Ratings Archive

Ratings at June 30th 2008 in Name order.
This list is also available in Ranking order.

An B Be Bl Bu C Co D Do E F G Gr H Hi I J K L M Me N O P Q R Ro S Si Sp T U V W Wi Y Z

 Rtg  N                            Club or *Location*   
  107 81  Doreen Acton             Brentwood
  138     Janet Adams              LSL
  109     Mary Adams               Gloucester
  177 29  Isaac Addo               *London NW*
  173     Adekoyejo Adegbesan      *Milton Keynes*
  138     Oluyemi Adesiyan         *Leeds*
  137 23  Abiodun Adeyemi          *Milton Keynes*
  161 37  Ademola Ajayi            *Ireland*
  156 26  Olakunle Ajayi           *London SE*
  147 21  Toke Aka                 *Nigeria*
  111     Jacquie Aldous           Norwich
   93 24  Margaret Aldous          Bungay
  144     Philip Aldous            Norwich
  123     Etta Alexander           Inverness
   71 73  Mollie Allam             *Portsmouth*
  182     Paul Allan(GM)           Portsmouth&Southsea
  118     Lyn Allcock              *Coventry*
  130     Barbara Allen            LSL
  102     Elisabeth{Clvlnd} Allen  Cleveland
  127     Gail Allen               Swansea
   96 37  Kathryn Allen            *West Yorkshire*
  134     Liz{Leicester} Allen     Leicester
  139     Mary Allen               Cardiff
   85     Vera Allen               Woking
  106     Bill Anderson            Malvern
  151     Cathy Anderson           Newcastle
  104     Eileen{Rdng} Anderson    Reading
   99 32  Marie Anderson           Highworth
  133     Minu Anderson            Malvern
  127     Sheila{Perth} Anderson   Perth
  111     Sheila{Rmfrd} Anderson   Romford
   74     Ted Anderson             Reading
  106 18  Angele Andrews           *Surrey*
  117 92  Shirley Angell           South Downs
  129 35  Jack Anscomb             *Coventry*
  100 29  Ted Anscomb              *Coventry*
  191     Phil Appleby(GM)         *Hants*
  139     Margaret Armstrong       Elgin
  127     Stany Arnold             Rugby
  138     Carol Arthurton          Coventry
  137 24  Nick Ascroft             Abingdon
  170     John Ashmore             Norwich
  112 30  Joyce Ashmore            Norwich
  131     Peter Ashurst            Preston
  134 54  Gillian Ashworth         Gloucester
  151 54  Paul Ashworth            Gloucester
  101     Anne Atherton            *Leeds*
  156     Caroline Atkins          Lang Toun
  122     Irene Atkinson           Warrington
   87 31  Betty Austin             *Wigan*
  114     Maureen Austin           Essex League
  187     Femi Awowade(GM)         Middx League
   89 18  Moses Azzopardi          *Malta*
  125 39  Esther Bacon             Quay Bridlington
  146     Alan Bailey              Southampton
  115 37  Andrea Bailey            *Hants*
  122     Jan Bailey               East Berks
  110     Peter Bailey             Hove
  105     Nora Bain                Bon Accord
  121     Alistair Baker           *Leeds*
   84 51  Chris Baker              Aylesbury
  101     Madelaine Baker          Gloucester
  137     Nick Baker               Dorian
   71     Veronica Baker           Southampton
  124 80  Betty Balding            LSL
  125     John Ball                Newport(S Wales)
  121     Sue Ball                 Romford
  142     John Balloch             Glasgow
  134     Steve Balment            Mapperley
  160 72  Alex_Gboye Balogun       *Manchester*
  119     Liz Barber               U3A Sheffield
  114     Barbara Barker           East Midlands
  108     Maureen Barlow           East Berks
  129     Noel Barnes              Southend
  138     Linda{Lincoln} Barratt   Lincoln
   79 16  Margaret Barratt         *Glasgow*
  100 18  Carol Bartlett           West Berks
   86     Rita Barton              Brierfield
   82 47  Beryl Basey              Newcastle
  119     Eileen Basham            Cardiff
   92     Peter Basham             Cardiff
  161     Paul Bassett             Cambridge
  140 16  Warwick Bassett          Teign
  106 33  Betty Bates              Preston
   98 60  Gilly Batten             Truro
  141     Michael Baxendale        Portsmouth&Southsea
  140 47  Brenda Baxter            Shipley
  112     Linda Beard              Rustington
  147     Tony Bearn               Rustington
  131     Janice Bease             Lang Toun
  139     Diana Beasley            Exeter
  101     Brian Beaumont           Portsmouth&Southsea
  143     Melanie Beaumont         Edinburgh
  157     Andy Becher              East Berks
  119 88  Harry Beckett            Shipley
  100     Alex Beckmann            Newcastle
  137     Viv Beckmann             Newcastle
  128     Samantha Beckwith        Cleveland
  124     Wasinee Beech            *Ireland*
  187     Craig Beevers(Exp)       Cleveland
   56 63  Zandra Begg              U3A Edinburgh
  161     Danny Bekhor             LSL
  118 53  Bobbie Bennett           Letchworth
  108     Betty Benton             Bourne
  155     Adrienne Berger          Whitefield
  110     Syd Berger               Whitefield
  139     Jake Berliner            LSL
  165     Bob Berry                Middx League
  129     Ken Bird                 Luton
  120     Linda Bird               LSL
  128     Hilary Birdsall          Harrogate
   86     Viv Bishop               LSL
  120 72  Jim Blackler             LSL
  149     Richard Blakeway         Sutton Coldfield
   96     Anna Blakey              Durrington
  139 18  Gila Blits               *Israel*
   83 42  Hazel Boddy              Seascale
  143 56  Owen Bondin              Edinburgh
  164     Graham Bonham            Aylesbury
  125     Janet Bonham             Aylesbury
  119     Sheila Booth-Millard     Southampton
  111 18  Anna Borg                *Malta*
  104     Carmen Borg              Malta
  106 18  Dominic Borg             *Malta*
   78 17  Laura Borg               *Malta*
  128     Kate Boutinot            Whitefield
  127     Derek Bower              Hockley
   66 18  Scott Bowman             Southampton
  136     Sue Bowman               Dorian
   64 57  Nora Bown                *Liverpool*
  114     Margaret Boyd            Cleveland
  164     Vincent Boyle            LSL
  117     Linda Bradford           Dunfermline
   93 43  Mark Bradley             *London E*
  108     Eileen Bradshaw          Portsmouth&Southsea
