Final Tables and Ratings Data

October 2010 data
Yorkshire League October 31
NSC Final Mikki Nicholson vs Mark Nyman October 31
Scottish League match Dunedin vs Bingoes October 28
Essex League match Blank Robbers vs Harmony October 26
Scottish League match ROC vs Rackoons October 25
Yorkshire League October 25
Project Manila October 24
Cheadle House October 23-24
Scottish League match Eagles vs Dunedin October 21
Scottish League match Scorpions vs ROC October 20
Scottish League match Lynx vs Lang Toun October 19
Scottish League match Rackoons vs Lynx October 18
Southend Invitational RR October 17
H-B Holidays Oxford October 15-17
BEST Final Mark Nyman vs Brett Smitheram October 16-17
Coventry Triple October 12-14
Newcastle club tournament October 10
3rd Israeli Open October 8-10
Southgate Invitational October 10
SILK match Marion Keatings vs Moya Dewar October 9
West Midlands League match October 9
Nailsea October 9
Scottish League match Waverley vs Scorpions October 6
Scottish League match Lang Toun vs Eagles October 6
Yorkshire League October 4
Bournemouth October 3
Cock of the North October 1-3
Edinburgh October 2
Scottish League match Dunedin vs Waverley October 1

Yorkshire League October 31st. Results from Geoff Goodwin

Games played and won are shown in the P W columns. 

Old Prf New P W
158 179 159 1 1 Paul{Halifax} Thompson            
153 179 153 1 1 Robert Pells             
129 106 128 2 0 Margaret Yeadon         

NSC Final October 31st result from Stewart Holden

Old Prf New Wins
186 218 188 3 Mikki Nicholson(Exp)    
208 176 206 2 Mark Nyman(GM)           

Scottish League match October 28th. Results from Marion Keatings.

Dunedin 5 wins

Old Prf New Wins
143 200 145 3 James Squires
173 134 171 1 Simon Gillam(Exp)
140 134 140 1 Iain Harley

Bingoes 4 wins

Old Prf New Wins
158 169 159 2 Alan Georgeson
151 169 153 2 Christine McKenzie
142 102 140 0 Tom Wilson

Essex League October 26th. Results from Mike Whiteoak
6 rounds. Each player played the members of the other team twice.

Blank Robbers 8 wins

Old Prf New Wins 
120 140 122 3 Phyllis Fernandez
134 141 135 3 Nick Jenkins
119 123 120 2 Damian O'Malley

Harmony 10 wins

Old Prf New Wins 
142 141 141 4 Evelyn Wallace
119 141 121 4 Sue Ball
163 110 159 2 Kevin Synnott

Scottish League match October 25th. Results from Marion Keatings.

ROC 1 win

Old Prf New Wins
138 144 138 1 Sylvia Swaney
162 111 160 0 Amy Byrne
132 111 131 0 Colin Nicol

Rackoons 8 wins

Old Prf New Wins
168 194 169 3 Ross Mackenzie
154 194 156 3 Raymond Tate
160 161 160 2 Ricky Zinger

Yorkshire League October 25th. Results from Geoff Goodwin

Games played and won are shown in the P W columns. 

Old Prf New P W
172 193 172 3 3 Jason Carney
134 177 135 2 2 Geoff Goodwin
165 164 165 2 1 John Hardie
163 134 162 2 1 Mark Goodwin
139 138 139 2 1 Andrea Waddington

112 146 112 2 1 Remie Salazar
156 140 155 2 1 Neil Rowley
130 106 129 3 0 Margaret Yeadon
107  97 107 1 0 Vicky Owen
124  84 123 1 0 Michael Thomas

Project Manila, Chigwell, October 24th. Results from Mauro Pratesi.
8 rounds.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New  W Spread
 1 196 193 195 6½ +1146 Paul Allan(GM)
 2 164 183 165 6  +558 Barry Grossman(Exp)
 3 167 191 169 6  +217 Mike Whiteoak
 4 158 181 160 5½ +231 Tim Knight
 5 168 168 167 5  +224 Vincent Boyle

 6 160 172 163 5   +58 Kevin Synnott
 7 156 179 160 5    -7 David Shenkin
 8 145 160 147 4½ +463 Andrew Eames
 9 143 166 145 4½ -193 Ruth MacInerney
10 172 158 170 4   -92 Calum Edwards

11 164 156 164 4  -138 Mike Chappell
12 161 160 161 4  -481 Peter Thomas
13 180 142 176 3  +381 Ben Tarlow
14 141 147 142 3   +23 Oliver Garner
15 156 148 155 3   -67 Rachelle Winer

