam(Exp)

131 118 130 6 1 Margaret Harkness
162 152 162 6 3 Stu Harkness
149 123 147 6 1 Marion Keatings
143 170 146 9 6 Colin Nicol

Chester January 30th-February 1st results from Kathy Rush.
17 rounds.
Division A

Pn Old Prf New WW Spread  
 1 185 192 186 14 +1580 Lewis Mackay(GM)
 2 179 180 180 12 +1380 Wayne Kelly(GM)
 3 154 176 158 11 +706 Natalie Zolty
 4 169 169 169 10 +169 Robert Richland(Exp)

 5 168 169 168 10 -134 Steve Perry
 6 156 167 157 9½  +691 Donna Stanton
 7 184 165 182 9½  +201 Allan Simmons(GM)
 8 157 164 158  9 +137 Chris Quartermaine

 9 150 164 156  9  +33 Martin Thomas
10 163 158 162  8  +74 Nuala O'Rourke
11 146 159 147  8 -101 David Shenkin
12 156 158 156  8 -289 Mike Evans
13 163 158 162  8 -317 Bob Lynn
14 154 152 153  7 -610 Paul{Tranmere} Thomson
15 153 146 152  6 -547 Colin Northmore
16 153 146 152  6 -699 Adrienne Berger

17 147 135 145  4 -967 Ken Heaton 
18 155 135 152  4 -1307 Alison Sadler 

Division B
Jill Parker was awarded an unrated tournament win and
75 spread points for the default win against Rowan Callaghan.

Pn Old Prf New WW Spread 
 1 140 154 142 12 +572 Moira Conway 
 2 137 148 140 11 +580 Kathy Richland 
 3 130 148 133 11 -294 Jake Berliner 
 4 137 145 138 10½  +581 Ginny Dixon 

 5 144 142 143 10 +477 Steve Balment 
 6 135 139 136 10 +342 Jill Parker (16 rated games)
 7 127 143 130 10 +253 Chris Davies 
 8 138 142 139 10 +247 Marjorie Struggles 
 9 128 143 130 10 -134 Jill Bright 
10 138 139 138 9½  -59 Nicky Huitson 
11 138 133 137  8  +91 Rowan Callaghan (16 rated games)
12 136 130 135  8  +11 Pat Wheeler 

13 124 125 124  7 -678 Geoff Cooper 
14 135 119 132  6  -16 Heather Laird
15 136 119 133  6  -76 Diane Bromilow
16 127 119 126  6 -572 Marlene Skinner

17 131 110 127 4½  -341 Peter Ashurst
18 122 105 119 3½  -984 Viv Beckmann

Division C

Pn Old Prf New WW Spread 
 1 115 125 117 12 +1127 Jill Jones
 2 104 120 106 11 +514 Mel Maltz
 3 108 120 109 11 +403 June Johnstone
 4 121 119 121 11 +306 Barbara Lukey

 5 111 118 113 11 +114 Syd Berger
 6 102 113 103 10  +32 Rose Kingdom
 7  93 114  98 10 -188 Stephen Robinson
 8 119 107 118  9 +251 Juliet Green

 9 117 106 115  9   -1 Barbara Hill
10 104 102 104  8  +72 Philippa Morris
11  95 103  96  8 -298 Rhoda Farrington
12 120  96 116  7 +396 Christine Tudge

13 104  88 101  6 -292 Rose Wall
14  99  82  96  5 -663 Margaret Emmott
15  81  83  81  5 -793 Ruby Flood
16  73  70  72  3 -980 Myra Copleston