   96     Hazel Brannan            Fulwood
  147 73  Ed Breed                 South Downs
  130 46  Joe Bridal               LSL
  139     Jean Bridge              Weston
  144     Jill Bright              Warrington
  137     Margaret Bright          Bournemouth
   78 48  Hilda Bristow            U3A Kingston
  123     Pat Broderick            Dorian
  143     Jean Bromley             Southampton
  106 18  Sheila Bromly            Bournemouth
  165 80  David Brook              Newcastle
   92 50  Maxine Brookes           Melton Mowbray
  139     Neil Broom               Hull
  150 54  Barbara Brown            Cambridge
  174     Christian Brown          Mapperley
  107 20  Emma Brown               Whitchurch
  150     Maurice Brown            Mapperley
   68     Pamela Brown             Exeter
  107     Beryl Browner            Dorian
  151     Louise Brundell          Diss
   90 99  Bernard Bruno            Rustington
  125 21  Michael Bryan            Bournemouth
   99     Jean Buckley             Newport(S Wales)
  118     Ron Bucknell             Havering
  161     Anand Buddhdev           *Netherlands*
  130     Kathy Bullen             Stroud
   98     Sue Bullock              Aylesbury
  108     Georgie Burchell         Luton
  133     Margaret Burdon          Newcastle
   93     Fred Burford             Bourne
  113 54  Jill Burgess             Highworth
  121     Angela Burke             Bourne
  110 36  Fran Burling             West Berks
  145     Ian Burn                 West Berks
  140     Heather Burnet           LPP
  166     Paul Burton              *Stockport*
   80 26  Sue Burton               Hythe
  104 42  Bridget Busk             Andover
   94 45  Tim Butcher              Mapperley
  168     Russell Byers(GM)        Nottingham Nomads
  166     Amy Byrne                Edinburgh
  101     Martin Byrne             *Edinburgh*
  120 55  Beverley Calder          Nailsea
  136 55  Rose Calder              Nailsea
  103 49  Rowan Callaghan          *Wolverhampton*
  100 18  Marlene Calleja          *Malta*
  120 18  Mario Camilleri          *Malta*
  183     Theresa Camilleri        Malta
  159     Joyce Cansfield(Exp)     Aireborough
  163     Jason Carney             Castleford
   66 42  Kate Carney              *West Yorkshire*
  108 53  Gill Carr                *East Yorkshire*
   72 48  Pat Carr                 *East Yorkshire*
  134     David Carrod             High Wycombe
   98     Kathy Carson             Coventry
  174 67  Gerry Carter             *Thailand*
  127 96  Jean Carter              Newcastle
   94 43  Paul Carter              *Essex*
  148     Simon Carter             *London N*
   94     Christine Cartman        Stafford
  127     Paul Cartman             Stafford
  134 59  Joe Caruana              Letchworth
  148     Alan Catherall           Romford
  112     Irene Catherall          Romford
   96     Shirley Cave             LSL
  120     Ian Caws                 Ryde(I.W.)
  116     Joan Caws                Ryde(I.W.)
  156     Maureen Chamberlain      Bournemouth
  166     Michael Chappell         LSL
  155 82  Tim Charlton             Guildford
  112     Anne Cheesman            Durrington
  121     Shirley Chidwick         Hockley
  146     Alan Childs              Bournemouth
   65 55  Jessie Chisholm          Alness
  108     Mabel Choularton         Dorian
  100 48  Len Choules              West Berks
  126 50  Bob Christie             Bon Accord
  104     Dorothy Churcher         Reading
   90     Keith Churcher           Reading
   83 18  Pauline Cilia            *Malta*
  101     Ann Clark                Croydon
   95 42  Dorothy Clark            *Cumbria*
  130     Garry Clark              Romford
   82     Doreen Clayton           LSL
  125     Jennifer Clifford        LSL
  170 18  Evan Cohen               *Israel*
  167     Philip Cohen             LSL
  154 74  Ashley Coldrick          Mapperley
  154     Theresa Cole             Luton
  141 32  Martyn Colebrook         *Hull*
  134     Ann Coleman              Harrogate
   69 82  Doreen Coleman           East Berks
   97     Margaret Coleman         Portsmouth&Southsea
  142     William Coleman          Havering
  142     Pat Colling              Stroud
   59 17  Juliet Collins           *Israel*
   80 18  Josephine Colman         LSL
  114 60  Jane Comer               Truro
   86 40  Florence Connell         Hockley
   94 47  Mary Connell             *unknown*
   98 36  Anne Connolly            Guildford
   96     Kerry Constant           *Ireland*
  152     Moira Conway             LSL
  185     Andrew Cook(GM)          West Berks
  119     Georgina Cook            Thanet
  100 22  Lena Cook                Croydon
   71 24  Margaret Cooke           *Guildford*
  126     Geoff Cooper             Lincoln
  109     Tricia Cooper            East Berks
   91     Myra Copleston           Penarth
  118     Hannah Corbett           East Berks
  107     Iris Cornish             West Berks
   93     Anne Corpe               Bourne
  101 36  Jenny Corps              Billericay
  118 43  Terry Corps              Billericay
  104     Les Costin               Hockley
  103     Cecilia Cotton           Andover
  109 43  James Couch              *Kent*
  120 61  Val Couzens              Reading
  156     Ian Coventry             *Cheshire*
  103 69  Gwyneth Cox              Brighton&Hove
  103 29  Sonia Cox                *Oxon*
   85 42  Jane Craig               *Cumbria*
   76 64  Sheila Cresswell         Coventry
   93 98  Josephine Croasdale      Doncaster
   62 60  Bill Croft               Bourne
  110 35  Ann Croll                Penarth
   74 39  Marie Cross              Romford
  139     Verity Cross             Brighton&Hove
  136     Lorraine Crouch          Leicester
  126     Jean Crowder             Newcastle
  114 68  Maisie Culpin            Grantham
  155 79  Chris Cummins            Cambridge
  176     Elie Dangoor(Exp)        LSL
  103 46  Miles Daniels            *Slough*
  107     Anne Darby               Highworth
  156     Peter Darby              Malvern
   98 30  David Darman             Melton Mowbray
  110 61  Marie Davie              Stewartry
   97 60  Steve Davie              Stewartry
  123     Ceridwen Davies          Whitchurch
   96     Florence Davies          Cleveland