16 145 143 145 3  -463 Ann Golding
17 162 126 158 2  -310 Ebi Sosseh
18 155 136 152 2  -408 Victoria Kingham
19 141 135 140 2  -496 Martin Bloomberg
20 143 133 142 2  -646 Evelyn Wallace
Division B

Pn Old Prf New W Spread       
 1 139 142 140 6 +489 Derek Bower
 2 unr 139 139 6 +311 Kassim Giwa
 3 124 146 127 6 +163 Reeyaaz Goolamhossen
 4 117 127 119 5 +597 Damian O'Malley
 5 118 121 118 5 +189 Ted Lewis

 6 114 129 115 5 +180 Esther Kasket
 7 119 127 120 5 +151 Phyllis Fernandez
 8 107 114 109 4 +230 Sheila{Rmfrd} Anderson
 9 129 112 127 4 +126 Marian Hamer
10 135 116 132 4  +86 Priscilla Encarnacion

11 104 103 104 4  -14 Susan Thorne
12 114 101 114 4 -154 Caroline Elliott
13  73 103  77 4 -207 Valery Jansen
14 111 119 111 4 -255 Elizabeth Terry
15  91  88  90 3  +59 Sheila{Newcastle} Smith

16 107 100 106 3 -141 Mark Bradley
17 105  86 102 3 -232 David Phillips
18  89  87  89 2 -212 Nick Stone
19  95  72  92 2 -419 Malcolm Davis
20 unr  54  54 1 -947 Zoilo Taruc

Cheadle House October 23rd-24th. Results from Jared Robinson.
15 rounds.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New  W Spread
 1 179 200 182 14 +2391 Wayne Kelly(GM)
 2 182 180 180 11  +531 Wale Fashina
 3 153 181 159 11  +508 Alison Sadler
 4 180 180 179 11  +350 Paul{England} Richards

 5 149 168 154  9  +202 Donna Stanton
 6 163 161 162  8  +136 Amy Byrne
 7 163 161 162  8  -142 Robert Richland(Exp)
 8 143 162 148  8  -356 Margaret Pritchett

 9 144 155 147  7  +309 Kathy Suddick
10 162 154 158  7   +41 Steve Perry
11 140 149 143  6  -211 Steve Balment
12 155 148 154  6  -235 Phil Kelly

13 169 140 163  5  -417 Cecil Muscat
14 157 134 152  4  -681 Cathy Anderson
15 143 129 140  3 -1014 Laura Finley
16 142 122 138  2 -1412 Sylvia Swaney
Division B

Pn Old Prf New  W Spread       
 1 133 148 134 11 +621 Ginny Dixon
 2 132 149 135 11 +359 Marlene Skinner
 3 125 149 130 11 +320 Juliet Green
 4 130 136 132  9 +748 Geoff Cooper
 5 122 133 125 8½ +225 Rowan Callaghan

 6 123 128 125  8 -131 Heather Laird
 7 135 125 132 7½  -97 Colin Nicol
 8 132 122 130  7  +96 Jill Bright
 9 139 120 135  7 -332 Viv Beckmann
10 108 117 109  6 -327 Christine Tudge

11 123 114 120  6 -337 Peter Ashurst
12 132 107 128  5 -168 Barbara Lukey
13 102 109 103  5 -350 Peter Terry
14 117  95 113  3 -627 June Johnstone

Scottish League match October 21st. Results from Marion Keatings.

Eagles 3 wins

Old Prf New Wins
148 168 149 2 Melanie Beaumont
129 134 129 1 Margaret Harkness
120  97 119 0 Helgamarie Farrow

Dunedin 6 wins

Old Prf New Wins
138 182 140 3 Iain Harley
173 155 173 2 Simon Gillam(Exp)
144 116 143 1 James Squires

Scottish League match October 20th. Results from Marion Keatings.

Scorpions 3 wins

Old Prf New Wins
136 162 137 2 Mary Jones
164 129 162 1 Billy Dott
136  96 134 0 Moya Dewar

ROC 6 wins

Old Prf New Wins
162 162 163 2 Amy Byrne
134 162 135 2 Colin Nicol
141 162 142 2 Sylvia Swaney

Scottish League match October 19th. Results from Marion Keatings.

Lang Toun 6 wins

Old Prf New Wins
156 175 157 3 Marion Keatings
126 139 127 2 Carol Malkin
143 106 141 1 Anne Steward

Lynx 3 wins

Old Prf New Wins
136 158 137 2 Bob Jarvie
109 123 110 1 Doreen Jarvie
123  92 121 0 Ken McGinness

Scottish League match October 18th. Results from Marion Keatings.

Rackoons 5 wins

Old Prf New Wins
169 147 168 2 Ross Mackenzie
155 140 154 2 Raymond Tate
162 109 160 1 Ricky Zinger

Lynx 4 wins

Old Prf New Wins
133 212 136 3 Bob Jarvie
122 143 123 1 Ken McGinness
110 100 109 0 Doreen Jarvie

Southend Invitational Round Robin, Ilford, October 17th. Results from Kevin Synnott.
9 rounds. Each division was a round robin.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1 169 191 172 7 +240 Calum Edwards
 2 161 181 164 6 +414 Mike Chappell
 3 167 180 169 6 +130 Cecil Muscat
 4 166 180 168 6 +107 Vincent Boyle
 5 167 158 166 4 +113 Jessica Pratesi

 6 163 159 162 4  +32 Steve Perry
 7 162 159 161 4 -220 Diane Pratesi(Exp)
 8 157 148 155 3  -63 David Holmes
 9 171 147 168 3 -354 Bob Violett(Exp)
10 157 137 155 2 -399 Victoria Kingham
Division B

Pn Old Prf New W Spread 
 1 152 176 156 8 +955 David Shenkin
 2 139 167 141 7  +54 Martin Bloomberg
 3 133 151 136 5½ +181 Marc Meakin 
 4 147 143 147 5 +295 Chrystal Rose 
 5 144 138 144 4½ +206 Stephen Wintle 

 6 128 134 129 4  -81 Marian Hamer 
 7 146 132 143 4 -123 Evelyn Wallace 
 8 149 121 145 3 -323 Andrew Eames 
 9 129 123 128 3 -385 Jo Ramjane 
10 121 102 119 1 -779 Sue Ball 
Division C

10-point rule adjustment.
After the first calculation, 
Sandra Weston's start rating of 83 (15 games) was reset to 98
and the division was re-rated.

Pn Old Prf New W Spread     
 1 102 133 107 7 +277 Sheila{Rmfrd} Anderson  
 2 121 119 119 6 +467 Phyllis Fernandez 
 3  98 122  98 6 +249 Sandra Weston (new rating based on 24 games)
 4 113 109 111 5 +141 Carole Wheatley 
 5 122 108 121 5  +60 Brenda Northcott

 6  83 113  88 5  -10 Norah Cole
 7 121  97 118 4 -241 Ron Bucknell
 8 102  88 100 3  -28 Jo Holland
 9  98  78  96 2 -383 Claire Violett
10  86  79  86 2 -532 Dorothy Edwards

H-B Holidays Oxford October 15th-17th. Results from John Harrison.
14 rounds. Each division was a double round robin.

Division A

PnOld Prf New  W Spread
1 124 158 132 10 +325 Marlene Skinner
2 130 157 136 10 +227 Jan Bailey
3 144 148 145  9 +110 Ann Golding
4 130 135 132  7   -4 Barbara Lukey

5 136 134 137  7  -75 Barbara Goodban
6 143 126 140  6 +209 Steve Balment
7 128 121 125  5 -230 Jill Jones
8 142  98 133  2 -562 Ginny Dixon
Division B

PnOld Prf New  W Spread
1 123 139 126 11 +723 Minu Anderson
2 122 125 120  9 +360 Joy Lloyd
3 104 127 108  9 +324 Christine Tudge
4 108 120 110  8 +212 Stany Arnold

5 120 111 119  7  +16 Anne Darby
6 109 105 109  6 +110 Iris Cornish
7 107  91 103  4 -869 Margaret Emmott
8 103  78  98  2 -876 Cathy Poacher
Division C
10-point rule adjustments. After the first calculation,
Rosina Cornelius's start rating of 116 (6 games) was reset to 105 and
Caroline Norton's start rating of 65 (12 games) was reset to 82
and the division was re-rated.

PnOld Prf New  W Spread
1 102 114 105 11 +552 Kenneth Lovell
2  95 107  96 10 +520 Hannah Corbett
3 105 100 104  9 +426 Rosina Cornelius (new rating based on 20 games)
4  82  94  82  8 +104 Caroline Norton (new rating based on 26 games)

5  88  86  88  7 -532 Marcia Hall
6  93  78  90  6 +258 Joy Rowe
7  73  60  69  3 -689 Dorothy Jackson
8  54  53  53  2 -639 Connie Walton

BEST Final October 16-17.