  194     Andrew Davis(GM)         Nottingham Nomads
  100     Malcolm Davis            Luton
  144     Tony Davis               Cleveland
  160     Christo Davison          Lydney
  149     Wanda De Poitiers        East Berks
  127     Barbara Dein             LSL
  162     JOjo Delia               Malta
   82 17  Yvonne Delia             *Malta*
  162     David Delicata           Malta
  176     Nick Deller              Peterborough
  110 25  Matthew Denby            Bourne
  176     Di Dennis(GM)            LSL
  151     Moya Dewar               Glasgow
  105     Marlene Diskin           Preston
   97 60  Peter Dittert            *Surrey*
  127     Ginny Dixon              East Midlands
  143     Ivy Dixon-Baird          Nottingham Nomads
  117     Eleanor Dobson           Dorian
  102     Paula Docherty           Fulwood
  117     Joseph Doku              Leicester
  118     Carmen Dolan             Romford
  109 16  Rafal Dominiczak         *Poland*
  154     Billy Dott               Glasgow
   76 48  Dorothy Double           Leigh-on-Sea
   71 48  Michael Double           Leigh-on-Sea
  119 60  Eileen Douglas           South Downs
  136     Alasdair Dowling         Inverness
  141     Chris Downer             Bournemouth
  170     Penny Downer(Exp)        Newport(I.W.)
  138 41  George Downing           East Berks
  124 86  Mary Doyle               *Ireland*
   69 26  Ann Duncan               *Inverness*
  151     Suzanne Dundas           *Netherlands*
  111     Eve Dwyer                Billericay
  130     Jean Dymock              Inverness
  119     Yvonne Eade              *Lowestoft*
  124     Andrew Eames             Luton
   79 22  Doris Ebden              Bournemouth
  158     Calum Edwards            Romford
   80     Dorothy Edwards          Romford
  104     Elsie Edwards            Carshalton
  130     June Edwards             Luton
  128     Len Edwards              Romford
  106 30  Matthew Edwards          Mapperley
  106     Caroline Elliott         LSL
  107     Joan Ellis               Brentwood
  139     Carolyn Emery            Lincoln
   98 49  Douglas Emmott           Cirencester
  109     Margaret Emmott          Cirencester
  130     Priscilla Encarnacion    LSL
  114     Marie English            *Cambs*
   93     Mavis Ernest             Richmond
  102     Peter Ernest             Richmond
   99 91  Barbara Etheridge        Gloucester
  152     Angela Evans             LSL
  148 47  Mike Evans               Gloucester
  171     Richard Evans(Exp)       *London E*
   97     Alan Everitt             Ryde(I.W.)
  102     Joan Everitt             Romford
  102 79  Rona Falconer            Newcastle
   80 15  Valerie Fallon           Salisbury
   98 30  Rhoda Farrington         *Cheshire*
  125     Helgamarie Farrow        Edinburgh
  109 17  Frans Farrugia           *Malta*
  198 74  Wale Fashina             *Southampton*
  105 98  June Faulkner            East Berks
  141 87  Patricia Fenn            South Downs
  157     Chris Fenwick            Lydney
  130     Phyllis Fernandez        Brentwood
   93 21  Annette Finch            Southampton
   53 15  Jill Findlay             *Reading*
  161     Chris Finlay             Southampton
  149     Laura Finley             Newcastle
  117     Margaret Firmston        Guildford
  197     Andrew Fisher(GM)        Melbourne
  130     Jill Fisher              Stroud
  119     Sally Fiszman            LSL
   99     Maggie Fleming           LSL
  102     Daphne Fletcher          Hove
  150     Marjory Flight           *Dundee*
   97     Ruby Flood               Mapperley
   99 50  Florence Fontaine        LSL
  148     Frank Forster            Greasby
  116     Eileen Foster            Melton Mowbray
   80 18  Jane Foster              Cirencester
   98 24  Kriss Foster             Glasgow
  106 59  Noel Foulkes             Hale
   93 24  Iris Foulks              Donington
  161     Gary Fox                 Middx League
  153     Gerard Fox               LPP
  127     Joy Fox                  Brighton&Hove
  102     Caroline Foy             Lang Toun
  170     Darryl Francis(Exp)      *Cumbria*
  138     Heather Frankland        Aireborough
  153     Christina French         Essex League
  109 37  Pawlu Frendo             Malta
  130     Pat Friend               Bourne
   99     Joyce Frost              Romford
  121     Jean Gallacher           Inverness
  188 46  Paul Gallen              Belfast
  124     Norma Galley             LSL
  149     Davina Galloway          Luton
  131 98  Karen Game               *London SW*
  141     John Garcia              Brighton&Hove
  112     Marjorie Gardner         Coventry
   87     Joan Garlick             Shipley
  159     Ed Garrett-Jones         Cambridge
  159     Alan Georgeson           *Edinburgh*
  111     Joyce Gershon            Romford
  111 56  Kathy Gibbons            Bournemouth
  112 56  Wilf Gibbons             Bournemouth
   88 60  Jan Gibson               Canterbury
   88     Renee Gilbert            LSL
  173     Simon Gillam(Exp)        Edinburgh
  125     Christine Gillespie      Mapperley
  122 87  Marjorie Gillott         Sheffield Psalter
  189     Helen Gipson(GM)         *Scottish Borders*
  110     Lena Glass               Edinburgh
   93     Fay Goble                Portsmouth&Southsea
  129     Jason Goddard            Weston
  146     Ann Golding              Southend
  138     Barbara Goodban          *Oxford*
   83     Frank Goodier            Fulwood
   95     Yvonne Goodridge         Cleveland
  159     Andrew Goodwin           *East Yorkshire*
  133 94  Geoff Goodwin            *Hull*
  171     Mark Goodwin             *Hull*
  151     Lorraine Gordon          Elgin
  159     Doj Graham               Brighton&Hove
  128     Carol Grant              Golspie
  138     Andy Gray                Aylesbury
  133     Rhoda Gray               Bon Accord
  153     Helen Grayson(Exp)       *Leeds*
  176     John Grayson(GM)         Newport(S Wales)
  136 58  Kathy Greaves            Zetland
  177     Dick Green(Exp)          East Berks
  131     Juliet Green             Preston
  164     Neil Green               *Cardiff*
  134     Sheila Green             Sutton Coldfield
   76 51  Ann Gregson              Leicester West End
   90 67  Paul Grimshaw            Newport(S Wales)