Old Prf New Wins
208 210 208 10 Mark Nyman(GM)
204 202 205  8 Brett Smitheram(GM)

Coventry Triple October 12th-14th. Results from Steve Perry.
27 rounds. Format : 3 sessions of 9 games each.
For session 1, the divisions were allocated by rating.
At the end of session 1 and session 2, the players placed 9th and 10th in Division A
were replaced by the top two finishers in Division B.

Ratings data are at the bottom of this listJump to Coventry Triple ratings 

Session 1

Division A

Pn W  Spread
 1 7  +274 Jill Parker 
 2 6  +568 Wale Fashina 
 3 5½ +182 Neil Rowley 
 4 5½  -39 Sue Bowman 

 5 5  +113 Sylvia Swaney 
 6 4  -101 Iain Harley 
 7 4  -300 Janet Phillips 
 8 3  +226 Len Moir 
 9 3  -297 Barbara Goodban 
10 2  -626 Ann Golding 
Division B

P W Spread
1 8 +404 Geoff Cooper 
2 6 +322 Carmen Toscano 
3 6 +296 Anne Darby 
4 5  +19 Margaret Marshall 
5 4 +101 Juliet Green 

6 4  -87 Nicky Huitson 
7 2 -432 Peter Terry 
8 1 -623 Joy Rowe 
Session 2

Division A

Pn W Spread   
 1 9 +1172 Wale Fashina 
 2 6 +762 Neil Rowley 
 3 6 +133 Carmen Toscano 
 4 5 -150 Janet Phillips 

 5 5 -243 Geoff Cooper 
 6 4  +52 Sue Bowman 
 7 3 -170 Iain Harley 
 8 3 -338 Sylvia Swaney 
 9 3 -440 Len Moir 
10 1 -778 Jill Parker 
Division B

P W  Spread
1 7 +402 Juliet Green 
2 5 +339 Ann Golding 
3 5  +29 Nicky Huitson 
4 5 -145 Peter Terry 
5 4  +15 Barbara Goodban 
6 4   +2 Margaret Marshall 
7 4  -64 Anne Darby 
8 2 -578 Joy Rowe 
Session 3

Division A

Pn W  Spread
 1 7 +260 Wale Fashina 
 2 6  +91 Janet Phillips 
 3 6  -87 Ann Golding 
 4 5 +418 Neil Rowley 

 5 5 +234 Sylvia Swaney 
 6 5 +218 Juliet Green 
 7 5  -68 Sue Bowman 
 8 4 -128 Iain Harley 
 9 1 -448 Carmen Toscano 
10 1 -490 Geoff Cooper 
Division B

P W  Spread
1 7 +374 Jill Parker 
2 6 +497 Len Moir 
3 5 +117 Margaret Marshall 
4 5  +94 Barbara Goodban 
5 5  +78 Nicky Huitson 
6 4 -364 Peter Terry 
7 3 -135 Anne Darby 
8 1 -661 Joy Rowe 

Ratings data
Everyone played 27 games.

Old Prf New
147 150 149 Sue Bowman
128 137 130 Geoff Cooper
122 116 120 Anne Darby
186 181 182 Wale Fashina
147 137 144 Ann Golding

140 127 136 Barbara Goodban
118 137 125 Juliet Green
139 138 138 Iain Harley
127 119 123 Nicky Huitson
113 124 115 Margaret Marshall

152 134 146 Len Moir
133 147 137 Jill Parker
157 151 157 Janet Phillips
 99  84  93 Joy Rowe
158 157 156 Neil Rowley

140 145 141 Sylvia Swaney
100 110 102 Peter Terry
122 133 125 Carmen Toscano

Newcastle club tournament October 10th. Results from John Harrison.
7 rounds.

Division A

P Old Prf New W Spread
1 153 187 157 6 +462 Cathy Anderson 
2 163 153 162 4  +45 Martin Thompson 
3 136 156 139 4 -120 Viv Beckmann 

4 144 140 143 3  +24 Laura Finley 
5 165 137 162 3 -188 David Brook 
6 126 113 124 1 -223 Jean Crowder 
Division B

P Old Prf New W Spread
1 126 118 124 5 +530 Margaret Burdon 
2 123 117 122 5 +348 Jean Carter 
3  82 117  87 5 +165 Beryl Basey 

4  82  85  83 3  +24 Michael Murray 
5  84  65  80 2 -318 Gil Hunter (new rating based on 38 games)
6 unr  55  55 1 -749 David Wicks 

Israeli Open, Haifa, October 8th-10th. Results from Evan Cohen.
20 rounds.

10-point rule adjustments.

After the first calculation,
Moshe Feingold's start rating of 137 (18 games) was reset to 121 and
Kay Faust's start rating of 50 (18 games) was reset to 66
and the tournament was re-rated.

Pn Old Prf New  W Spread
 1 176 193 180 15 +1181 Sam Kantimathi 
 2 184 193 187 15  +585 Jared Robinson(Exp) 
 3 184 188 186 14 +1051 Theresa Brousson(Exp) 
 4 182 181 181 13 +1191 Elie Dangoor(Exp) 
 5 184 174 181 12  +968 Evan Cohen 

 6 190 173 186 12  +597 Mikki Nicholson(Exp) 
 7 167 164 167 12  +274 Cecil Muscat 
 8 139 155 145 12  +264 Charles Micallef 
 9 147 155 151 11  +757 Naomi Landau 
10 146 147 148 11  +522 Omri Rosenkrantz 

11 133 126 132 11  +507 Jake Berliner 
12 155 149 153 11  +361 Raz Naot 
13 156 158 155 11  +236 Sandie Simonis(Exp) 
14 168 158 165 11   +51 JOjo Delia 
15 109 138 121 11  -250 Yair Yehuda (new rating based on 58 games)

16 147 134 143 10  +630 Ruth MacInerney 
17 unr  91  91 10  +375 Maxine Tsvaigrach 
18 103  87  97 10  +254 Amos Fabian (new rating based on 58 games)
19 117 114 116 10  -250 Hilda Ben-Nun (new rating based on 58 games)
20  66  85  70 10  -276 Kay Faust (new rating based on 38 games)

21  86 100  92 10  -294 Agi Brener (new rating based on 58 games)
22 120 119 118 10  -298 Gila Blits 
23 117 116 117 9½  -500 Cody McCormick 
24 149 124 143  9  +507 Nicky Vella-Laurenti 
25 121 104 118  9   -82 Moshe Feingold (new rating based on 38 games)

26  87  96  91  9  -189 Avril Shaw (new rating based on 58 games)
27 101  99 100  9  -409 Nancy Alroy 
28 111 114 112  9  -507 Maureen Hoch 
29  59  75  63  9  -589 Marion Loewenstein 
30  90 100  95  9  -979 Juliet Collins 

31  87  99  91  8  -314 Mona Nobil 
32  85  76  82  7   +81 Linda Marguy 
33  63  64  63  7  -714 Brigitte Brath (new rating based on 58 games)
34  70  62  67 6½ -1303 Charlotte Perlin (new rating based on 58 games)
35  50  50  50  4 -1575 Elisheva Auerbach (new rating based on 58 games)

36  58  50  55  3 -1863 Gusta Gross (new rating based on 58 games)

Southgate Invitational October 10th. Results from Brian Sugar.
6 rounds - double round robin format.

Old Prf New Wins
175 206 177 5 David Webb(GM)

167 175 168 3 Stewart Houten
173 173 173 3 Brian Sugar(GM)

177 138 174 1 Philip Nelkon(GM)

SILK match October 9th. Result from Marion Keatings.
This match completes the group stage. Ross Mackenzie, Simon Gillam, Neil Scott,
Kate Surtees, Amy Byrne and Colin Nicol will play in the SILK Final on December 18-19.

Old Prf New Wins
155 187 156 3 Marion Keatings
137 105 136 0 Moya Dewar

West Midlands League October 9th. Result from Rick Blakeway.
This was the last match of the first season. 
The new West Midlands League season starts almost immediately.

3 rounds - round robin format

Old Prf New Wins
 93 137	 95 3 Sally Hanson
102 103	102 2 Kenneth Lovell
105  70	104 1 Joseph Knapper
 54  50	 54 0 Connie Walton

Nailsea October 9th. Results from Steve Perry.
7 rounds.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New W Spread
 1 171 178 171 5 +544 Neil Green
 2 201 185 200 5 +418 Phil Robertshaw(Exp)
 3 159 185 163 5 +258 Rick Blakeway
 4 156 166 157 4 +216 Janet Phillips
 5 161 165 160 4 +190 Christo Davison
 6 163 172 164 4 +171 Stephen Hunt
 7 175 170 175 4 +139 John Grayson(GM)
 8 154 168 156 4  -50 Paul{Tranmere} Thomson

 9 159 171 160 4  -58 Chris Fenwick
10 148 169 150 4  -85 Peter Liggett
11 144 168 147 4 -131 Sue Bowman
12 182 148 179 3  +15 Wayne Kelly(GM)

13 160 139 159 2 -443 Linda Vickers
14 147 137 146 2 -512 Martin Taylor
15 143 123 142 1 -179 Tia Corkish
16 147 125 146 1 -493 Rose Calder
Division B