  164     Barry Grossman(Exp)      LSL
   80     Iris Grover              Brighton&Hove
  180     George Gruner(Exp)       LSL
  123     Agnes Gunn               Dunfermline
  138 57  Alan Guy                 Shipley
  103     Barbara Haggett          Coventry
  160     Graham Haigh             *Cumbria*
   93     Barrie Hall              Newcastle
   70 56  Christine Hall           Cirencester
   89     Marcia Hall              Beckenham&Penge
   87 30  Matthew Hall             Mapperley
  138     Peter Hall               Rustington
   92     Betty Hallett            Abingdon
   60     Margaret Hallin          Whitchurch
  118     Marian Hamer             LSL
   96 21  Martyn Hamer             *Lancs*
  119 87  Kim Hands                Sutton Coldfield
   93 87  Sally Hanson             *West Midlands*
   71 42  Connie Hardacre          *Preston*
  158     John Hardie              Hull
   83 34  Christine Harding        *Bucks*
   78     Ena Harding              Newcastle
  164     Graham Harding           East Berks
  160     Helen Harding            East Berks
  101     Mavis Harding            East Berks
  108     Paul Harding             Exeter
  122     Margaret Harkness        Edinburgh
  146     Iain Harley              Edinburgh
   80 21  Janet Harley             Southampton
  118     Michael Harley           Bon Accord
  136 48  Dan Harris               Norwich
  106     Jenny Harris             Weedon
   74 66  Mary Harris              U3A Kingston
  161     Chris Harrison           *Hull*
  128     Jill Harrison            Cirencester
  130     John Harrison            Newcastle
  190     Martin Harrison          Lincoln
  160     Lee Hartley              Preston
  104     Audrey Harvey            Leicester
   74     Winnie Haston            Edinburgh
  129 64  Annie Hawes              *London NW*
  164     Chris Hawkins(Exp)       Peterborough
   82     Teresa Haycock           Doncaster
  169     Rael Hayman              LSL
  118 87  Mick Healy               Leicester
  127 57  Paul Heasman             South Downs
  150     Debbie Heaton            Verbigerators
  159     Ken Heaton               Verbigerators
  140 95  Tim Hebbes               *London E*
  134     Ron Hendra               LSL
   87     Jean Hendrick            Cleveland
   96     Dorothy Henry            Cleveland
  144     Anne Hidden              Aireborough
  121     Kathleen Higgins         Stroud
  147     Joanne Hiley             Coventry
  122     Barbara Hill             Preston
  109     Doug Hill                Lincoln
  145     Teresa Hill              Lincoln
  133     Linda Hillard            Newport(S Wales)
  173 43  Steve Hilton             Brierfield
  136     Sheila Hinett            Dorian
  140     Richard Hitchcock        Exeter
  124 45  Sheila Hockey            LSL
  110     Joy Hodge                Aireborough
   83 35  Joyce Hoffbrand          LSL
  139     Sandra Hoffland          Lang Toun
  183     Stewart Holden(GM)       Nottingham Nomads
  101     Jo Holland               Romford
  116     Yvonne Holland           Glasgow
   99 20  Rosemary Hollick         *Jersey*
  163     Mark Hollingsworth       Aireborough
  144     Debbie Holloway          Ryde(I.W.)
   97     Cindy Hollyer            Brentwood
  142     David Holmes             LSL
  142     Gavin Holmes             Kimberley
   94 87  Patricia Holmes          Bournemouth
  125     Mary Hopwood             *Plymouth*
   63     Barbara Horlock          Guildford
  122     Val Hoskings             Derby
  169     Stewart Houten           Abingdon
   82     Lionel Howard            Romford
  147     Paul Howard              *London N*
  130     Norma Howarth            Pudsey
   65 54  Shelagh Howes            U3A Kingston
   94     Rosemarie Howis          Harlow
  121 61  David Hoyle              Hale
   78 42  Connie Hudson            Leigh-on-Sea
  127     Nicky Huitson            *Kent*
  146     Elizabeth Hull           Reading
  160 24  Jerry Humphreys          Dorian
  135     Peter Hunt               Portsmouth&Southsea
   84     Eileen Hunter            Dorking
   91 25  Gil Hunter               Newcastle
  132     Leonora Hutton           Malvern
  167     Peter Igweke             Bon Accord
  191 35  Dennis Ikekeregor        *Nigeria*
  118     Margaret Irons           *Dundee*
   97 54  Pete Ison                *Lincs*
  117     Sue Ison                 Lincoln
  116     Christabel Jackson       Shipley
   83 18  Dorothy Jackson          *Coventry*
  174     Jake Jacobs              Cambridge
  176 77  Omar_Malleh Jah          LSL
  128     Sarah-Jane Jamison       Belfast
  157     Elisabeth Jardine        Bournemouth
  123     Bob Jarvie               Cumbernauld
   89 86  Doreen Jarvie            Cumbernauld
  109     Joyce Jarvis             Truro
  134 24  Dieter Jedamski          *Australia*
  101     Hilbre Jenkins           Lochee
  151     Nick Jenkins             Havering
   92     Joan Johns               Salisbury
   75     Eileen Johnson           Abingdon
  108 51  Margaret Johnson         Luton
  138     Pauline Johnson          Cleveland
  111     Peter Johnson            Abingdon
  137     Trish Johnson            Cleveland
  139     Robert Johnston          Swansea
   89     Sheila Johnston          Alness
  119     June Johnstone           Warrington
  126     Sheila Jolliffe          Newport(I.W.)
  157     Brian Jones              Southampton
   65 30  Glenys Jones             Abingdon
  133     Helen Jones              Newport(S Wales)
  127     Jill Jones               Beckenham&Penge
  141     Mary Jones               Glasgow
  133     Terry Jones              Newport(S Wales)
  105     Rosemary Jordan          Leicester
  174 25  Alistair Kane            *Australia*
  122 91  Jayanthi Kannan          LSL
   81 34  Brenda Keast             *Berks*
   99 18  Janet Keating            *Netherlands*
  147     Marion Keatings          Lang Toun
   86 21  Neil Keatings            *Fife*
  136 39  Margaret Keegan          Richmond