10 point rule adjustment

After the first calculation, Brenda Wall's 21-game rating of 125 was reset to 113 and the division was re-rated

Pn Old Prf New W Spread    
 1 139 160 141 6 +356 Beverley Calder
 2 133 159 136 6 +220 Jean Bridge
 3 135 151 136 5 +495 Patricia Pay
 4 140 151 141 5 +321 Mark Murray

 5 140 130 139 4 +250 Jean Rappitt
 6 129 132 130 4 +202 Terry Jones
 7 112 136 114 4  -29 Paul Cartman
 8 119 136 121 4 -156 Eileen Basham

 9 112 114 112 3 +155 Marie English
10 137 108 134 3 -109 Mary Allen
11 108 122 109 3 -150 Iris Cornish
12 132 109 129 3 -201 Sheila Hinett

13 103 105 103 2 -227 Mabel Choularton
14 122 100 120 2 -303 Jean{Cardiff} Williams 
15 110  90 108 1 -304 Jill Dyer 
16 113  83 113 1 -520 Brenda Wall (new rating based on 28 games)
Division C

10 point rule adjustment

After the first calculation, 
Paul Cousin's 7-game rating of 80 was reset to 94
Alan Reynolds's 7-game rating of 77 was reset to 91
and the division was re-rated

Pn Old Prf New W Spread        
 1 100 137 105 7 +490 Paul Grimshaw 
 2  94 108  94 5 +578 Paul Cousins (new rating based on 14 games)
 3  91 105  91 5 +339 Alan Reynolds (new rating based on 14 games)
 4 106  92 104 4 +226 Christine Tudge 
 5 101  85  97 4 +199 Sandra Harrap (new rating based on 33 games)

 6 unr  80  80 4 +176 Brenda Horwood 
 7  92  91  92 4  +70 Peter Basham 
 8  86  94  88 4  -77 Margaret Speight (new rating based on 32 games)
 9  50  66  58 3  +66 Sue Cantello (new rating based on 14 games)
10  96  67  93 3  -70 Christine Cartman 

11  61  59  61 2 -287 Pamela Brown 
12 unr  51  51 2 -396 Margaret Chamberlain 
13  53  50  51 1 -536 Diane Deakin (new rating based on 13 games)
14 unr  50  50 1 -778 Anne Hodges 

Scottish League match October 6th. Results from Marion Keatings.

Waverley 5 wins

Old Prf New Wins
160 168 160 2 Wilma Warwick
129 168 131 2 Kenneth Ross
161 134 160 1 Alan Sinclair

Scorpions 4 wins

Old Prf New Wins
162 200 164 3 Billy Dott
154 133 153 1 John Balloch
137 100 136 0 Mary Jones

Scottish League match October 6th. Results from Marion Keatings.

Lang Toun 4 wins

Old Prf New Wins
155 148 155 2 Marion Keatings
125 148 126 2 Carol Malkin
146  82 143 0 Anne Steward

Eagles 5 wins

Old Prf New Wins
146 192 148 3 Melanie Beaumont
120 125 120 1 Helgamarie Farrow
129 125 129 1 Margaret Harkness

Yorkshire League October 4th. Results from Geoff Goodwin

Games played and won are shown in the P W columns. 

Round 4 group 1 (Hull)

Old Prf New P W
133 217 134 1 1 Geoff Goodwin
162 217 163 1 1 Mark Goodwin
167 124 165 3 1 John Hardie
107  97 107 1 0 Vicky Owen

Round 4 group 2 (Castleford)

Old Prf New P W
157 192 158 2 2 Paul{Halifax} Thompson
158 166 158 3 2 Neil Rowley
153 142 153 2 1 Robert Pells
139 108 139 1 0 Andrea Waddington
125 105 124 2 0 Michael Thomas

Bournemouth October 3rd. Results from Ruth Marsden
6 rounds.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New W Spread
 1 160 212 165 6 +547 James Rossiter
 2 173 190 175 5 +499 Noel Turner(Exp)
 3 158 176 159 4 +361 Alan Bailey
 4 178 174 177 4 +204 Philip Nelkon(GM)
 5 161 173 162 4 +130 Ebi Sosseh
 6 165 183 166 4  -72 Frankie Mairey
 7 161 176 161 4 -260 Chris Finlay
 8 163 160 163 3½ +367 Elisabeth Jardine
 9 152 172 155 3½ -85 Phil Kelly
10 177 153 175 3 +279 Ed Rossiter
11 165 154 164 3  +38 Bob Lynn
12 155 163 156 3  +21 Brian Jones
13 141 155 142 3   -3 Kim Hands
14 148 164 150 3  -34 Chris Downer
15 160 155 159 3 -126 Maureen Chamberlain
16 151 162 152 3 -129 Graham Bonham
17 149 140 147 2  +34 Margaret Staunton
18 168 141 165 2  -45 Penny Downer(Exp)
19 143 149 144 2 -226 Alan Childs
20 143 136 142 2 -527 Kathryn Henry
21 154 145 153 2 -568 Angela Swain
22 148 120 145 1 -108 Val Wright
23 143 130 143 1 -145 Brenda Margereson
24 184 117 178 1 -152 Gary Oliver(GM)