  168     Chris Keeley             LSL
   96 83  Margaret Keeper          Cleveland
   90     Mary Keevy               U3A Shrewsbury
   93 59  Patrick Kelleher         *Middlesex*
  154     Greg Kelly               Mapperley
  115     Peter Kelly              Exeter
  148     Phil Kelly               Hockley
  187     Wayne Kelly(Exp)         Warrington
   97     Dorothy Kemlicz          Norwich
  124     Colin Kendall            *Coventry*
   98 76  Ian Kendall              *Plymouth*
   77     Mary Kennedy             Edinburgh
  170 74  Richard Kennedy          Belfast
  109     Bronagh Kenny            *Ireland*
  107     Barbara Kent             Newport(I.W.)
  119 18  Sue Kerr                 *London N*
  108 48  Ivo Kiddle               Guildford
  123     Pamela Kikumu            LSL
   78 48  Jacqueline King          *Hants*
  132     Victoria Kingham         LSL
  142     Marion Kirk              Highworth
  177     Terry Kirk(GM)           Middx League
   55 71  Maureen Knox             U3A Kingston
  144     Pinaach Kolte            Edinburgh
  136 30  Esther Kumi              *London SW*
  147 60  Theo Kumi                LSL
  156     Karl Kwiatkowski         Abingdon
  153 25  Sue Kyatt                *Australia*
  114     Heather Laird            LSL
  197     Harshan Lama'suriya(GM)  *Oxford*
   90     Gordon Lamb              Portsmouth&Southsea
  113 18  Naomi Landau             *Israel*
  129     Sharon Landau            LSL
  167     Mark Lane                Sheffield Psalter
  114     Molly Lane               Bournemouth
   88 17  Elizabeth Larbi          *London E*
  101 18  Sue Lasslett             Reading
  101 22  Frankie Latham           *Colchester*
  118 49  David Lavender           *Walsall*
   66     Peggy Lavender           Havering
   94 72  Irene Lawes              Salisbury
  152     Timothy Lawrence         Brighton&Hove
   92     Rose Lawson              Brierfield
   91     Anne Lawton              Guildford
  147     David Lawton             Guildford
   88 54  Chris Leathem            Reading
  140     Kate Leckie              Inverness
  104     Marjorie Lefley          Restalrig
   75 15  Chris Lewis              *Cheshire*
  113 46  Rhian Lewis              *Cardiff*
  135     Sally Lewis              Whitefield
  144     Ted Lewis                LSL
  157     Peter Liggett            Lydney
   60     Edna Lindeck             Doncaster
  107     Peter Lindeck            Doncaster
   97     June Lindridge           Andover
  138     Wendy Lindridge          Andover
   62     Mary Lindsay             Romford
   87     Gwen Linfoot             Cleveland
   86     Lorna Llewellyn          Whitchurch
  142     Joy Lloyd                Cirencester
   90     Brenda Lock              Highworth
  139     David Longley            Aireborough
   82 21  Kenneth Lovell           *West Midlands*
  120     Barbara Lukey            Sheffield
   73     Marjorie Lunn            Bourne
  142     Jim Lyes                 Brighton&Hove
  106 35  Anne Lyng                *Dublin*
  163     Bob Lynn                 Salisbury
   90     John Macdonald           Alness
  117     May Macdonald            Alness
  155     Ruth MacInerney          LSL
  204     Lewis Mackay(Exp)        Sheffield Psalter
  169     Ross Mackenzie           Glasgow
   98 35  John MacLellan           Inverness
   87 35  Pat MacLellan            Inverness
  102 50  Sandy MacLeod            Elgin
  119     Fay Madeley              Sutton Coldfield
  105 98  Jean Mainwaring          Millfield
  159     Frankie Mairey           Shirley
  118 29  Jonathan Maitland        *London W*
  148     Graham Maker             Chichester
  102 18  Gary Male                *Lincs*
  140     Carol Malkin             Lang Toun
   92 60  Monica Marden            *Middlesex*
  131     Brenda Margereson        Southampton
  137     Nola Marrow              Preston
  128     Ruth Marsden             Bournemouth
  102 54  Margaret Marshall        Northampton
  181     Ed Martin(GM)            Middx League
   91     Olive Martin             Preston
   95     Jean Masterson           Bury
   93     Terry Masterson          Bury
   88     Olive Matthew            Bon Accord
  193 75  Chris May                *Australia*
  127 18  Josephine Mayo           *Malta*
  169     Kay McColgan             Clontarf Dublin
   95 17  Pete McCosh              Glasgow
  117 76  Ann McDonnell            Brighton&Hove
   87 40  Margaret{Edbgh} McGhee   U3A Edinburgh
   50 23  Margaret{Fife} McGhee    Dunfermline
  168 94  Joseph McGinley          *Ireland*
   93     Ken McGinness            Cumbernauld
  161     Christine McKenzie       *South Lanarkshire*
  138     Yvonne McKeon            Malvern
  106     Barbara McLaren          Cleveland
   94     Isabelle McLean          *London SW*
  168     Jackie McLeod(Exp)       LSL
  145     Lois McLeod              Melton Mowbray
  180 37  Kevin McMahon            *Ireland*
   71     Catherine McMillan       Glasgow
  142 70  Danny McMullan           Belfast
   84 30  Elizabeth McNab          *Inverclyde*
  127 25  Ena McNamara             LSL
  140     Kate McNulty             Sunderland
  151     Maurice McParland        LSL
  137     David Meadows            Derby
  125     Marc Meakin              Brentwood
   59     Betty Meazey             Whitchurch
  103     Audrey Medhurst          West Berks
  142     Eileen Meghen            Churchtown Dublin
   88     Moira Metcalf            LSL
  116 18  Charles Micallef         *Malta*
  105 18  Marielouise Mifsud       *Malta*
  122 18  Paul Mifsud              *Malta*
  100     Janet Milford            Southampton
  158     Roy Miller               Brighton&Hove
  106     Sheila Miller            Fulwood
   89     Lionel Millmore          Southampton
   85 30  Michelle Minnaar         Hockley
  132     Helen Mitchell           Bon Accord
  121     John Mitchell            Malvern
  112 79  Margaret Mitchell        Plymouth
  114     Martha Mitchell          Malvern
  142     Len Moir                 Greasby
  103     Linda Moir               Greasby
  115     Judy Monger              Cirencester
   87     Margot Montgomery        U3A Edinburgh
  144     Richard Moody            Cleveland
   96     Peggy Moore              Rustington
  100 69  Mollie Moran             Bournemouth
  141     Huw Morgan               Swansea
  122     Mary Morgan              *Ireland*
  129     Barbara Morris           LSL
  122 24  David Morris             Bury St Edmunds
  119     Philippa Morris          LSL
   72     Muriel Mortimer          Fulwood
   72     Maria Moseley            Leicester West End
   59 68  Carol Mouncey            Cleveland
  105     Priscilla Munday         Dorking
   78 45  Peter Munt               Stewartry
  161 25  Russell Murch            *Devon*
   74     Joan Murphy              Harrogate
  149     Lynne Murphy             Brighton&Hove
  122 92  Mark Murray              Dorian
   81     Michael Murray           Newcastle
  166     Cecil Muscat             Billericay
  107 40  James Mutton             *Highland*
   69 24  Maureen Neal             East Berks
   95     Derek Neath              *Warwickshire*
  128 65  Julie Nelkon             LSL
  173     Philip Nelkon(GM)        Middx League
   74     Helen Nelson             *Leeds*
   99     Vicky Nelson-Owen        Hull
   90 62  Irene Newberry           Kimberley
  128     George Newman            Brighton&Hove
  104     Vivienne Newman          Portsmouth&Southsea
  161 46  Jeff Ngeze               *Netherlands*
  126     Brid Ni Bhriain          *Ireland*
  199     Mikki Nicholson          *Carlisle*
  122 33  Norma Nicholson          Mapperley
  122     Colin Nicol              Edinburgh
  160     Paul Nind                Sheffield Psalter
  103     Adrian Noller            Luton
   94     Esme Norris              Gloucester
  120     Brenda Northcott         Romford
  156     Dave Nunn                South Downs
  185     Mark Nyman(GM)           *Cheshire*
  169     Shane O'Neill            *Swansea*
  163     Mike O'Rourke            East Midlands
  163     Nuala O'Rourke           East Midlands
   78 59  Sylvia Oates             U3A Kingston
  117 30  Ralph Obemeasor          LSL
  155     Sanmi Odelana            LSL
  186 47  Olatunde Oduwole         *London E*
  182     Azu Ogbogu               *Nigeria*
  188 23  Abiodun Olaleru          *unknown*
  185     Gary Oliver(Exp)         Southampton
  172     Fidelis Olotu            *London E*
  130     Mary Oram                Truro
  109 70  Mary Orr                 Cumbernauld
  108 22  Robert Orr               *Falkirk*
  112     Celia Osborn             Coventry
  141 74  Jay Osborn               Sutton Coldfield
  130     Dorn Osborne             Weedon
  139     Gwynfor Owen             Llandudno
  121     Jean Owen                Swansea
  172 69  Philips Owolabi          *Renfrewshire*
  178 68  Biyi Oyadiran            *London SE*
  122     Christina Pace           Essex League
   97 77  Graham Pace              Derby
  142     Bryn Packer              Newport(S Wales)
   88 18  Hazel Packham            Grantham
  120 35  Isobel Paice             *Bedfordshire*
  106 50  David Paine              South Downs
  104 51  Renee Paine              South Downs
  106     Richard Pajak            Bury
  158 85  Mihai Pantis             *Romania*
  139 47  Colin Parker             Carshalton
  124     Hazel Parker             Newport(I.W.)
  141     Jill Parker              Balby
   95 90  Hazel Parsons            Harrogate
   83 39  Patricia Parton          Shirley
  112 85  Norman Partridge         Gloucester
  140     Patricia Pay             Exeter
  105 50  Alan Payne               Lang Toun
  140     Gerry Pearce             Plymouth
  100 59  June Peck                Norwich
   88 77  Grace Peel               Pudsey
  159     Robert Pells             Shipley
  192     Andrew Perry(GM)         Highworth
  138     Marie Perry              Canterbury
  174     Steve Perry              Highworth
   78 86  Alison Peters            Lochee
   89 80  Robert Peters            Lochee
   76 31  Jude Pettigrew           *Hants*
  143     Janet Phillips           Winscombe
   92 18  Matthew Phillips         *Brighton*
  192     Adam Philpotts(Exp)      Nottingham Nomads
  130     Kim Phipps               LSL
  147     Anthony Pinnell          *Surrey*
  141     Matthew Pinner           Aireborough
  129     Ann Pitblado             Dunfermline
  121     Vivienne Plewes          Teign
   96     Cathy Poacher            Coventry
  174     Gary Polhill(Exp)        Truro
  125     Helen Polhill            Dunfermline
  139     Kay Powick               Sandwell
  165     Diane Pratesi(Exp)       Essex League
  144     Jessica Pratesi          *London E*
  125     Mauro Pratesi            LSL
  142     Margaret Pritchett       Melton Mowbray
  133 52  Gordon Procter           Aireborough
   99 30  Graham Pryce             Beckenham&Penge
  107 30  Sylvia Pryce             *Powys*
  124 72  Miri Purse               Cirencester
   84 62  Judith Puttick           Brighton&Hove
  118     Ken Quarshie             *London E*
  167     Chris Quartermaine       Ashton
  161     Malcolm Quirie           *East Lothian*
   82     Maria Raffaelli          *Edinburgh*
   89     Mary Ralfs               Dorian
  130     Jo Ramjane               Romford
  156     Anne Ramsay              Lang Toun
  128 37  Fred Rankin              Leicester
  148     Lorna Rapley             East Midlands
  140     Jean Rappitt             Penarth
  177     Paloma Raychbart         LSL
  130     Maureen Rayson           Melton Mowbray
  128     David Reading            Newport(I.W.)
  106     Joan Rees                Billericay
  104     Sheila Reeve             Romford
  133 24  Mark Reeves              *Romford*
  151     Ronnie Reid              Basingstoke
   98 24  Helen Rendell            High Wycombe
  142     Maureen Reynolds         Newport(I.W.)
  210 36  Nigel Richards           *Malaysia*