Division B

Pn Old Prf New W Spread   
 1 123 150 125 5 +399 Jill Harrison
 2 111 154 115 5 +346 Elizabeth Ramsay
 3 127 149 128 5 +314 Michael Baxendale
 4 122 135 123 4 +237 Peter Hall
 5 111 131 113 4 +168 Nicola Staunton
 6 112 138 114 4  +88 Evelyn Wansbrough
 7 107 134 110 4  +37 Molly Lane
 8 119 131 121 4  -96 Sharon Hewitt
 9 141 117 138 3 +434 Karen Game
10 117 118 117 3 +216 Janet Bonham
11 109 118 110 3  +87 Vera Sime
12 115 121 116 3  +72 Vivienne Newman
13 114 120 114 3  -37 Philip Turner
14 111 118 112 3  -71 Peter Sime
15 129 118 129 3 -117 Sheila Jolliffe
16 127 117 125 3 -131 Wendy Tiley
17 124  96 122 2  -70 Hazel Parker
18 110 102 110 2 -125 Janet Milford
19 107  96 106 2 -139 Anne Cheesman
20 116 100 115 2 -215 Maureen Barlow
21 123 102 121 2 -407 Sally Twine
22 112  83 109 1 -218 Jean Robinson
23 121  86 118 1 -279 Heather Roberts
24 114  87 111 1 -493 Elizabeth Terry
Division C

10-point rule adjustment.
After the first calculation, Charles Best's 6-game rating of 50 was reset to 64 and the division was re-rated.

Pn Old Prf New W Spread  
 1 105 148 110 6 +672 Judy Young
 2 101 122 102 5 +543 Jenny Sakamoto
 3 104 130 107 5 +132 Colin StHill
 4  99 108 100 4 +214 Margaret Coleman
 5  97 102  98 4  +72 Mel Maltz 
 6 103 107 104 4  +54 Jeanne Rossiter 
 7  96 108  97 4  +39 Brian Beaumont 
 8  88 101  89 4   -1 Lionel Millmore 
 9  93  84  92 3  +86 Jill Warren 
10  76  89  77 3   +5 Margaret Scamell 
11 101  85  98 3  -55 Paul Harding 
12  84  91  84 3  -65 Sheila Wyatt 
13  64  82  65 3  -89 Charles Best (new rating based on 13 games)
14  74  90  81 3  -98 Christine{Worcs} Baker (new rating based on 13 games)
15  94  84  94 3 -286 Eileen Bradshaw 
16  94  69  91 2  +10 Irene Lawes 
17  58  72  59 2   +1 Veronica Baker 
18  96  61  92 2  -38 Fay Goble 
19  70  67  69 2  -87 Helen Thompson 
20  81  80  81 2 -110 Sheila Bromly 
21  88  72  87 2 -138 Amabel Winter 
22  76  70  75 2 -309 Steven Henry 
23  91  50  84 1 -204 Craig Gurney (new rating based on 40 games)
24  65  50  63 0 -348 Shirley Stokley 

Cock of the North October 1st-3rd
Results from Robert Pells. 22 rounds.

Division A

Pn Old Prf New  W Spread
 1 179 188 182 19 +1418 Wayne Kelly(GM)
 2 183 186 184 18 +1994 Theresa Brousson(Exp)
 3 142 166 149 14  +565 Neil Broom
 4 166 158 163 13  +527 Steve Perry
 5 136 154 143 12  +521 Steve Balment

 6 152 154 152 12  -372 Len Moir
 7 139 152 143 11  -460 Teresa Lyes
 8 163 140 157 9½  -298 Paul{Halifax} Thompson
 9 156 143 152  9   -16 David Shenkin
10 136 137 137 8½  -899 Sarah Wilks

11 131 136 132 8½  -921 Jill Bright
12 139 132 137 7½  -350 Christine Strawbridge
13 145 128 142  7  -550 Ginny Dixon
14 129 121 128  5 -1159 Geoff Cooper
Division B