  164     Paul Richards            Whitefield
   97     Susan Richardson         Harrogate
  168     Robert Richland(Exp)     Middx League
   81 50  Angela Rigley            Kimberley
   80 31  David Ringwood           *Nottingham*
  147     Carole Rison             Deal
  126     Gertie Roberts           Carshalton
  101 66  Gwen Roberts             Carshalton
  120 69  Heather Roberts          Salisbury
   80 19  Paul Roberts             Edinburgh
  184     Phil Robertshaw          Ashton
  141     Alec Robertson           Dunfermline
  185     Jared Robinson(Exp)      Nottingham Nomads
  109     Jean Robinson            Ryde(I.W.)
   80 27  Olga Robinson            *Warwickshire*
  121     Tanya Robson             Southampton
  100     Pat Rockley              Mapperley
   91 60  Hepzi Rodrigues          East Berks
  126     Brenda Rodwell           Ryde(I.W.)
  100 56  Josie Rogers             Leicester
  141     Chrystal Rose            *USA*
  140 18  Omri Rosenkrantz         *Israel*
   51     Simon Rosenstone         LSL
   76     Jean Ross                Cleveland
  141     Kenneth Ross             Edinburgh
  173     Edward Rossiter          Southampton
  180     James Rossiter           Southampton
  103 49  Jeanne Rossiter          Southampton
  108 19  Karen Roston             LSL
  165     Andrew Roughton(Exp)     Coventry
   89     Joy Rowe                 Highworth
   73 66  Brian Rowell             Doncaster
  160     Neil Rowley              Castleford
   90 20  Beryl Ruano              *Jersey*
  123 34  Kathy Rush               Riverside Frodsham
   82     Carol Russell            U3A Edinburgh
   87     Jill Russell             West Berks
  130 35  Pauline Russell          Dublin
   53 28  Sonia Russell            *Luton*
  172 24  Andrei Russell-Gebbett   *Colchester*
  145     Alison Sadler            Leicester
  103     Jenny Sakamoto           Bournemouth
  103     Remie Salazar            Aireborough
  160 18  Mario Saliba             *Malta*
  109     Helen Sandler            LSL
  149 30  Dan Sandu                *Romania*
  165     Kwaku Sapong             *London SE*
  125     Denise Saxton            Coventry
   77 27  Margaret Scamell         Salisbury
   69 35  Margaret Scott           Edinburgh
  182     Neil Scott(GM)           Bon Accord
  115     Willie Scott             *Edinburgh*
  110     Margaret Seabrook        Brighton&Hove
   93     Doreen Searles           Hockley
   77 78  Iris Semus               Brighton&Hove
  118 18  Liliane Servier          *Israel*
  135 18  Mario Seychell           *Malta*
   78 79  Lydia Sharkey            Beckenham&Penge
  126 45  Tom Sharp                *Bristol*
  105     Jean Shaw                Portsmouth&Southsea
  115     Malcolm Shaw             Richmond
  129 52  Martin Sheehan           Penarth
  147     David Shenkin            LSL
  113 16  Elisabeth Shepheard      Aylesbury
  100     Moreen Shillitoe         Preston
  177     Austin Shin(Exp)         *Milton Keynes*
  103 49  Beryl Shoesmith          Coventry
   76 96  Maggie Shutt             Reading
  112 21  Iris Shuttleworth        Sutton Coldfield
  119 21  Len Shuttleworth         Sutton Coldfield
  115 27  Nigel Sibbett            *Highland*
  133     Carol Sienkiewicz        Shipley
  135     Mary Siggers             Brighton&Hove
   86 33  Christine Silvester      Kirkby Mallory
  118     Peter Sime               Portsmouth&Southsea
  107     Vera Sime                Portsmouth&Southsea
  105     Betty Simmonds           Durrington
  185     Allan Simmons(GM)        *Scottish Borders*
  131 45  Gilli Simmons            *Scottish Borders*
  170     Daniel Simonis           Middx League
  166     Sandie Simonis(Exp)      LSL
  177     Evan Simpson(GM)         Coventry
  159     Alan Sinclair            Edinburgh
   70 44  George Sinclair          *West Lothian*
  125     Marlene Skinner          Mapperley
   69 53  Michael Slow             Leicester West End
  142     Carol{Norwich} Smith     Norwich
  129     Edith Smith              Exeter
  123     Marjorie Smith           Leicester
  116 24  Mark Smith               *Hants*
  135     Norman Smith             Exeter
   75     Olive Smith              Cleveland
  142     Russell Smith            Aireborough
  107     Sheila Smith             Newcastle
  198     Brett Smitheram(GM)      West Berks
  137 76  Amanda Sodhy             Brighton&Hove
  145     Stuart Solomons          Carshalton
  152     Abraham Sosseh           Bournemouth
  129     Janet Southworth         *Lancs*
  105     Pamela Sparkes           Clevedon
  114     Rose Spencer             Pendle
  105 17  Lilian Spiteri           *Malta*
   77 17  Carmen Stafrace          *Malta*
  141     Carol Stanley            Woking
  146     Donna Stanton            Hale
  144     Margaret Staunton        Bournemouth
  110     Nicola Staunton          Bournemouth
  147     David Steel              Ashton
   80 18  Jil Stein                *Berks*
  103     Heather Stevens          Havering
  103     Jean Stevens             Harrogate
  143     Anne Steward             Lang Toun
   84 43  Alison Stilwell          LSL
  116     Monica Stockwell         Basingstoke
  115 54  Vivienne Stokes          Leicester
   67 54  Shirley Stokley          East Berks
  154     Christine Strawbridge    Malta
  122     Marjorie Struggles       Barnsley
   68 30  Felicity Suddick         Warrington
  128     Kathy Suddick            Warrington
  165     Brian Sugar(GM)          *Ilford*
  116 92  Martin Summers           Jersey
  155     Kate Surtees             *Inverness*
  175     David Sutton             West Berks
  158     Angela Swain             Bournemouth
  153     Ivan Swallow             Ryde(I.W.)
   97 36  Irene Swan               *unknown*
  133     Sylvia Swaney            Edinburgh
  152     Kevin Synnott            Billericay
   81 17  Stella Szachnowski       Beckenham&Penge
   85 18  Dorothea Talbot          *Peterborough*
  181 78  Adrian Tamas             *Japan*
  164 57  Jin_Chor Tan             *Malaysia*
  166     Ben Tarlow               Cambridge
  112     Julie Tate               Glasgow
  156     Raymond Tate             Glasgow
  132 15  Jonathan Tatlow          *Isle of Man*
  122     Dot Taylor               Leicester
  143     Martin Taylor            Dorian
  116     Jo Tebbutt               Newport(I.W.)
   65     Helen Tegg               Romford
   79 18  Peter Tennant            Southampton
  133     Evan Terrett             Newport(I.W.)
  120     Elizabeth Terry          Knaphill
   50 17  Beryl Thacker            *unknown*
   71     Jane Thomas              Hockley
  162     Peter Thomas             *Colchester*
  105 84  Gill{Norwich} Thompson   Norwich
   77     Helen Thompson           Basingstoke
  139     Josef Thompson           Cleveland
  153     Martin Thompson          Newcastle
  136 81  Paul{Hull} Thompson      *Hull*
  125     Sue Thompson             Cleveland
  148     Paul{Tranmere} Thomson   Tranmere
  106     Susan Thorne             Dorking
  131     Wendy Tiley              Newport(I.W.)
  128     Annette Tinning          Hale
  143     Rita Todd                Portsmouth&Southsea
   95     Ann Toft                 Ashton
   93 36  Charles Tollit           *Oxon*
  106     Carmen Toscano           *Corby*
   88     Beryl Trace              Gloucester
  119 82  Maria Treadwell          Highworth
   89 82  Peter Trembath           Ryde(I.W.)
  146     Lesley Trotter           Leicester
  120 18  Sarah Truelove           Bournemouth
  111     Christine Tudge          Malvern
  106 84  Dieter Turk              Glasgow
  100 40  Derek Turner             Lincoln
  170     Noel Turner(Exp)         Newport(I.W.)
  107     Philip Turner            Exeter
   85     Ruth Turner              Exeter
  104     Sheila Tutt              South Downs
  117 57  Sally Twine              Rustington
  118     Maureen Underdown        Diss
  159     Frances Ure              Lliw Valley
  145 66  Wojtek Usakiewicz        *Warsaw*
  118 18  Pamela Vahed             LSL
  139 62  Nicky Vella-Laurenti     Malta
   80 22  Enid Vernon              *Shropshire*
  170     Chris Vicary             South Downs
  160     Linda Vickers            Cardiff
  171     Bob Violett(Exp)         Essex League
   99     Claire Violett           Essex League
  106     Jan Vokes-Taylor         Portsmouth&Southsea
   90 96  Rena Waddell             *Stirling*
  112 79  Andrea Waddington        Castleford
  154     Graham Wakefield         Bourne
   92 27  Wayne Wakeman            *Amsterdam*
  107     Paul Walford             Doncaster
  113     Cyndy Walker-Firth       Shipley
   99     Rose Wall                Cleveland
  128     Sheila Wall              Dorian
  149     Evelyn Wallace           Southend
  136     Henry Walton             Bradfordian
  113 78  Sandra Walton            Bradfordian
  110     Evelyn Wansbrough        East Berks
   72     Millie Ward              Whitchurch
  103     Jill Warren              Newport(I.W.)
   84 82  Trevor Warwick           Leicester
  156     Wilma Warwick            Edinburgh
  115 65  Martin Waterworth        *Queensland*
   99     Janet Watson             Bourne
   94 43  Joyce Watson             *Liverpool*
  143     Lesley Watson            Luton
  176 25  Fergal Weatherhead       *Ireland*
  174     Alec Webb(Exp)           *Lowestoft*
  191     David Webb(GM)           *Herts*
   73     Margaret Webb            Ryde(I.W.)
  146 77  Ronan Webb               *Dublin*
  114     Jane Weston              Andover
  115     Carole Wheatley          Hockley
  137     Pat Wheeler              Ashton
   99     Jacqui White             Romford
   81 15  Janet White              *West Midlands*
  124     Margaret White           Hockley
  161     Mike Whiteoak            *Devon*
   86     Ian Whyte                Dunfermline
  101     Chris Wide               Exeter
  116 38  John Wilcox              *Flintshire*
  117     Kat Wilkes               *West Midlands*
  102     Isla Wilkie              Edinburgh
  137     Jim Wilkie               *Fife*
   66 22  Steve Wilkinson          *Sussex*
  134     Sarah Wilks              East Midlands
  138     David Williams           Cardiff
  171     Gareth Williams(GM)      Cardiff
  114     Jean{Cardiff} Williams   Cardiff
  101     Jean{Ryde} Williams      Ryde
  103 57  Kath Williams            *Liverpool*
  111 35  Nova Williams            *Oxon*
  156 94  Karen Willis             *Milton Keynes*
  167     Mike Willis(Exp)         *Milton Keynes*
   84 41  John Wilman              Lochee
  156     Ben Wilson               Lincoln
  112     June Wilson              Sandwell
  135     Rosalind Wilson          Luton
  118     Sheena Wilson            Elgin
  157     Tom Wilson               Glasgow
  114     Pamela Windsor           Carshalton
  148     Rachelle Winer           LSL
   92 66  Rod Winfield             Weston
  145     Peter Winnick            Leicester
   91     Amabel Winter            Bournemouth
  107     Gordon Winter            Edinburgh
  137     Stephen Wintle           Canterbury
   84 18  Dawne Wirth              Cirencester
  109 24  Julie Wise               East Berks
  108 67  Claudia Wiseman          Romford
   86 50  Reg Wiseman              Brentwood
  110 85  Rosemary Wood            Luton
  131 54  Jenny Woodroffe          Devizes
   73 55  Keith Woodruff           Southend
   95 57  Henry Woodward           Reading
  147     Richard Woodward         LSL
  107     Irene Woolley            Rustington
  120 22  Robert Woolls            *Surrey*
  150     Val Wright               Bournemouth
   91     Sheila Wyatt             Southampton
   88 17  Alfred Xuereb            *Malta*
   93 33  Pippa Yates              Peterborough
   57     Barbara Yeaman           Lang Toun
   73     Nancy Yorkston           *Edinburgh*
   91 31  Brenda Young             LSL
  116     Judy Young               Basingstoke
  103 18  Albert Zammit            *Malta*
  156     Ricky Zinger             Glasgow