Pn Old Prf New  W Spread       
 1 128 143 132 17 +1191 Jim Lyes
 2 122 130 124 14  +361 Marlene Skinner
 3 127 125 127 13  +996 Nicky Huitson
 4 117 126 120 13  +358 Ian Kendall
 5 110 122 114 12  -546 Caroline Elliott

 6 120 119 122 11½ +113 Anne Darby
 7 123 119 121 11½  -12 Tom Sharp
 8 122 116 122 11  -111 Rowan Callaghan
 9 105 109 107  9  -616 Vicky Owen
10 126 102 118  8  -285 Ted Lewis

11  98 100  99  7  -605 Joy Rowe
12 104  91 100  5  -844 Peter Terry

Edinburgh October 2nd
7 rounds. Results from Alan Sinclair

Division A

Pn Old Prf New W Spread
 1 157 198 162 6 +472 Ricky Zinger
 2 158 199 162 6 +217 Amy Byrne
 3 169 177 169 5 +425 Ross Mackenzie
 4 152 185 155 5 +214 Raymond Tate
 5 unr 165 165 4 +290 Chaiwat Wuthinitikornkit

 6 189 166 187 4  +34 Allan Simmons(GM)
 7 155 157 155 3 +216 Marion Keatings
 8 184 155 181 3   +2 Neil Scott(GM)
 9 146 152 146 3 -210 Melanie Beaumont
10 146 154 146 3 -395 Anne Steward

11 163 139 160 2  -90 Wilma Warwick
12 164 138 161 2 -289 Alan Sinclair
13 160 144 158 2 -477 Alan Georgeson
14 146 125 144 1 -409 James Squires

Division B

Pn Old Prf New W Spread
 1 138 160 140 6 +333 Margaret Armstrong 
 2 134 162 137 6 +250 Mary Jones 
 3 116 152 120 5 +410 Helgamarie Farrow 
 4 136 143 137 5 +366 Moya Dewar 
 5 111 146 114 5  -79 Willie Scott 

 6 137 129 136 4 +281 Michael Zinger 
 7 143 134 142 4 +250 Anne Ramsay 
 8 109 138 116 4 +128 Pete McCosh (new rating based on 36 games)
 9 143 134 142 4  +47 Tom Wilson 
10 117 137 119 4  -77 Yvonne Holland 

11 120 134 121 4  -82 Michael Harley 
12 121 132 123 3½ -95 Helen Polhill
13 131 113 129 3 +345 Margaret Harkness
14 136 113 134 3 +143 Colin Nicol
15 123 120 124 3 +129 Linda Bradford

16 127 123 126 3  -52 Rhoda Gray
17 143 122 140 3 -125 Sylvia Swaney
18 110 121 110 3 -228 Nora Bain
19 129 117 127 2½-143 Sheena Wilson
20 118 111 118 2½-205 Juliet Green

21 135 109 133 2½-370 Alec Robertson
22 111 100 110 2 -343 Agnes Gunn
23 106  88 105 1 -385 Caroline Foy
24 130  85 125 1 -498 Carol Malkin

Division C

Pn Old Prf New W Spread
 1  59 120  69 6 +136 Margaret Smith (new rating based on 53 games)
 2 105 101 104 5 +584 Julie Tate 
 3  71 102  77 5 +140 John Fyfe (new rating based on 43 games)
 4 100 103 101 4½ +64 Robert Peters 
 5  94  86  94 4 +106 Lena Glass 

 6  86  88  87 4  -60 Sybil Berrecloth 
 7  79  84  79 3½+117 Maria Raffaelli 
 8  97  73  95 3 +157 Ian Whyte 
 9  85  73  82 3  +17 Kevin Macdonald (new rating based on 30 games)
10  78  80  78 3 -165 Alison Peters 

11  81  74  80 3 -192 Jennifer Payne 
12  77  59  76 2 -268 Martin Byrne 
13  71  64  70 2 -386 Carol Russell
14  72  50  71 1 -250 Margaret{Fife} McGhee

Scottish League match October 1st. Results from Marion Keatings.
This match completes round 7. Round 8 will be the final round of the 2010 Scottish League.

Dunedin 2 wins

Old Prf New Wins
173 169 173 2 Simon Gillam(Exp)
140 101 139 0 Iain Harley
148 101 146 0 James Squires

Waverley 7 wins

Old Prf New Wins
161 204 163 3 Wilma Warwick
164 170 164 2 Alan Sinclair
128 169 129 2 Kenneth Ross